Did You Know – HeySpotMeGirl.com https://heyspotmegirl.com Mon, 19 Apr 2021 15:12:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://heyspotmegirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/cropped-favicon-spotmegirl-alt_2-1-32x32.png Did You Know – HeySpotMeGirl.com https://heyspotmegirl.com 32 32 What Body Fat Percentage is Healthy for Women https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/did-you-know/body-fat-percentage-for-women/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/did-you-know/body-fat-percentage-for-women/#comments Wed, 29 Aug 2018 16:11:45 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=29073 Six-pack abs. Cellulite-free booty. Maybe just a smaller pant size? Every woman who’s dabbled in working out and eating clean probably has a body fat percentage in mind when it comes to what her “goal body” looks like.

Although it can be a good thing to set lofty goals, just how realistic are your fitness goals and what are you willing to do more of (or less of) to achieve the look you desire?

To help you figure out which body fat percentage you should be setting your sights on, we’ve found a range of examples, with information on what it takes to get there. With the help of this guide, you’ll find out whether your goals are healthy and realistic.

Women’s Body Fat Percentages

1) Greater than 32 percent


A body fat percentage greater than 32 percent is considered to be obese. The women pictured here are probably closer to 45 or 50 percent body fat. New numbers from a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show just over 40 percent of women are obese, compared to 35 percent of men.

Essentially, women in this category are not making healthy choices on a regular basis. Although you can eat whatever you want at this body fat percentage, the tradeoff is low energy levels, lower life expectancy, and risk of heart disease and more.

Read on to find out what it takes to fall under the healthy “average” category of 26 to 30 percent body fat.

2) Between 26 to 31 percent


The good news is it’s not that hard to go from unhealthy levels of body fat to the higher end of average. We all know what we have to do to lose a few pounds it’s just putting in the time and the effort to make it happen for a healthier you.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Drink less soda and other sugary beverages
  • Cut back on desserts and fast food
  • Begin exercising more than you normally would and try to be as active as possible in your day to day life

The most important reminder is to remain consistent. These “simple” changes might not seem so easy at first, but they’ll help you achieve a healthier body fat percentage. You may need to hire a trainer to help with accountability, but most people will agree the tradeoff is well worth it.

So, you’re looking better and feeling better. You have improved health and you sleep like a baby. But maybe you want to turn things up a notch and have your sights set on the next body fat percentage bracket.

3) Between 23 to 25 percent


So you want curves like Kim Kardashian, but don’t want to have to give up your Friday Happy Hour? The good news is you can have both. Even better news? You should be able to maintain this level of body fat with a little planning and know-how.

The tradeoffs? You’re going to probably have to skip Monday through Thursday Happy Hour and meet at the gym instead.

Additionally, focus on reducing stress levels and getting eight hours of sleep on a consistent basis. Stress releases a hormone called cortisol. Too much cortisol causes the body to hang on to belly fat. Bottom line—chill out to lean out.

4) Between 20 to 22 percent


With this body fat percentage, there’s no mistaking that you work out and eat healthily on a regular basis. You’re a regular “gym bunny.”

You probably practice intuitive eating—you fuel your body with healthy foods when you’re hungry, and maybe only have a small indulgence on a daily basis. This could mean a glass of wine or a piece of dark chocolate.

Make no mistakes, it takes discipline and a regular gym routine, but it’s probably not going to interfere with your social life or priorities outside of your normal workout time.

5) Between 16 to 19 percent


At this level, you are very lean. You probably have a visible six-pack when you wake up in the morning a little dehydrated. Your overall health is good considering the lack of processed foods in your diet.

You go to the gym religiously and which may have an impact on your social engagements outside of your gym life. If you do make time for social functions—plan to practice saying “no” to the alcohol and fatty foods that your friends are freely engaging in.

Consequently, you may even hear lines like, “You’re too skinny,” “Eat a cheeseburger,” or the dreaded, “You’re no fun anymore.”

It’s up to you to decide whether the benefits outweigh the tradeoffs.

Ever heard the old saying “Birds of a feather flock together?” You may be lucky and have the type of friends who support your new lifestyle, but you should be prepared to experience a lot of negative feedback from the ones who don’t.

6) Less than 16 percent



What’s the point, you ask? Many people feel a sense of accomplishment for dieting down to this level for a photoshoot or fitness competition. Although it looks super shredded for all the pictures, it’s not a body fat percentage you should look to achieve for the long term.

You have to be very focused on dieting and working out big time to get down to this level. There’s nothing wrong with having a goal of getting ripped up like your favorite cover model, just know it’s going to require a lot of work.

As you try to drop down to this weight, you’ll probably have difficulty socializing in situations that involve food as you will have to weigh and measure all your meals by the ounce and avoid restaurants. Many bodybuilders are susceptible to eating disorders after maintaining such rigid food rules for extended periods of time, so keep that in mind if this is your comp goal.

This level of leanness can be quite unhealthy, so keep that in mind as you head down this road. A photo shoot or a bikini competition isn’t a bad goal to have, just make sure you have the expectation of gaining back a reasonable amount of healthy weight after the big day.

What body fat percentage is too low for women?

Not all fat is bad fat. Women need more fat than men for basic physical and physiological health, so it’s important you maintain a healthy level as much as possible.

Women also need a certain amount of fat for ovulation and it’s not uncommon to hear of women who have lost their menstrual cycle after getting too lean. This isn’t a healthy way to be, so try if this starts to happen to you as you lose weight, you may want to visit your doctor or rethink your plan.

So how lean is too lean? A research paper published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2000 concluded women between the ages of 20 and 40 under 21 percent body fat are considered “underfat” and 21 to 32 percent is considered healthy. For men in the same category, eight percent is considered “underfat,” whereas a healthy range is between eight to 19 percent.

Many bodybuilders diet down or even maintain numbers well below this range on a regular basis, but it is important to know the difference between training for aesthetics and training for health. Of course, body fat is only one measure of health. To imply that anyone who has a six-pack and eats well is “underfat” or “unhealthy” is a stretch.

On the other hand, lean yet feminine physiques like fitness model Michelle Lewin are idolized in both the bodybuilding world and by us mere mortals. Lewin self-purported her body fat percentage to be 9.9 percent on her Twitter account (although this estimate is probably a little low).

How to measure body fat percentage

Body fat percentage can be estimated several different ways, including the use of calipers and bioelectrical impedance scales, but the margin of error can be up to five percent. Hydration levels and food intake at the time of measuring can also skew the test.

The hydrostatic dunk test is believed to be one of the most accurate tests. The subject must submerge themselves in water and blow all of the air out of their body—probably not a test you’re going to do on a regular basis.

The Naked 3D Fitness Tracker will use similar technology to hydrostatic dunking in the convenience of your own home. This mirror/scale will allow the user to upload a 3D body scan to their smartphone accurately recording their body fat percentage, measurements, and weight. This supercomputer is available to order now.

When looking to lose fat, it’s up to you to choose what you want to achieve and how you want your body to look. There are a number of tradeoffs when it comes to getting lean, and some more extreme body fat percentage levels aren’t good for your overall health. Whatever you decide, it’s best to know about all the pros and cons before you start.

If you are heading to a comp or looking to lower your body fat percentage levels, check out Instant Knockout CUT, the number one product in our Top 10 Fat Burners for Women.


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Do Men Like Bulky and Muscular Women? https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/did-you-know/do-men-like-bulky-and-muscular-women/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/did-you-know/do-men-like-bulky-and-muscular-women/#comments Tue, 24 Jul 2018 12:27:13 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=28623 If you’re asking yourself, do men like bulky and muscular women? Then you’ve landed in the right place!

You might find it interesting to know that most studies looking at a man’s ‘favourite body type’ have been done using a limited range of physiques such as skinny, pear shaped and hourglass.

However, new studies have been carried out taking into account ‘fit’ and ‘muscular’ women. 

Even though most findings shown men might prefer thinner women, these new studies show men find ‘fit and strong’ curves equally as attractive.

Do Men Like Bulky and Muscular Women? 8

Often, men choose the thinest woman out of several body types for one main reason: It symbolises health, fertility and athleticism.

We also have to take into account that there wasn’t a wider variety of body types to compare against in these original studies. But things are changing.

At the end of the day girls, who really cares what a man thinks anyway! But it doesn’t hurt to know!

What is it to be bulky and muscular anyway?

We’re talking about someone who lifts weight, sprints track, or takes part in any type of physically demanding activity that causes muscle growth.

Think of a sprinter, weightlifter or a bodybuilder to name a few.

Lidia Valentín celebrating
Lidia Valentín celebrating after completing a successful weightlifting competition.

These body types aren’t exactly skinny, but they ‘ARE’ on the side of athletic as their bodies are well-shaped, muscular and athletic in appearance.

What’s Changing?

Let’s go back a few years. The gyms we’re full with women in the cardio sections and men in the weightlifting areas.

But something has been changing and shaping the way we workout and view our finiteness goals.

Impact in Sports and Society

With the injection of Instagram and CrossFit and other sports such as Olympic Weightlifting it’s no wonder that more women are picking up the iron following in their idols footsteps.

A New Study

A study published by SicenceDaily.com shows that men like women who are ‘fit’ and in shape instead of just skinny:

According to research from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, beauty ideals are changing, with increasing emphasis now being placed on bodies that are fit, toned, muscular and healthy.

The shift in attitudes coincides with an increasing number of women discovering the benefits of weight-training in the gym, “fitspiration” Instagram accounts and #strongnotskinny trending on social media. – The Independent.

Benefits of Being More Muscular


Do Men Like Bulky and Muscular Women? 9

There’s so many benefits for us women to have more muscle and a little added bulk.

Firstly there’s confidence. Years have gone by where women have been forced to believe that skinny is the only way to live happy.

This has lead to many unhealthy relationships with food and the way we as women view ourselves.

However, once you start to train with weights or take part in any type of resistance training, your shift focuses on your overall health, strength and recovery.

This allows you to eat more healthy foods and feel more comfortable in your own skin. Compare this against the previous mindset of starvation diets and endless cardio – resistance trading wins hands down.


Do Men Like Bulky and Muscular Women? 10

Improving strength is very important for women; as compared to our male counterparts who find it easier to pack on muscle due to their naturally occurring testosteron, we have to work twice as hard – but it’s for good reason.

The more strength and muscle we have, the easier our day to day activities will be.

Not only that, the more resistance training we take part in will improve flexibility and range of motion – which are vital for everyday health and mobility.

Also, as we get older, whatever muscle we did have in our youth will begin to fade. Which makes it even more important that we continue to improve and maintain our strength as we age.

Looking to build lean muscle and maintain a strong physique? Try a top-rated T-booster…

Do Men Like Bulky and Muscular Women? 11

Weight Loss

Do Men Like Bulky and Muscular Women? 12

Did you know, the more muscle you have on your body the more calories you’ll burn?

Your body has to work harder to walk, climb the stairs, go to work and run errands – basically your day to day movements. This is due to the added muscle mass – more muscle = a higher basal metabolic rate.

Build Muscle With Shape & Burn

Do Men Like Bulky and Muscular Women? 13

Check out Shape & Burn. A killer online workout program we’ve tried and reviewed!

Not only does having more muscle increase your resting metabolism. When you take part in resistance training, it’s burns a lot more calories compared to steady state cardio.

This makes resistance training a great option for re-shaping your physiques, burning a few extra calories, and feeling more confident at the same time.

Boost your calorie burn with a weight loss supplement…

Do Men Like Bulky and Muscular Women? 14

How To Build More Muscle?

To build more muscle you’ll need to start a weight training program and get your eating plan in check.

It’s not as complicated as it sounds.

All you’ll need to do is lift weights (preferably compound movements three times per week) and eat enough healthy foods to support muscle growth and recovery.

For tips on how to do this, see our post here on: How To Build Lean Muscle.

bulky crossfit athlete

Summing it Up!

There you have it girls, it’s a fact that men do like women with more curves, muscle, and a little athletic bulk to our frames.

However, working out just for men to like us is not the point – who cares what they think anyway!

Workout because you love it, not because what people might think of you.

There’s so many benefits to using weights and adding muscle to your frame. Who knows, it might just be the switch you need from starvation mode to lifting weights and eating healthier.

Give lifting weights a go! You might just love it!





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Does Exercise During Your Period Burn More Calories? https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/did-you-know/does-exercise-during-your-period-burn-more-calories/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/did-you-know/does-exercise-during-your-period-burn-more-calories/#respond Wed, 09 May 2018 09:45:00 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=27524 You train hard and like to hit the gym regularly. But now you’re wondering if you might burn more calories and lose more weight when you’re on your period.

And the answer is actually surprisingly interesting.

Men and women aren’t the same, that’s pretty obvious. We react differently in the gym and although men might be that little bit stronger, women have more endurance and stamina.

The biggest difference between men and women is the different hormones that flow around your body.

And it’s some of these hormones that help control and regulate your period.

Can you train all month and burn more weight? Will exercising on your period lead to better weight loss?

Let’s take a look…

A Woman’s Period and Her Hormones

It’s hard to discuss periods without talking in averages. After all, menstrual cycles are often talked about in the context of 28 days.

But they’re rarely exactly that length. Some women have shorter periods, other have longer.

Women that has a menstrual cycle lasting between 21 and 35 days is classed as eumenorrheic- or basically she has a normal period length.

But just to make things easy we’ll talk about periods over a 28 day calendar. And you can then play around with the information to suit your own needs based on your own individual cycle length.

Here’s what happens: 


Days 1-14: Follicular phase

The first day of your period is when you start bleeding. It signals the start of your period and is when day 1 starts. You can expect to bleed for around 3-5 days, although there are again some variances.

During so so called ‘follicular phase’, a hormone called estrogen and one called progesterone start off low. This triggers the release of follicle stimulating hormone from your brain and from there, a follicle is formed and begins to mature.

As the follicle grows it starts off an increase in estrogen, which begins to increase towards day 7 and  subsequently peaks at day 12-14.

The sharp rise in estrogen then triggers your brain to release luteinzing hormone, that powerfully ruptures the follicle and releases the egg inside it.

This is called ovulation and is accompanied by feelings of high sex drive (mostly because of a small rise in testosterone which boosts libido) and thicker mucus that’s more hospitable for sperm to mature in.

Days 14-28: Luteal phase

There are two mini phases here, with each one lasting around 7 days long.

After ovulation, estrogen levels fall rapidly because luteinizing hormone levels decrease.

In the early luteal phase, the burst follicle now begins to produce progesterone via the corpus luteum (hence the name luteal phase).

As progesterone peaks at around the mid to end luteal phase, it prepares the uterus for pregnancy and maintains uterine lining. There’s also another, smaller peak of estrogen too as the two hormones work together to prepare the egg for fertilization.

At this stage, if you get pregnant, progesterone remains high to help with development of an embryo.

But if you don’t, it decreases. And this leads to your corpus luteum degrading and then of course bleeding starts as you shed your uterine lining in preparation for the next period.

Female athlete deadlifting at a competition

How Does Your Period Affect Your Body During Exercise?

So why the biology lesson up to this point?

Well all these hormonal changes across the month also affect what happens to your body during exercise. For example, across the 28 days you’ll experience:

  • Changes in body temperature and metabolic rate
  • Energy levels will peak and fall
  • Your strength and endurance change
  • The way in which you burn carbs and fats for fuel alters

But if you harness the power of these changes you can use them to your advantage – especially if you want to burn more calories on your period.

Again, breaking it down by phases of the menstrual cycle shows what happens to your body during exercise…

Follicular phase exercise considerations

Because estrogen is elevated while progesterone is low, the follicular phase suits real tough, hard workouts.

Estrogen is an anabolic hormone for women that protects against muscle damage, speeds up recovery and even helps muscle ‘remodel’ or grow faster.

if your goal is to sculpt some muscle shape, this is the phase to do so.

You burn more carbs for fuel during the follicular phase , but not more calories in total. Your body is primed for hard exercise however, as carbs are your main fuel source at higher intensities.

Couple that with optimal body temperature and you’re good to go.

You’ve also got more energy. This leads to a higher level of strength and endurance for HIIT workouts as well.

And finally, just when you’re thinking you might be Superwomen, you’ll also find that you fatigue slower and even have higher pain tolerance here too. So you pretty much are!

So does exercise during your period burn more calories?

Not directly.

But you’ve got all the tools you need to smash your workouts and make a big difference to your figure.

The follicular phase is basically for female badasses that aren’t afraid to really ramp up their workouts.


Follicular phase summary: You’re strong, fit and have a lower pain tolerance. This phase is all about hard strength training and lots of interval workouts to burn more calories.


Luteal phase exercise considerations

As you know from earlier in the article, the luteal phase see a big increase in progesterone.

And this hormone kind of ruins the estrogen gains party.

Your body temperature begins to increase and you might feel like your energy levels are lower. Couple that with an increase in water retention, poor sleep, loss of co-ordination and irritability from PMS and you might not want to hit the gym with the same venom as you did earlier on your period.

On the plus side your metabolic rate does increase by around 10-20%, but you’ll also feel much hungrier so what you gain on one hand you take away with the other.

After such a tough couple of weeks in the gym you’ll benefit from less intense workouts during the luteal phase. More moderate cardio and lower weights for maintenance is the safest and most effective approach here.


Luteal phase summary: A lack of energy coupled with increased body temperature might make intense exercise harder. You do burn more calories at rest due to increased metabolic rate, but your appetite might cancel that out unless you’ve got your diet nailed.


Summary – So does your body burn more calories on your period?

The answer isn’t a simple yes or no.

You do burn more calories at rest during the luteal phase. But your ability to work hard during the follicle phase sees you able to ramp up the workout intensity.

Being aware of the changes that occur across your cycle helps you to adapt your exercise program to optimize how your body burns calories on your period.

During the first two weeks you should be aiming for some real high-volume, high-intensity strength training and cardio while your energy levels and carbs burning potential is elevated.

This will lead to a huge stimulus for calorie burn during your period and some nice lean tissue.

In the last two weeks of your period you switch the calorie burning towards stored fat.

But this is offset by elevated appetite and hunger.

You might not have as much energy and your co-ordination might be less-than-perfect during the luteal phase. But you can ease off the intensity and go for some moderate intensity workouts to carry on burning calories during your period here too.

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What Are the Benefits of Exercise During Your Period? https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/did-you-know/what-are-the-benefits-of-exercise-during-your-period/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/did-you-know/what-are-the-benefits-of-exercise-during-your-period/#respond Fri, 06 Apr 2018 11:12:14 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=26303 There’s no need to stay away from the gym when you’re on your period. Train the right way and you’ll feel energized, stronger, fitter and more motivated.

You might have been told that you shouldn’t exercise when you’re on your period. That exercise might make symptoms of menstruation worse, or that you can hurt yourself.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

There are a number of reasons why you should be active throughout your cycle. From health and well-being to athletic and sports performance.

If you skip the gym because you’re on your period you might want to give this article a read.

What actually happens to your body during menstruation?

This isn’t a biology lesson so we’ll keep this section short.

But it is important that you realize some of the changes that happen over the course of a period, so that you understand exactly why you can hit the gym every day.

Period basics

Although we all have different period lengths, most women have a menstrual cycle that lasts between 21-35 days. The average is 28 days.

Your menstrual cycle is the series of changes that occur to prepare your body for pregnancy. It involves changes in various hormonal, chemical and systemic fluctuations to regulate these changes.

The 28 day cycle can be split into 3 phases:

  • Menstrual and follicular phase – days 1-14: This is where your uterine lining is shed and menstrual bleeding occurs.
  • Ovulation – days 14-15: During this short phase, an egg is released from your ovaries.
  • Luteal phase – 15-28: In this last phase, the egg implants itself to your endometrium if fertilized. If not, your uterine lining begins to degrade and your body prepares to shed it.

Changing hormones across the cycle

During each menstrual phase, your hormones shift and fluctuate to force changes to occur.

And while these fluctuations can be complex from a physiology perspective, there are a few major players that you need to know about here.

Estrogen – This is the primary female hormone. It rises during the follicular phase – quite slowly to begin with – but then higher towards ovulation. There is a small peak during days 14-15 before it trails off again. During the luteal phase there is a small increase in estrogen again.

Progesterone – As a hormone responsible for helping your uterine lining mature, it remains low throughout the follicular phase, increasing during ovulation and peaking during the luteal phase.

Testosterone – An important hormone for boosting female athleticism, strength and libido, testosterone is steady throughout the full cycle but has a small peak during ovulation. This is thought to be because an increase in sex drive during your most fertile phase elevates the chance of egg fertilization.

Not only do all of these hormonal changes occur to help regulate the maturation and disposal of eggs, they also have an effect on your body in other ways too.

Your mood can change over the course of 28 days, as can your fitness levels, strength, food cravings, insulin sensitivity and co-ordination.

But here’s the thing ladies…

At no point should you give up physical activity on your period.

Dark-haired female athlete squatting in the gym

You can exercise when on your period

There are so many benefits to exercise.

Not only does it boost heart, bone and brain health, it keeps you lean too. Being active helps to give your muscles tone and shape, and regular time in the gym decreases your risk of illness as well.

Exercise really does add life to your years, and years to your life.

But many women think that because they are on their period they can’t exercise.

And while some of the symptoms of your period might make you feel irritable, tired or just not in the mood for a strenuous gym session, there are a number of reasons why you should give at least a little bit of physical activity a go.

Ease menstrual cramps with moderate-intensity exercise

If you suffer from uncomfortable cramps or PMS you should definitely lace up your gym sneakers and give some moderate-intensity exercise a try.

When your luteal phase kicks in and progesterone is high, you might suffer from menstrual cramps. You really don’t need to be going to hard with your workouts to get any benefits; even lighter exercise will help to reduce symptoms.

Walking during periods increases circulation as well as endorphin level – your bodies feel good chemicals. It also helps to reduce tension in your abdomen, lower back and legs too.

Experts all agree that regular exercise can help reduce uterine cramps by relaxing the muscles around that area.

Exercise help to reduce stress levels and both the physical and psychological symptoms of cramps.

You can take advantage of your elevated strength and build more muscle

Not all women know this but you are actually strongest during late follicular phase of menstruation.

During the first two weeks of your period, and through to ovulation, your body allows you to work hard in the gym because of the following reasons.

  • Pain tolerance is at its highest
  • Fatigue levels are at their lowest
  • Body temperature is stabilized, but higher during the luteal phase
  • Co-ordination and motor skill levels are high
  • You perceive higher-intensity exercise to be easier

The follicular phase is a perfect opportunity to ramp up the intensity of your gym sessions and make some real strength and fitness progress.

Not only are your fatigue levels low and your pain tolerance/perception of exercise intensity blunted, your estrogen levels are high – and this is great for reducing muscle damage and promoting recovery. Estrogen is a huge anti-catabolic hormone.

This means a better muscle growth response.

You’ve also got the helping hand of testosterone too as you move closer to the ovulation phase.

So how should you train during your follicular phase?

Go for big lifts, high-volume and heavy weights up to the point that ovulation passes.

It’s a great time to go for a PR or a 1 rep max too!

There’s also some really cool research showing that if you train more frequently during the follicular phase and less in the luteal phase you’ll build more muscle than if you trained a moderate number of times per week consistently throughout your period.

Group of women exercising on a bike in the gym

Boost your mood with cardio activities

If you feel low on energy, irritable, anxious or even depressed it can hard to throw everything you’ve got at the gym. Add to that the fact you might be bloated and feel hot and the thought of all-out exercise can be more than off-putting.

If you really can’t muster the energy to lift heavy weights or go for personal records then don’t. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid the gym altogether.

Cardio on your period can be a great and far easier for most women during this time.

Swimming, going for a walk, using a treadmill during periods or even light-intensity activities such as Yoga and stretching are great alternative activities to throw into your routine.

They boost your mood and help to re-invigorate your energy levels too. Just what you need when you don’t feel at your best.

Exercise reduces the effects of menstrual headaches

Many women suffer from headaches around the time that their period visits. Although the exact reasons why are kind of unknown, it’s currently thought to be because of a drop in estrogen.

Menstrual headaches can be more painful than migraines and can really affect your ability to exercise.

However, there’s a considerable number of studies showing that light exercise can help reduce symptoms of these headaches by releasing tension, blood flow and boosting endorphin levels too.

Is there a best workout to do when you have your period?

This one is pretty much impossible to answer. Simply because every woman has different symptoms that affect her abilities in various ways.

Giving blanket recommendation can cause problems because what suits you might not suit every other female.

It’s all about thinking cleverly.

If you feel great and you’re having a good period then get in the gym and use those hormonal fluctuations to your advantage. Life big, lift strong and lift to win.

But if you’re feeling bloated, tired, weak and are suffering cramps, you should reduce the intensity and aim for regular, light-intensity physical activity instead.

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Fat Loss SECRETS For Female Endomorphs Revealed https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/did-you-know/fat-loss-secrets-for-female-endomorphs-revealed/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/did-you-know/fat-loss-secrets-for-female-endomorphs-revealed/#respond Thu, 10 Aug 2017 15:25:34 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=25561 If you’ve landed on this article, then you’ll most likely know that there are difference body types – Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph.

If you know what you are, then jump right ahead.

For those who don’t, here’s a quick rundown.

Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph Explained


Ectomorph – Characterized by a skinny frame and low body fat. Ectomorphs will generally find it hard to put weight on. Most esctomorphs can get away with over eating and minimal weight gain!

Mesomorphs – An average bone structure and will look athletic and more muscular than the ectomorph. Mesomorphs find it easier to build muscle, but will gain fat much easier.

Endomorphs – Can often find it harder to lose weight. This body type is characterized by higher amounts of total body mass with a shorter build and thick arms and legs.

It’s the Endomorphs we are talking to here. Yes it is harder to lose a few pounds than some skinny ass girl at the gym, but it’s not impossible. Plus you’ll find it easier to build muscle and tone up!

In this article we’re giving you the tools needed to get lean and sculpt your dream bikini beach body.

Check it out:

Top 3 Fat Loss Secrets For Female Endomophs

1. Eating Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat!

healthy fats as the secret for fat loss in female endormorphs

If you don’t know much about nutrition, it’s understandable why you’d think consuming fats is a bad thing.

However, it’s important to know that there are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ fats; the ones you should be looking to add to your diet are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which can be found in avocado, fish and olive oil.

Which ones should you avoid? Answer: Artificial Trans-Fats (which are contained in processed foods like cakes, biscuits and muffins).

Bottom Line: Fats from healthier foods such as avocado, fish oil and olive oil aren’t equal to those in sugary treats. Cut the sugary crap out and go for that healthy stuff!

2. Boost Your Metabolism

Foods, HIIT and supplements are the key in fat loss for female endomorphs

You’ve probably heard the word ‘metabolism’ thrown around, but might not know what it is.

Basically, your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the minimum amount of energy (calories) your body needs to maintain its weight. So by speeding this up, you’ll burn more body fat.

Luckily for you, we’ll give you quick summaries of ways to boost your metabolism below…

Thermogenic Foods

Have you ever wondered why you sweat after eating hot chilli peppers?

Well, this is because of the thermogenic effect they have, which directly raises your metabolism – encouraging your body to burn more body fat.

As a result, eating these kinds of foods can really give you that ‘kick’ needed to help you get lean.

Here’s the best food, herbs & spices that boost your metabolism:

  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Green Tea
  • Green Coffee Bean

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

You didn’t think you could get through this article without seeing any form of cardio, did you?

But don’t worry, we won’t tell you to spend hours on a treadmill. Instead, you can get it over in 20-30 minutes with HIIT.

Simply put, HIIT has proven to help raise your metabolism, even after your workout is over (with the ‘afterburn effect’).

How do you perform HIIT? This is basically where you sprint, then rest, then sprint…then rest – you get the idea.

Our favorite way of performing HIIT is on a cycling machine; you can sprints for 10-15 seconds, then rest for 45-50 seconds. Continue repeating this until you’ve completed 20-30 mins.


We mentioned that thermogenic foods can boost your metabolism. But what if you don’t like eating chillies or drinking green tea?

The answer is fat burner supplements. These will provide your body with the fuel it needs to sculpt your dream bikini body – without having to suffer from adding chilli to every single meal.

If you’re interested, then head to the website of our favorite fat burner supplement here or you can check out SpotMeGirl’s Best Fat Burners For Women here.

Best Fat Burners For Women

3. Watch Your Calorie Intake!

calories in fat loss for female endormorphs

This is the most important section of this article. Calories are EVERYTHING when it comes to losing or gaining weight.

If you eat over your basal metabolic rate, then you’ll gain weight (and fat depending on your diet and workout routine).

However, if you eat under your BMR, then you’ll lose weight – this is scientifically proven.

As a result, it’s important to keep an eye on your calorie intake to succeed on your fat burning journey.

If you’re unsure what your BMR is, then head over to this page now (where there’s a calorie calculator to do the hard work for you).

No More Excuses: Get Started Now!

If you’ve ever complained about your slow metabolism before – now you have no excuse.

We’ve given you the tools necessary to boost your basal metabolic rate (BMR); this will allow you to burn more body fat, more efficiently – to reach your fitness goals, faster.

Bottom Line

Foods, HIIT and fat burner supplements can help boost your metabolism. But your calorie intake is what really makes the difference (see this article to learn more about the importance of calories).

Best Fat Burners For Women

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You Won’t Believe How HUGE These 9 Female Bodybuilders Are https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/did-you-know/9-huge-female-bodybuilders/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/did-you-know/9-huge-female-bodybuilders/#comments Tue, 23 May 2017 17:55:17 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=23631 The following female bodybuilders have gone where very few dare to tread. They amazed with strength and size most male lifters would sell their souls to achieve.

Disclaimer: Just from looking at these super-sized muscle women, you can tell it’s impossible to achieve these physiques naturally. As you’ll see below, many of these female bodybuilders have made some huge health sacrifices to achieve their super-natural looks. Always exercise safely and avoid the use of steroids.

9 Biggest Female Bodybuilders of All Time

1) Chyna

You Won't Believe How HUGE These 9 Female Bodybuilders Are 24

Born as Joan Marie Laurer, Chyna was a famous professional wrestler from the late 90’s and early 2000’s. She quickly became popular because of her huge frame and freakish strength. Often competing against men, she went on to win both the women’s and men’s championship belts in then WWF, today’s WWE.

She was at her peak when she posed naked for Playboy magazine in November 2000 and again in 2002. When she left WWE she tried everything from wrestling for other organizations to doing porn. Sadly, she died of a drug overdose in 2016.

2) Nicole Bass

You Won't Believe How HUGE These 9 Female Bodybuilders Are 25

Nicole Bass was also a professional wrestler, but unlike Chyna, she actually tried her luck in bodybuilding and even managed to place 14th at Ms. Olympia in 1997. As you can tell by the picture above, Bass was HUGE. She was six feet and 200 pounds of muscle and terror.

She competed in the legendary ECW and WWF. Her life was cut short  in February 2017 when she died of a heart attack.

3) Julia Vins

You Won't Believe How HUGE These 9 Female Bodybuilders Are 26

Let’s finish this page off with a living person, introducing the one and only, boldenone barbie-Julia Vins. The young Russian is a competitive powerlifter and at the tender age of 20, her stats are impressive as hell!

She can squat 520 pounds and deadlifts 420 pounds at a weight of just 143 pounds. Miss Vins became famous because she underwent a number of aesthetic surgeries to make her face more doll-like.

4) Iris Kyle

You Won't Believe How HUGE These 9 Female Bodybuilders Are 27

Iris Kyle is the pinnacle of female bodybuilding. She has won Ms. Olympia title record-setting ten times. She is the physical embodiment of what women think will happen to them if they start lifting weights.

Miss Kyle is retired these days and owns smoothie cafe in City Athletic Club in Las Vegas.

5) Nataliya Kuznetsova

You Won't Believe How HUGE These 9 Female Bodybuilders Are 28

We already wrote about the Russian She-Hulk, that is Nataliya Kuznetsova. She is a Russian powerlifter and bodybuilder and, yes, she uses steroids-she openly admits it. She stands at five feet and seven inches, but her thighs measure 30 inches with her biceps peaking at nearly 20 inches.

You could also say she is fairly strong since her best squat is 400 pounds and bench press 375 pounds.

6) Rene Campbell

You Won't Believe How HUGE These 9 Female Bodybuilders Are 29

Miss Campbell is the perfect example of dedication to bodybuilding. She works out two hours a day and maintains a strict meal plan. She eats seven chicken breasts and consumes about 4,000 calories. And that’s just in a 12 hour period, not even an entire day! Her nutrition intake is so precise, she carries a small scale with her to weigh her food, even when she goes to eat out. This is the level of dedication needed to look like Rene Campbell. So, ladies don’t worry about getting big if you replace treadmill running with squatting.

7) Brigita Brezovac

You Won't Believe How HUGE These 9 Female Bodybuilders Are 30

This retired Slovenian may be retired has long held her place in the hall of fame for female bodybuilders, ranking 5th of all time. She started lifting weights around the time she was 14 and had a boyfriend that owned a small gym. One thing led to another and at the age of 22, she was already competing in amateur shows while getting the pro card at the age of 31.

She retired four years ago in 2013 after placing fifth at Ms. Olympia.

8) Alina Popa

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Alina is ranked second as the all-time greatest female bodybuilder. Unlike Brigita, the Romanian-born Popa is still active in competition and just last year won her latest competition. She is a Ms. Olympia two-time runner up and her other accomplishments are a mile long.

Her lifting numbers aren’t that bad either, she squats 375 pounds, benches 242 pounds, and deadlifts 308 pounds. So you could say she’s fairly strong.

9) Denise Rutkowski

Ending this article with a familiar story. Denise was a bodybuilder in the late 80’s and early 90’s and fairly good one. She was one of the candidates that were expected to win the ’94 Ms. Olympia contest. However, life had other plans for her.

As her career progressed, so did her steroid consumption and well… let’s put it this way. Rampant steroid consumption and hormonal meddling can be extremely damaging to a woman’s health.

If you’re looking for an edge to growing muscle, but lead that natty life (good choice girl) you might benefit from a testosterone booster. Women produce a low level of T, and you can support this production with an all natural supplement, that simply helps you support more muscle. If this sounds good to you, check out our testosterone booster reviews and find out how they can help you.

You Won't Believe How HUGE These 9 Female Bodybuilders Are 32

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