Lifestyle – Sun, 20 Aug 2023 14:37:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lifestyle – 32 32 The Ultimate Workout Plan for Women Over 50: Stay Strong and Fit as You Age Sun, 20 Aug 2023 14:35:47 +0000 Strength training is a crucial component of any workout plan for women over 50. As we age, our bodies naturally experience muscle loss, which can lead to reduced strength, mobility, and overall functionality. By engaging in regular strength training exercises, women can build and maintain lean muscle mass, improve bone density, and reduce the risk of falls and fractures.

Strength training also offers a range of additional benefits for women over 50. It boosts metabolism, allowing for more efficient calorie burning and weight management. It enhances mental health, reducing the risk of depression and increasing overall self-confidence. Furthermore, strength training improves balance, coordination, and mobility, enabling women to perform daily activities with ease and maintain an active lifestyle.

Cardiovascular Exercise for Heart Health and Stamina

In addition to strength training, cardiovascular exercise is essential for women over 50. Cardiovascular exercises, also known as aerobic exercises, promote heart health, lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and increase stamina and endurance. Engaging in regular cardiovascular workouts can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

There are various options for cardiovascular exercises, allowing women to choose activities that they enjoy and that suit their fitness level. Walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, and hiking are all excellent choices for cardiovascular workouts. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity. Remember to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to avoid overexertion.

The Importance of Core and Balance Training

Core and balance training are vital for women over 50, as they help maintain good posture, stability, and overall body control. A strong core contributes to better balance and reduces the risk of falls, which can be particularly detrimental to older individuals. Incorporating exercises that target the abdominal muscles, lower back, and hips into your workout routine can help strengthen your core and improve balance.

Planks and side planks are effective exercises for engaging the core muscles. To perform a plank, start by assuming a push-up position with your forearms on the ground. Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe, engaging your core muscles. Hold this position for as long as you can, gradually increasing the duration over time. Side planks involve supporting your body weight on one forearm and the side of your foot, while maintaining a straight line from head to toe.

Additionally, stability ball rollouts, pelvic tilts, abdominal pulses, and yoga are all beneficial activities for core training and improving balance. Incorporate these exercises into your workout routine to enhance your overall stability and body control.

The Role of Stretching in Maintaining Flexibility

Flexibility tends to decrease with age, leading to stiffness and reduced range of motion. Stretching exercises are essential for women over 50, as they help maintain flexibility, improve joint mobility, and prevent muscle imbalances and injuries. Regular stretching can also alleviate muscle soreness, improve posture, and promote relaxation.

Before engaging in static stretching, it’s important to warm up your muscles with a few minutes of dynamic movements. Walking, cycling, or performing large joint movements like arm circles and trunk rotations can help prepare your body for stretching. Hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds, focusing on major muscle groups such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, chest, shoulders, and back. Avoid bouncing or straining during stretches, and remember to breathe deeply and relax into each position.

Developing a Safe and Effective Workout Schedule

To maximize the benefits of your workout plan, it’s important to develop a safe and effective schedule. Aim to train each major muscle group at least twice a week on non-consecutive days. You can choose between a total body workout twice a week or alternate upper and lower body workouts three times a week. Remember to allow your muscles time to recover and adapt between workouts.

On non-weight-training days, focus on core exercises, balance training, and posture improvement. Engage in moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise most days of the week, aiming for a minimum of 150 minutes per week. If you’re new to exercise, you can break this down into shorter bouts of 10 to 15 minutes, one to three times a day.

Flexibility training should also be incorporated into your routine, ideally for 30 minutes, three days a week. However, even a few minutes of stretching can provide significant benefits. Remember to listen to your body and adjust your schedule and intensity based on your individual fitness level and goals.

The Best Strength Training Exercises for Women Over 50

To target all major muscle groups and achieve a full-body workout, incorporate a variety of strength training exercises into your routine. Here are some examples of effective exercises for women over 50:

1. Basic Squats

Squats are a fundamental strength training exercise that targets the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core. To perform a basic squat:

  1. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward.
  2. Bend your knees and sit your butt back as if you are going to sit in a chair.
  3. Keep your weight evenly distributed in both heels and avoid letting your knees go past your toes.
  4. Pause briefly at the bottom of the squat and then rise back up to the starting position.

2. Modified Push-Ups

Push-ups are an excellent exercise for strengthening the upper body, including the chest, back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. If traditional push-ups are challenging, you can start with modified push-ups:

  1. Begin in a kneeling position with your hands below your shoulders and knees behind your hips.
  2. Keep your gaze in front of your fingertips, engage your glutes and inner thighs, and activate the lower body.
  3. Slowly lower yourself to the ground, keeping your elbows at a 45-degree angle.
  4. Press yourself back up to the starting position.

Once you have mastered modified push-ups, you can progress to full push-ups from your toes.

3. Reverse Grip Double Arm Row

The reverse grip double arm row primarily targets the upper body, including the triceps, back, and shoulders. To perform this exercise:

  1. Start with your legs together and sit back into a small squat, engaging the glutes and abdominal muscles.
  2. Hold the weights in front of your body with your palms facing the ceiling.
  3. Squeeze your upper back muscles together and pull your elbows back, drawing them past your hips.
  4. Return to the starting position with control.

Start with lighter weights and focus on slow, controlled movements. Once you’ve mastered the technique, you can increase the weight to further challenge yourself.

4. Full Body Roll-Up

The full body roll-up is an excellent exercise for targeting the core, shoulders, and back. To perform a full body roll-up:

  1. Start lying on a mat with your arms extended overhead, legs long, and feet flexed towards your face.
  2. Inhale as you lift your arms up and curl your chin towards your chest.
  3. Exhale as you roll your entire torso up and over, reaching towards your toes.
  4. Inhale as you roll back down one vertebra at a time, and exhale as you lower your upper back to the ground, returning to the starting position.

Focus on using your abdominal muscles to lift and lower, rather than relying on momentum.

5. Dumbbell Deadlifts

Dumbbell deadlifts are a compound exercise that targets the hamstrings and glutes. To perform a dumbbell deadlift:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells in front of your thighs with palms facing your body.
  2. Tighten your abdominals and keep a flat back as you bend your knees and lower the dumbbells towards the floor.
  3. Send your hips backward with a slight hip hinge, squeeze your glutes, and use your hamstrings to lift your body back up to an upright position.

6. Forward Lunge with Bicep Curl

This exercise combines a forward lunge with a bicep curl, targeting the quads, glutes, hamstrings, and biceps. To perform a forward lunge with a bicep curl:

  1. Start standing tall with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Take a large step forward with your right leg and lower your back knee to the floor, forming a 90-degree angle with both legs.
  3. Complete a bicep curl at the bottom of the lunge by bringing the weights towards your shoulders.
  4. Push off your front foot and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat on the other side.

7. Forearm Plank

The forearm plank is a core-strengthening exercise that also engages the shoulders, chest, upper back, arms, and leg muscles. To perform a forearm plank:

  1. Begin by lying on the floor with your forearms flat on the ground, elbows aligned below your shoulders.
  2. Engage your core, press down through your forearms, and lift your body off the floor, maintaining a straight line from your head to your feet.
  3. Pull your navel towards your spine and squeeze your glutes to maintain proper alignment.
  4. Hold the plank position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

For a modified version, you can drop down to your knees and hold the plank position from your forearms and knees.

8. Single Leg Hamstring Bridge

The single leg hamstring bridge targets the hamstrings and glutes. To perform this exercise:

  1. Lie on your back with bent knees hip-width apart and feet flat on the mat, stacked under your knees.
  2. Extend your right leg towards the ceiling.
  3. Squeeze your glutes and lift your hips off the mat into a bridge position.
  4. Lower and lift your hips for the desired number of repetitions.
  5. Repeat on the other leg.

9. Tricep Kickbacks

Tricep kickbacks are effective for targeting the triceps and strengthening the upper arm muscles. To perform tricep kickbacks:

  1. Start with your feet together and sit back into a slight squat, arms bent at 90-degree angles, and weights at the sides of your chest.
  2. Press the dumbbells back, squeezing your triceps.
  3. Release the weights back down to the starting position while maintaining balance.

For an advanced option, you can perform stability ball tricep kickbacks, which challenge your core stability.

10. Shoulder Overhead Press

The shoulder overhead press targets the shoulder muscles. To perform this exercise:

  1. Start with your feet hip-width apart and elbows bent at a 90-degree angle, creating a goal post position with your arms.
  2. Press the dumbbells straight overhead until your arms are fully extended.
  3. Slowly return to the starting position with control.

11. Bird Dog

The bird dog exercise engages the abdominals and lower back muscles. To perform a bird dog:

  1. Start on all fours with your knees on a mat.
  2. Extend one arm forward and the opposite leg backward.
  3. Hold for 5-10 seconds, engaging your lower body, and then return to all fours.
  4. Repeat on the other side.

Remember to choose weights that challenge your muscles but still allow you to maintain proper form throughout each exercise. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase as you gain strength and confidence.

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Foods to avoid for bloating: Fri, 09 Jun 2023 22:00:05 +0000 Feeling bloated is something we all can relate to. It’s uncomfortable, frustrating, and can even make you feel a bit self-conscious. But worry not, my friend! In this article, we’ll explore 10 common culprits of bloating and suggest some delicious alternatives that will help you enjoy your meals without the unwanted side effects. So, let’s dive into the world of bloating-busting foods, shall we?

What Actually Happens When We Bloat?

When we feel bloated, it is often due to the accumulation of gas or air in our digestive system. This can cause discomfort, a feeling of fullness, and a visibly larger abdomen. 

Bloating can occur for various reasons, including eating too quickly, consuming gas-producing foods, swallowing air while eating or drinking, or certain digestive disorders. When we eat, our body breaks down food in the stomach and intestines, releasing gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and methane. These gases can get trapped in the digestive system, leading to bloating. Additionally, some foods or drinks can cause the intestines to retain water, adding to the sensation of bloating. 

While occasional bloating is normal, persistent or severe bloating may indicate an underlying issue and should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. Managing bloating often involves making dietary and lifestyle changes, such as eating slowly, avoiding gas-producing foods, staying hydrated, and incorporating regular physical activity.

The Legume Lowdown: Beans and Lentils


Beans are nutritional powerhouses, packed with protein, carbohydrates, and fiber, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. However, they’re also notorious for causing bloating. This is due to the presence of alpha-galactosides, a type of FODMAP (Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides, and Polyols) that can be difficult to digest for some individuals, particularly those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Delicious Alternatives: To minimize bloating, try soaking and sprouting your beans before cooking. This process can help reduce the FODMAP content. Additionally, consider eating smaller portions of beans and seeking medical advice if symptoms persist or worsen.


Similar to beans, lentils are legumes rich in protein, fiber, and other nutrients. Unfortunately, they too contain FODMAPs that can lead to bloating and digestive discomfort.

Delicious Alternatives: Soaking or sprouting lentils can make them more digestible, and reducing portion sizes may help alleviate bloating. If you need a complete break from legumes, opt for grains, meat, or quinoa as a replacement.

Bubbly Beverages: Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks like soda and sparkling water are known to cause bloating due to the high amounts of carbon dioxide they contain. When you gulp down a fizzy drink, you also swallow a lot of gas, which can get trapped in your stomach and cause bloating and belching making fizzy drinks one of the worst causes of bloating.

Delicious Alternatives: Swap out carbonated drinks for plain water, coffee, tea, or fruit-flavored still water. If you can’t completely give up your fizzy favorites, try limiting your intake to about 8 ounces (237 milliliters) per day.

Wheat Woes: Gluten-Containing Grains

Wheat is a staple in many diets, but it also contains gluten, a protein that can cause digestive problems for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. In addition to gluten, wheat is a source of FODMAPs, which can contribute to bloating and discomfort.

Delicious Alternatives: Look for gluten-free alternatives such as certified gluten-free oats, quinoa, buckwheat, almond flour, and coconut flour. You can also find numerous gluten-free bread options to satisfy your sandwich cravings.

Cruciferous Culprits: Broccoli and Other Veggies

Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts are nutrient-dense, offering plenty of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, they also contain FODMAPs, which might lead to bloating for some people.

Delicious Alternatives: Try replacing cruciferous veggies with spinach, cucumbers, lettuce, sweet potatoes, or zucchini. You can also experiment with smaller portions or opt for cooked versions of these vegetables to minimize bloating.

Onion Overload: Fructan-Containing Veggies

Onions, while flavorful and popular in many dishes, are a significant source of fructans, a type of soluble fiber that can cause bloating. Additionally, some people might be sensitive or intolerant to other compounds present in onions, particularly when eaten raw.

Delicious Alternatives: Fresh herbs, spices, or the green parts of scallions and chives can be used in place of onions. Cooking onions might also help reduce their bloating effects.

Barley and Rye: High-Fiber Grains

Both barley and rye are nutritious grains, rich in fiber and essential nutrients. However, they also contain gluten and can cause bloating in those who are gluten-sensitive or not accustomed to high-fiber diets.

Delicious Alternatives: Try replacing barley and rye with other grains or pseudocereals like oats, brown rice, quinoa, or buckwheat.

Dairy Dilemmas: Lactose-Containing Products

Dairy products are highly nutritious, offering protein and calcium. However, approximately 65% of the global population is lactose intolerant, meaning they have difficulty digesting lactose, the sugar found in milk. This can lead to bloating, gas, cramping, and diarrhea.

Delicious Alternatives: Lactose-intolerant individuals might tolerate cream, butter, hard cheeses, or fermented dairy products like yogurt. Lactose-free milk products and non-dairy alternatives like coconut, almond, soy, or rice milk are also available.

Fruity Frustrations: Apples

Apples are a popular and nutritious fruit, but their high fructose and fiber content can cause bloating and digestive issues for some people.

Delicious Alternatives: Opt for cooked apples, smaller portions, or other fruits like bananas, blueberries, grapefruit, mandarin oranges, or strawberries.

Gassy Garlic: Fructan-Containing Flavor Enhancer

Garlic is a beloved ingredient for its flavor and health benefits. However, it contains fructans and other compounds that can cause bloating, belching, and gas in some individuals.

Delicious Alternatives: Use herbs and spices like thyme, parsley, chives, or basil in place of garlic. Garlic-infused oils, garlic scape powder, or garlic chive powder can also be used if you’re sensitive to fructans.

Sneaky Sweeteners: Sugar Alcohols

Sugar alcohols like xylitol, sorbitol, and mannitol are often used as sugar replacements in sugar-free foods and chewing gum. However, they are FODMAPs and can cause digestive issues like bloating, gas, and diarrhea when consumed in large amounts.

Delicious Alternatives: Erythritol is a sugar alcohol that’s gentler on digestion, and stevia is a plant-based sweetener that can be used as a substitute for sugar and sugar alcohols.

Brewed Bloat: Beer

Beer is a carbonated beverage made from fermentable carbs and can cause bloating due to its gas content and gluten-containing grains.

Delicious Alternatives: Limit your beer intake and opt for alcoholic alternatives like red wine, white wine, or spirits to minimize bloating.

Beating Bloating with Dietary Changes

Bloating can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience, but by identifying the foods that cause it and making dietary adjustments, you can enjoy your meals without the discomfort. Remember, it’s important to consult with a medical professional if you have persistent digestive issues to ensure that there isn’t an underlying condition requiring attention. Now, armed with this knowledge, go forth and conquer your bloating battles!

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8 Ways to Be More Productive in the Gym Thu, 07 Jan 2021 15:00:21 +0000 If you’re in pursuit of a better figure and want to feel fitter, then you’ll understand the importance of productivity in the gym. There are far too many distractions to divert your attention from the matter at hand: a great workout that gets results.

It makes no sense to hit up the gym and stray from what you’re there to do. So here are a few Spot Me Girl tips and tricks to help you be more productive in the gym

Get ready to lose extra stubborn fat and get in your best shape ever, girl! Keep reading to discover the 8 best ways to be more productive in the gym.

8 ways to be more productive in the gym

1.      Plan ahead

Before you even step foot in your gym, you should know exactly what you’re going to train. Jot a few exercises down or make a mental note of what you want to achieve so you know exactly where to head to when you get in the training room. If you hit the gym after work, it’ll also help to pack your gym bag the night before and go straight there.

We’d even go so far and suggest you make a monthly plan. This way, you know exactly what days you need to get to the gym and what you’ll be working on while you’re there.

Listen to music and be more productive in the gym

2.      Listen to music

Plug in and play – let your music keep you focused while you work out. Countless studies[1] [2] have demonstrated that music can help you push your body harder and prevent you from being distracted easily. Line up the right songs in a motivational playlist and go at it. Songs that are upbeat and have a fast tempo will really help. They’ll work for those especially demanding moments when you want to give up.

3.      Try supersets

If you want to get more out of your training sessions, supersets are one to focus on. They involve two exercises in a row that concentrate on the same muscle group. For instance, doing a set of lunges immediately followed by squats will engage your lower body muscles and burn a whole load of calories.

Woman in a quiet gym

4.      Experiment with your gym schedule

Every gym gets super busy at certain times during the day. For this reason, it might be worth experimenting with your gym schedule to discover the best time to work out. The quieter your gym, the easier it will be to complete your session faster. You’ll also be able to have your pick on any machine you want, making the most out of your training time.

5.      Stay hydrated

Water is a crucial nutrient for health and growth and balances many of the body’s systems. When it comes to exercising, keeping hydrated is seriously important for recovery and fighting fatigue. It may even help push you through a whole other set.

6.      Fuel up

There aren’t many benefits to working out on an empty stomach so be sure to fuel your body with the right foods to sustain your energy levels and push harder. Try to eat a complete meal containing carbs, fat and protein at least 2 hours before you exercise to maximize training results.

You could even try a pre-workout to increase your performance and get focused. The benefits of taking a pre-workout vary from increased endurance to enhanced strength and stamina. Check out our list of best pre-workouts for women in 2021 here.

Eating right doesn’t end when you walk out of the gym either. Your post-workout nutrition is just as crucial as your pre-workout nutrition! Reload your body with the nutrients it may have lost during training to help your muscles recover and grow stronger.

7.      Time your rest periods

It’s always a good idea to give yourself a break between sets or intervals – but don’t let time pass you by. Rest periods depend on your goals, e.g. if you want to build strength and power, increase endurance, lose weight or just master the correct form, there are different rest intervals. According to experts, these are the best rest periods based on the results you may be looking for:

  • To tone, lose weight, or increase endurance – 20 to 60 seconds between sets
  • To build strength and power – 2 to 5 minutes between sets
  • For hypertrophy – 1 minute between sets
  • For better form – 3 minutes between sets

Woman with a personal trainer

8.      Avoid distractions

Once you’ve got your music plugged in and your motivational playlist playing, there’s not much need for your phone – in fact, it could be a great hindrance to your concentration levels. Try and keep it out of sight while you exercise and you’ll be able to accomplish exactly what you came to do: train hard!

It’s often said that having a gym buddy is the perfect solution to stay accountable, however if your fitness goals differ, they could distract more than motivate.  If you find yourself unfocused with your workout partner or think your goals don’t match, it’s time to either find someone new or start hitting the gym on your own. If you want to prevent slacking or boost accountability, why not sign up with a personal trainer for a while? Research suggests a personal trainer could boost motivation and even help correct bad habits to make sure you’re training correctly[3].

To sum up

Being more productive in the gym is what will help you start seeing results from your workouts. When your daily schedule seems like a never-ending to do list, exercise always seems to be at the bottom of the list.

Not anymore, girl! With these top tips, you can strategize your time in the gym and maximize your efforts while you’re in there.

The benefits of exercise also extend far beyond having a better figure. It’s a great productivity booster in general, working to kick up your energy levels and improve brain function. Don’t forget to make your training fun and you’ll be even more motivated to work out!

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How to Get Your Body Ready Now Gyms Have Re-Opened Sat, 05 Sep 2020 11:00:32 +0000 Gyms have now been back open for a month or so and many fitness enthusiasts have been taking full advantage.

With several stringent measures in place, things certainly don’t look exactly how we remember them. And unless you’ve been training in a well-kitted home gym during lockdown, your body will not be able to train in the same way it once did.

If you’re teetering on the edge of whether to hit up your gym or not, this girl guide is for you!

It’s time to bid goodbye to the daily walks, zoom exercise classes and bodyweight HIIT in your living room. These 6 tips will help you return to the gym safely and confidently. Get your body ready and get back in the gym.

Woman Exercising Outdoors

Let’s see how you can maximize your gym workouts to the full effect without going too hard, too quickly.


1.      Familiarize yourself

Your gym experience won’t be the same as it was five months ago. When you first return, there will be various procedures in place to keep you and staff members safe during the ongoing pandemic.

For this reason, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with your new training environment. Is there a one-way system? Could there be a limited amount of time you’re allowed to train? Maybe there are hand sanitizing stations and cleaning kit to wipe down your equipment after each use. If your gym has a social media presence, check their pages for any information, rules or tips.

Some gyms have even introduced apps that tell you how busy your gym is before you set off. Be prepared and your anxiety to return will ease.

2.      Plan your workout in advance

If you lived in the gym before lockdown, you might think you’ll be fine to kill time in-between sets. But not with the new normal, girl. A lot of gyms are implementing strict rules to adhere to, especially when it comes to the amount of time you have to work out.

In order to completely maximize your time in the gym, it might be wise to plan your workout in advance. Instead of training certain parts of your body, why not try a whole-body workout over an hour? This way, it gives you the option to take advantage of every second you have and find out what your body can handle.

Woman working out

3.      Ease into it

Planning in advance flows nicely into our next point – easing back into your training. Like we mentioned earlier, your body won’t be the same as it was all those months ago. You won’t be able to go straight to the same dumbbells or run as fast on the treadmills. You’ll have lost some fitness and that’s fine. That’s why this article is all about getting your body ready. It won’t be too difficult to get back into the swing of things and chuck those same weights about.

To avoid any injury, you’ll need to start slowly. Don’t go in too hard, too fast and push your body too far. Reduce your reps or your load and give your body time to adapt. Once you’re back into your routine, you can gradually increase it.

You should try to introduce some recovery sessions in the mix. This could be something simple like yoga, a stretching routine or even focusing on bodyweight exercises as you become increasingly more confident in the gym again.

4.      Warm up and cool down

Warming up is very important as it helps prevent injury and could even boost workout performance[1].

When you warm up, you increase your body’s temperature and the rate of energy production. Dynamic exercises will increase reflexes and flexibility and even reduce inflammation. They essentially prepare you for exercise physically and mentally. You could walk, jog lightly or cycle for at least five minutes to prepare your body.

The same applies after an intense workout with a good cool down routine. Cooling down allows your body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure to gradually return to baseline level. Stretching your muscles after exercise can also decrease lactic acid buildup and reduce the risk of muscle cramp or delayed onset muscle soreness (the dreaded DOMS).

5.      Keep your nutrition and sleep on point

Training back in the gym will mean your body needs the right type of fuel to stay energized. That’s before, during and after your training session.

Carbohydrates are your best friend for an energy injection. Plenty of protein will help with muscle recovery and growth. Try to drink a lot of water to keep your body hydrated too.

Sticking to healthy whole foods will ensure your body is energized and can recover well after each training session. These include foods like the below:

  • Lean Proteins – Egg – Chicken – Tofu – Turkey
  • Fruits – Bananas – Apples – Berries – Oranges etc.
  • Vegetables – Broccoli – Carrots – Potatoes etc.
  • Fats – Olive Oil – Cashew Nuts – Avocado etc.
  • Whole Grains – Rolled Oats – Whole Wheat Pasta – Brown Rice – Whole Meal Bread

Getting enough quality sleep will also help your body recover and conserve energy. Aim for at least seven to eight hours a night for the best recovery. It will also ultimately increase your ability to train harder for longer.

6.      Pick exercises you enjoy

Motivation levels might not be at their highest right now and that’s understandable. One way to get around flagging enthusiasm is to pick a workout you find most enjoyable.

Maybe HIIT is your favorite way to stay fit? Or is strength training something you really want to get back into? Whatever your favorite workout or exercises are, be sure to include these in your training sessions to boost drive and motivation.

Woman enjoying her workout

To sum up

Not sure if you’re ready to head back into the gym? Don’t worry girl, we’ve all been there. Just follow these 6 simple tips and we’re positive you’ll feel more confident to ease yourself back into it and get your body ready.

All it takes is a little preparation, motivation, and knowledge. Just take the necessary steps and stay safe.

Reignite your fire for the gym and start transforming your body. Your gym is waiting!

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19 Female Body Transformations That Prove This Works. Incredible. Sun, 24 Mar 2019 16:08:15 +0000 Want to know the secret behind these amazing female body transformations? Read on, be inspired today. [Updated March 2019]

For women looking to achieve a complete body transformation, knowing where to start in the gym can be a challenge.

Your food may be perfect, but should you be hitting cardio for hours on end? The answer is pretty simple girl, no.

Lifting weights is one of the best ways to boost your metabolism, burn fat and tone up. So many women think it can make you bulky and masculine. Well we’re here to prove you wrong.

We’ve collected 19 body transformation pics from some truly inspiring women, who’ve used weightlifting to change their physiques and their lives.

Whether you’re in need of some inspiration to get you to the gym, or are curious about how weightlifting can change your lifestyle, we’ve got you covered with some truly incredible body transformations.

Weightlifting body transformations

Stacey D – @BOOMFAMF

stacy g female transformation

Here we have the incredible Stacey D. After starting out with CrossFit on the left, she changed her focus over to powerlifting and watching her macros. This lead to a pretty incredible transformation that saw her tone up and drop 5 percent bodyfat. It wasn’t a quick transformation though. This kind of change takes time, dedication and some serious grit.

Abby Pollock – @abby

weightlifting transformation

Abby puts this incredible transformation down to lifting heavy, using compound movements and adjusting her diet to suit her training. After struggling with an eating, she said it was committing to a weightlifting program that helped her change her life.

Jessica –

weightlifting transformation jessica

After drilling cardio, Jessica wasn’t seeing the results she was hoping for. Instead, she turned to lifting weights and claims that’s where she’s seen the very best progress in her physique. We think she looks amazing for it.

Samantha –

samantha weightlifting transformation

Samantha advocates clean eating and weight lifting when it comes to her transformation. She’s lost fat and toned up and puts it all down to training with weights over cardio.

Daniella – @daniellapetersfit

19 Female Body Transformations That Prove This Works. Incredible. 1

With just nine months between these two pictures, Daniella puts this incredible change down to a switch from cardio to weightlifting. She said, after losing a stone, she thought cardio, HIIT and walking was the way to keep the weight off. However, after a little research, she discovered weightlifting was a much better way to stay in control of fat levels and tone up.

Shena – @shena_bfitfyne

19 Female Body Transformations That Prove This Works. Incredible. 2

On the left, Shena said she was doing way too much cardio, never lifted weights and wasn’t eating enough protein. After changing her training and eating habits, she saw the transformation she was looking for all along. Shena puts a very strong emphasis on ensuring you get the right nutrition to build muscle and maintain your exercise habits.

Kim French – @kimfrench87

kim french lifting transformation

Here Kim highlights the incredible difference a change of mindset can be. By focusing on weightlifting and cutting back on cardio, she’s completely transformed her body. While she saw some success by hitting the running machine, her greatest progress came when she ditched the treadmill and started lifting heavy things. Her favorite thing about weight training is the shape she can see in her body.

[Related Article: The Best Fat Burner Supplements for Women]

Best Fat Burners For Women

Kathryn Nash – @minibutmighty_

19 Female Body Transformations That Prove This Works. Incredible. 3

This fitness queen says she’d spend hours at the gym doing cardio after cardio after cardio workouts, trying to achieve that toned instafit look. She was almost discouraged when her progress never really took off. After changing her approach, opting for weight training and taking a more sustainable stance on nutrition, she’s transformed her body.

Erin Beth – @erinbethfit

erin beth weightlifting transformation

In this transformation pic, Erin Beth says she was undereating, was too self critical and didn’t feel good in her own skin. She says her transformation took place when she started to embrace her curves, love eating guilt-free again and making her body as strong and healthy as she can. Now she’s the self-described pizza queen of the fitness world.

Emma Louise – @emlouisefitness

emma louise weightlifting transformation

Body transformations aren’t always about eating less, Emma says her biggest change here is how much healthier and happier she feels. On the left she was obsessed with feeling and looking skinny, and despite the fact she was very slender, she felt unsatisfied because she didn’t yet have abs. After falling in love with weightlifting, she now eats more, is approximately a stone heavier and feels stronger and happier.

Mari Llewellyn – @marillewellyn 

mari llewellyn transformation

Body transformations happen when you least expect and for Mari, she said hers began after she hit rock bottom. At this point she chose to push herself harder than she ever had before. She began lifting weights, eating a nutritious, healthy diet and aiming to better herself every day.

Nienke – @nienkke

nienkke weightlifting transformation

Here, Nienke fights the idea that losing weight is what every girl is looking for. By weightlifting and getting the right nutrition into her body, she’s transformed her shape and now lives a healthier, happier lifestyle. Switching from cardio to weightlifting was the driving force behind her incredible transformation.

Elle – @livefitelle

live fit elle transformation

On the left, Elle said she was eating badly and struggled to achieve a good balance of nutritious food and exercise. Since turning to weightlifting and eating more intuitively, she’s completely transformed both her health and her body.

Angela Crickmore – @angelcrickmore

angel crickmore weight lifting transformation

By cleaning up her eating and hitting the weights room, Angela has achieved a truly spectacular transformation. Now she’s all about living a fulfilling, healthy lifestyle and bettering herself and her body.

Chiara Pugliesi – @chiara_pugliesi  

chiara pugliesi body transformations

After suffering from eating disorders, Chiara found weightlifting and soon fell in love with the results. She never misses a legs day and uses training as a form of therapy. Chiara never pretends these body transformations take place quickly, and often talks about the work she had to put in to achieve this gorgeous phsyique.

Emily Ricketts – @emrickettz

Emily ricketts body transformations

Here we have another girl who’s swapped trying to be skinny for strength. Emily emphasizes how much focussing on being healthy and strong has changed her perspective on her body and on exercising as a whole.

Breanna – @breannabutts

breanna butts body transformations

This is one of our favorite fitspo girls. She’s turned to the ketogenic diet, along with a weightlifting routine to shift unwanted pounds and now Breanna is healthier and happier with the way she looks. Doing this has helped her find a balance between exercise, food and enjoying all the whole process.

Cristina Capron Horford – @cristinacapron

cristina capron body transformations

Although she weighs the same in these pictures, a whole lot has changed in nine years for Cristina. Now she uses weight lifting and clean eating to keep her body healthy and her mind happy. Cristina is also a huge advocate of progress pics over measurements and numbers on the scale, saying their a much better measure of how far you’ve come.

Sophie – @gainsbybrains

Sophie body transformation

This transformation comes by way of smart eating and lifting weights. Sophie puts her success down to hitting the gym regularly and sticking to a challenging workout routine.

The final rep

So many women are now turning to weight lifting and recording incredible body transformations along the way.

If you’re feeling inspired, you may be on the lookout for a weights-based workout programme that can transform your physique. Check out our review of the BOSS Workouts Shape and Burn program to find out if it’s worth your time.


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Here’s What the ‘Ideal’ Male Body Looks Like in 19 Countries Thu, 20 Dec 2018 16:57:16 +0000  

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder. But beauty standards are perpetuated by our culture through the media. A carved and chiseled physique like a Ken doll may be in vogue—but that’s in America. Here’s what the ideal male body looks like in 19 countries around the world.


UK online pharmacy Superdrug Online Doctors asked graphic designers around the world to photoshop the image of a test subject to represent the “ideal” male body. The first part of their study explored what the “ideal” female body type looks like around the world.


“Men suffer equally with women around low body confidence as many strive to attain a standard of ‘attractiveness’ that is both often unobtainable and, as this report shows, driven by cultural perceptions and advertising ideals,” said Denise Hatton, Chief Executive of YMCA England.


Nineteen graphic designers were recruited spanning six continents. They were asked to photoshop and retouch the original subject to make him appear more attractive to people in their country.

The graphic designers were given the freedom to manipulate the man’s shape, form, skin color and facial features. Some of the designers changed the original image completely, whereas others made only minor changes.

The American and Russian designers dramatically retouched the original image to make the man more muscular. Read on to see whether people agreed with the study or not.


In Australia, the original didn’t shed much weight.


A user on HuffingtonPost commented, “Looks like he drinks a twelve pack of Fosters a day, mate.”


The U.K. version was the most noticeably slimmed-down. Although a similar study by U.K. lingerie company Bluebella showed women are attracted to slim, but muscular types like David Beckham and Brad Pitt.


“Real men come in all shapes and sizes and span various skin tones and facial features—and so does our man,” a SuperDrug press release said. “Watch him evolve based on each culture’s beauty standards and ethnic norms: barrel-chested or slim, muscular thighs or sinewy legs, wide eyes or hooded lids, a smattering of body hair or a baby-smooth body.”

Some users were skeptical whether the photoshopped images were an accurate depiction of country’s standard of beauty.

“If some of the artists are not sufficiently competent in Photoshop, it calls in to question the entire premise of whether their version really is the “ideal” man for their country. Although the premise is shaky at best; there’s no way one graphic designer can accurately represent an entire country anyway,” Mark Morehouse noted.


Others made light of the study.

“Looks like it’s time for me to move to Colombia. They have gorgeous women and, if this is correct, they don’t seem to care what men look like,” Kenny Braden said.

A user named Epil Lef confirmed, “I date a Colombian hottie, and I don’t have abs. It is very true!”


Ala Friel criticized the “original” model by adding, “Horrible project. First they give a picture of a moderately overweight man…not remotely in shape at all. Then they expect the results to come out looking reasonable?! They all looked horrible….even the United States version. Let’s use a picture of a person of average body type next time.”

Chris Bowers from LA said, “Americans are the fattest people, but want to be the skinniest.”

“Maybe most countries are secure, and aren’t concerned with superficial physical standards that we are force-fed in the US,” John Bodnar added.


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15 Gifts Every Fit Chick Has on Her Christmas Wish List Mon, 17 Dec 2018 12:14:21 +0000 Struggling to find the perfect gift for your fave fit chick? Or maybe you need a little inspiration for to put on your Christmas wish list. Well don’t worry girl, cos we’ve got you covered.

  1. Fitbit Alta HR

fitbit alta HR on a christmas wishlist


Every gym girl wants to make sure she’s hitting all her fitness goals on the daily, and that’s where the Fitbit Alta HR comes in. Not only does it measure how many steps you’re doing each day, this smart tracker also contains a heart rate monitor, which tells you how many calories you’ve burned, even during a workout.

So, if you’re into gadgets and love nothing more than knowing how hard your body’s working, look no further than the sleek and stylish Fitbit Alta HR.


Shop Fitbit Alta

at Amazon

  1. Peach Bands

Peach bands as part of a christmas wishlist

If your fitness girl is all about crafting a perfectly rounded booty, she’ll be forever in your debt when you gift her a set of peach bands. These cute, yet powerful resistance loop bands are the perfect partner for every killer butt workout, helping to sculpt and tone powerful, rounded glutes.

You’re basically giving her the key to booty gains for Christmas. She owes you.


Shop Peach Bands

at Amazon

  1. TriggerPoint Grid Foam Roller

trigger point foam roller as part of a christmas wish list


Help you girl cut down recovery times and smash her workouts, even after a big leg day, with the TriggerPoint Grid Foam Roller for Christmas. The multi-density exterior will help to massage the muscles within the body, in a variety of ways.

Favored by massage therapists and fitness gurus, this is the Rolls Royce of foam rollers. Available in a range of colors, including bright pink, you’ll be able to find one that matches perfectly with her athleisure wear.


Shop Triggerpoint Foam Roller

at Amazon

  1. The Badass Life – Christmas Abbott

Christmas Abbot book christmas wishlist


Inspire your bestest gym girl with words from CrossFit’s very own poster girl, Christmas Abbott. She’s written a lifestyle guide to help reinforce positive habits that create a happier mind, body and spirit.

This chick is an absolute, undeniable badass. Any hints and tips she has on how to be a sassy, slay workouts and create healthy habits is music to our ears. If your fitness friend wants to take it to the next level, give her the gift of a badass life. Also, her name is literally Christmas. You can’t get more festive than that.


Shop The Badass Life

at Amazon

  1. Simple Modern Summit water bottle

water bottles for christmas wish list

Wherever we go, whether we’re in the gym or at work, it’s essential us fit girls stay hydrated, and we’re all about creating that perfect matchy-matchy workout kit. Introducing the Simple Modern Summit water bottle.

These super sleek bottles are available in a huge range of colors. What’s more, they’ll keep the contents warm or cold for hours. Perfect if you need that ice-cold refreshment mid workout.


Shop Modern Summit Water Bottle

at Amazon

  1. Manduka Prolite Yoga and Pilates Mat     

yoga mat for christmas wishlist

Whether she’s a hardcore yogi, or wants to start working on her mobility, you can’t go wrong with the Manduka Prolite Yoga and Pilates Mat. This non-slip super light mat is perfect for carrying around town and will give second-to-none cushioning when it comes to hitting those poses.

Available in a range of colors and made of strong, durable material, this is the perfect for any fit girls Christmas wish list.

Shop Pilates Mats

at Amazon

  1. 4Gauge

two bottles of 4 Guage pre-workout

Gift your favorite fit chick power, focus and energy this year. 4Guage features right at the top of our best pre-workout lists this year, making it one of our most recommended supplements.

We recommend 4Gauge due to its completely natural profile, a clean energy lift without jitters and a proprietary blend free formula. It’s the perfect formula to kick off her new year fitness focus.


Shop 4Gauge


  1. Inov-8 Fastlift 335 Weightlifting Shoes

inov8 weightlifting shoe


Help her give every lift a boost with a pair of top-quality lifting shoes. With a generous 1.25” heel and a solid sole, these Inov-8’s will off stability and support to every squat, helping her hit new PB’s on the double.

Not only are they a sturdy base for your big squats, they’re also cute AF, breathable and light. So, you can throw them in your gym bag and pull them out every time it’s legs day.


Shop Inov-8 Fastlift

at Amazon

  1. Panda Planner Pro

panda pro workout planning diary


We all know a gym girl who finds nothing more satisfying that planning her workouts and tracking her lifts. Sound familiar? Get her the Panda Planner Pro. This is just about the most exciting bit of stationary this breed of fit chick could own.

Each page is super detailed, so she can plan every workout, leave notes on her performance, plan her meals and track her lifts all in one place. Heck, she could work on formulas for NASA in this thing.


Shop Panda Planner Pro

at Amazon

  1. Vooray Roadie Gym Duffle Bag

duffel gym back for a christmas list

If your fave fitness friend has been lugging her kit around in a raggedy old bag for the last three years, it’s time for an upgrade. Treat her to something with a little more sass and opt for the super cute Vooray Roadie Gym Duffle Bag.

The designs are beyond adorable, and big enough to fit your lifting shoes, belt and protein shaker inside.


Shop Vooray Gym Bag

at Amazon

  1. BlenderBottle Combo-Pack

15 Gifts Every Fit Chick Has on Her Christmas Wish List 4


Look out for your girl’s nutrition with this super cool collection from Blender Bottle. With this combo pack, she can power up with protein, boost her gym session with a pre-workout and even organize her snacks.

This is the perfect gift for a girl who loves to plan her meals and track her macros. If this sounds like your gym bestie, check it out.


Shop Blender Bottle

at Amazon

  1. Instant Knockout CUT

Instant Knockout CUT

Whether she’s signed up for a competition or wants to lose a few pounds of fat in the New Year, an effective, safe fat burner can be a game-changer. Instant Knockout CUT is one of our favorites.

It’s got a completely natural profile which helps burn fat and even suppress your appetite. If you are looking to buy her a fat burner, this one is one of the best out there.


Instant Knockout CUT


  1. Inzer Advance Designs Forever Lever Belt 13mm

weightlifting belt for christmas wish list If she’s all about the big lifts, a lifting belt is the perfect choice for your fit chick. This 13mm, quality leather belt will give her all the lower back support she needs to smash out her heaviest movements yet. She’ll be forever grateful.

What’s more the handy lever design on this one is perfect for a CrossFitter. She can simply flick it open after some intense lifts, take it off and run around or skip or whatever the WOD calls for.


Shop Forever Lever Belt

at Amazon 

  1. Brute Force Adjustable Kettlebells

brute force adjustable kettlebell


If she’s a girl on the go, she needs a gym that can travel with her. The Brute Force Adjustable Kettlebell could be just what she needs. Simply fill these kettlebell shaped bags with sand to suit your weight, then she can slam ‘em, swing ‘em and throw ‘em to her hearts content.

They’re super sturdy and are no bigger than a small bag, so she can easily throw it in the trunk, ready for a hardcore workout at any moment.


Shop Brute Force Kettlebell

at Amazon

  1. Harbinger Women’s Weightlifting Gloves

harbinger weightlifting gloves

She might be a beast in the weights room, but she’s a lady outside the gym. A pair of harbinger Women’s Weightlifting Gloves will help her maintain soft, supple skin on her hands while still ripping the bar off the floor like a pro.

These are breathable and lightweight, yet offer some serious protection for her hands. Complete with leather pads, you’ll have all the grip, without the calluses. Dreamy.


Shop Harbinger Gloves

at Amazon

Discover more ways to combine your two loves, Christmas and fitness, with these articles:

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The Best Festive Fitness Outfits for Your Liftmas Workout Mon, 10 Dec 2018 15:27:10 +0000 It’s that time of year girl. You’re feeling festive, you’re brimming with Christmas cheer and you’re ready to eat your bodyweight in turkey. However, girl, you can’t drop the ball over the holiday period, so you’ve got to pull in a few sickening workouts. And, just like every elf-confessed fitness fanatic, you’re gonna need the perfect festive workout outfit.

Don’t drop your mince pie girl. You heard us right, there are some creative geniuses out there who’ve designed next-level seasonal fitness clothes, so you can sleigh any workout in true festive style.

Honestly, yule love ‘em.


  1. Elf Leggings

pair of elf themed festive exercise leggings

You’ve heard of body transformation. How about elf transformation. Become Santa’s little lifter with these elf themed workout leggings. Complete with candy cane style stripes and realistic bells, you’ll feel like you’ve just finished lugging presents around in the North Pole by the time you end your session.

Buy it here>>>


  1. Happy New Rear Tank

Womens christmas these fitness tank saying "merry fitness and a happy new rear"

Welcome in the new year with a new rear. The festive tank is the perfect way to kick-start your new fitness journey and express your seasonal cheer, as well as your dedication to the iron. Throw on your new tank, head to the squat rack, smash out some heavy reps, then go home and overhead press the Christmas tree, baubles and all. You know you want to, and we know you’ve got the strength and the festive spirit to kill it. Get out there and put the *ss in Christmass.

Buy it here >>>


  1. Santa Fitness Leggings

Fitness leggings covered with santas face

Is it even Christmas if you don’t have Santa’s face on your workout leggings? Well luckily girl, we’ve got you covered. If there were some kind of competition for Christmas spirit, you’d be right up there with Rudolph. This high waisted design is perfect for optimum comfort, and you simply have to look down at St. Nic mid HIIT workout for a reminder to keep sleighing.

Buy it here >>>


  1. The CrossFit Christmas Song Tank

A workout top saying "deck the halls and do some burpees fa la la la la la Kill me now"


If you’re a CrossFit crazy fitness girl, with some serious festive spirit, this tank is the one for you. Combining an absolutely classic Christmas tune, with the sheer brutality of burpees, this tank perfectly captures how we feel about a festive CrossFit workout. Aka, kill me now.

Buy it here >>>


  1. Merry Liftmas

A workout tank top saying Merry Liftmas


Down here in the weights room, we celebrate one holiday and one holiday only – Liftmas. It’s time to eat lean meats, drink protein shakes and be merry. Liftmas is all about spreading the love of working out with those closest to you. Invite all your friends or pre-workout at the gym, share a protein-dense turkey with your family and gift your grandma a set of dumbells. She gotta curl too.

Spread the joy with your own Merry Liftmas tank and blessed be thy gains, girl.

Buy it here >>>


  1. Christmas Lantern Leggings

Red exercise leggings with christmas lanterns on them

It’s time to twinkle girl. These Christmas lights will have you shining like the North Star, even while you’re smashing out a lit weights session. Complete with a high waisted design and made from a super soft polyester, spandex mix, these leggings are not only festive AF, they’re comfy too. Perfect for that seasonal squat session.

Buy it here >>>


  1. Sleigh This Workout Tank

someone call Santa Clause I'm about to sleigh this workout tank top

This is an official warning. Someone call the guy in red, cos we’re about to sleigh this workout. Whether it’s upper body training or a fire squats day, news of your intense festive session will reach the North Pole faster than you can say ‘Christmas gains’. We don’t know if it’ll get you on the good list or secure your place on the badass list, but we do know this super soft racerback will help you get your yuletide flow on at the gym.

Buy it here >>>


  1. Snowflake Leggings

snowflake exercise leggings

Let is snow, girl. Whatever the weather this festive season, you’ll be smashing every winter wonderland themed workout in these super stylish leggings. They come with a cute snowflake print, super stretchy fabric and sweat wicking properties to help you embody the joy and merriment of Christmas, while you burpee until you vomit.

Buy it here >>>


  1. He See’s You When You’re Running…

he sees you when you're running, he knows when you lift weights tank

…He knows when you lift weights. Girl, you better smash that workout, cos Santa Claus is watching, and he is damn impressed with those deadlifts. If this ain’t enough to keep your motivation high throughout the festive period, we don’t know what is. So, when you go for your yuletide PB on the hip thrust, just remember your Christmas gift haul is relying on you, girl.

Buy it here >>>


  1. The Christmas Tree Leggings

christmas tree themed exercise leggings

What could be more festive, than becoming one with your tree? These bauble, tinsel and ribbon covered leggings are the most Christmassy thing this side of the North Pole. Branch out this year and bring that seasonal cheer out of your home and straight into the weights room.

Buy it here >>>



The Final Word

Combine your love of the yuletide season and spread the joy of bending iron this Christmas with these festive fitness outfits. Not only will they bring the magic of the Noel into the iron house, they’re perfect for a Xmas Instagram post too. Check them out girl, and embody the true spirit of the holidays this year.


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Top Female Bodybuilders and Powerlifters You Need to Follow on Instagram Fri, 23 Nov 2018 11:48:41 +0000 Instagram has become a great platform to follow all of the progress the weightlifting industry is making, especially in regards to women.

Some amazing fit chicks are blowing up the Gram with their self-started companies and fitness campaigns, not to mention their own motivating selfies and helpful tips. Here’s a couple of the many badass women who have become Instafamous for being lifters.

1. Krissy Mae Cagney

Creator of Doughnuts & Deadlifts, entrepreneur and professional lifter Krissy Mae Cagney’s Instagram account has more than 300,000 followers. She’s living an inspired and adventurous lifestyle, climbing mountains, and occasionally cheating on her healthy regime with doughnuts.

She’s a role model for anyone who has had any kind of drug or alcohol dependency, as she’s now celebrating being sober for more than 1,000 days. She’s a strong supporter of CrossFit and how it has changed the way society views women who lift. Finally, it’s “sexy” for women to be strong.

2. Elizabeth Akinwale

Elizabeth Akinwale is a mother, trainer, CrossFitter, autism advocate and a blogger. She also loves to read, and gets a lot of inspiration from her favorite books.

She supports gender equality and feels that the fitness industry is slowly changing to give women a more equal position than just models in bikinis. As a female athlete, she wants to see the fitness industry pay male and female athletes equally, and don’t we all?

3. Kristin Pope

Athlete, JTS Olympic weightlifter, pitbull awareness advocate, small business owner, diet coach and more, Kristin Pope is one busy woman. As a competitive weightlifter, she knows what it means to fight hard for what you want.

She’s insanely confident and could care less about what people think about her body. She’s been a competitive athlete for over 20 years and is gaining momentum, letting her followers watch her progress in her training vlogs.

4. Kimberly Walford

Another competitive weightlifter, Walford has had a lot of success, and she has been a member of the 2016 World Powerlifting Championships IPF Ladies’ Team Champions. She lives by the slogan:

Destroy any obstacles that stand in the way of you accomplishing your goals.

She is also a member of a community called “The Iron Sisters U.S.A.,” which is an enterprise dedicated to “educating and enabling all women to become champions in their own iron goals.”

5. Aroosha Nekonam

Aroosha was born in Scotland to Iranian parents and has a journalism and law degree, but has been following her passion for fitness and works as an online coach and meal planner. She’s a chocoholic and posts plenty of pictures of protein-packed desserts with various combinations of bananas and chocolate.

She keeps her head up and focuses on progress over perfection.

6. Brittany Fried

Brttany Fried has 134,000 followers, and endorses Blackstone Lab products in her posts. She also shows off her squat-built legs in super trendy leggings. She’s inspired by her body and looks back on old pictures on instagram to inpire her to keep improving her body everyday. She definitely feels the media has changed the way it views women, and she agrees it’s empowering.

7. Emily Abbott

Abbott is a three-time CrossFit Games athlete, and she is considered the eighth-fittest woman in the world. She has recently announced she is partnering with PaleoEthics, which is an enterprise that sells high-performance supplements. As someone who has struggled with body image issues, like most of us, she has some words of wisdom:

“Well, of course I want to look a certain way, but lifting and being able to clean-and-jerk 240 pounds is way more joyful to me than looking good a pair of skinny jeans.”

8. Lauren Fisher

This 22 year-old CrossFit athlete and college student is incredibly inspiring. She’s faced a nasty leg injury and yet posted pictures of her going about her normal training with some modifications due to her leg cast.

The amount of squat modifications she’s figured out will make you want to try them all. She reminds anyone who wants to try CrossFit to sign up, and don’t be too hard on yourself at first. If it’s not fun, then it’s not worth it.

9. Becci Holcomb

Becci Holcomb is a USAPL/IPF lifter, who considers a 231lb bench press easy. The victim of an abusive relationship, Holcomb has become an inspiring role model for several women. She talks openly about how her ex-boyfriend was physically abusive, and that is a testament to her strength.

She’s squatted 480lbs and she’s posted videos of it. Besides being a kick ass iron woman, she’s also an animal lover and posts pictures of her adorable furbabies too! It’s not hard to see how proud she is of her body and how weightlifting is such an instrumental part of her life:

“When you walk out and squat 500+ pounds, it’s exhilarating. There’s something about lifting weights that lifts your spirit to a level of pure independence.”

10. Lindsey Valenzuela

Lindsey Valenzuela is one busy woman. She’s a proud wife and mommy, but also the co-owner of Autumo CrossFit. She’s been in the CrossFit Games four times, and she’s endorsed by Reebok. She posts her workouts on the Gram and plenty of adorable photos of her baby boy. She’s proof fit moms can do it all.

Looking to build and maintain muscle like these boss girls? A T-booster might be just what you need…

Top Female Bodybuilders and Powerlifters You Need to Follow on Instagram 6

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Do Waist Trainers Work? (Or Are They Just A Fad?) Tue, 23 Oct 2018 12:53:24 +0000 Social media stars like the Kardashian’s appear to love them – but do waist trainers work? And are they even safe? Honestly – no. We explain more below. 

Social media and it’s biggest influencers have the recently gone crazy for the latest “slimming” craze, wearing a compression garment to cinch in the waist and, apparently, reshape your waist to achieve a thinner mid-section.

Favored by A-listers, big names like Kim Kardashian claim that waist trainers are the secret to achieving that tiny middle and hourglass figure.

Now, call us crazy girl, but as fitness fiends, we’re finding it hard to believe that wearing a trainer is the way to achieve a slimmer waist in a completely safe way. Sure, it will suck you in, but is that safe? Will you actually drop inches? And will it get the long term results you’re looking for?

We dive into the topic to find out if waist trainers work and whether they’re worth your time and money.

Article preview:

  • What are waist trainers?
  • How do waist trainers work?
  • Do waist trainers actually work?
  • Can you lose weight by wearing a waist trainer?
  • Are they safe? Pros and cons
  • What should you do?
  • The final word


What are waist trainers?

Waist trainers are like a modern-day corset. These new compression garments are worn around the mid-section and are designed to pull you in, shrink your waist and, essentially, reshape your body. According to the manufacturers, they should be worn every day for the best results.

They were recently made famous when Kim Kardashian posted a post-pregnancy picture of herself wearing one in a bid to make her waist smaller after having a baby. Since then, other social media influencers and celebs have gone crazy for them, posting pictures of themselves wearing their own waist trainers and raving about the results.

They’ve gained so much attention as they’re an affordable, non-invasive way to achieve a thinner waist.

A lot of the products available also claim that they aid the weight loss process and help you to more effectively target unwanted stomach fat to achieve the hourglass figure. Other manufacturers have claimed that wearing a waist trainer can make you appear taller. Some sellers have even said they rid your body of toxins because they help you sweat…

All of this sounds either too good to be true, or a whole heap of crap. After doing our research we weren’t sure about the claims being made by the manufacturers and social media moguls, so we’ve delved further into the topic.

How do waist trainers work?

Much like ye olde corset we’re familiar with seeing in those British period dramas, the waist trainer is worn around the middle and pulled tight to cinch you in.

According to many manufacturers you’re meant to start off slow and then start to build up to wearing them pretty much all the time, seven days a week. Apparently, as your body adapts you’ll be able to wear it for longer periods, and you’ll become ‘stronger’. This is how the compression garment leads to a trained, thinner waist.

Some websites recommend wearing the trainer for at least 6 hours a day to see any kind of results. The belt should also be tight enough to be restrictive.

According to the makers of the belt, after wearing it in this way you could lose between 1-3 inches from your waistline, even when you take the trainer off.

However, after looking into whether they live up to the claims, we’re not sure

Do waist trainers actually work?

Now, we’ll level with you girl. After wearing yours for the recommended amount of time, you will see you have a thinner waist. However, it comes at a cost.

A waist trainer does its thing by deforming the way your internal organs sit within your body. Your upper organs like your lungs are forced upwards and the lower organs like your intestines and kidneys will move downwards.

We ain’t doctors, but we’re pretty sure we shouldn’t be messing with the way our organs sit within our bodies. Due to these changes, you may struggle to breathe normally, you could experience acid reflex as your stomach moves up and your body may even find it difficult to process certain foods.

In terms of making you look taller, because of the support you have around your abdomen and lower back, you may feel like you’re sitting taller. However, because of how tightly you have to wear it, it can actually negatively affect your back muscles. They won’t be utilized enough which can cause them to grow weaker over time.

 ciara wearing a waist trainer

Can you lose weight by wearing a waist trainer?

In terms of weight loss, these are the facts. A waist trainer will make you feel hotter, and you could therefore sweat more. Due to this, you could temporarily lose water weight which will show up when you first start to use it, but that’s as far as the weight loss benefits go.

In terms of a thinner weight, yes, it will make your waist look thinner for a while. But that’s not down to weight loss, that’s due to shuffling your organs around. Not cool, girl.

On top of that, the effects of the waist trainer will only be temporary. Your organs just aren’t meant to sit in that position, so your body will soon revert back to it’s original set up.

Although some waist trainers say they achieve the desired results when accompanied by a healthy diet and exercise, we recommend just saying byeeeee to the trainer and sticking with a nutritious, calorie-controlled diet and an active lifestyle.

This way, you’ll actually get the weight loss results you’re looking for and you won’t suffer from the weird, internal side effects of a waist trainer.


Are they safe?

A shows the natural position of the organs, B shows the deformed internal organ layout after wearing a restrictive compression garment
A shows the natural position of the organs, B shows the deformed organ layout after wearing a restrictive compression garment

In short, no.

But to help you get a clear idea of how safe they are, we’ve made a pros and cons list for you girl. This weighs up the benefits/results of wearing a waist trainer compared to the negative impacts if can have on your body. With this list, you can weigh up your options and make an informed decision on whether it’s worth the risk.

Check it out:


  • They will reduce the size of your waist temporarily


  • Although they will reduce the size of your waist, they’ll do it by squeezing and moving your internal organs.
  • The affects of the thinner waist are only temporary. You have to continually wear the trainer to maintain the slimmer results.
  • Waist trainers don’t contribute to fat or weight loss in the long term.
  • It makes you sweat a lot more, which can lead to dehydration if you don’t compensate by drinking more.
  • They can compress your midsection which can make it harder to breathe. Not a good idea if you’re into going to the gym. You may get out of breath dangerously quickly during a workout.
  • Because the waist trainer is tight around the abdomen, it an actually make your lower back weaker if you wear it for a prolonged period of time. The lumbar region will be less active, and your abdominal muscles will be supported which can result in loss of muscle. This could even compromise your posterior chain. This is a big no if you’re into training weights girl. You might say good bye to your deadlift gains and potentially become injured.
  • They can be very painful to wear. As they have to be so tight, you might feel pain inside your abdomen, pinching on the skin and even suffer from skin infections.
  • Mentally, wearing a waist trainer can take its toll, especially since they don’t have the long-term effects you’re looking for. On top of that, they’re extremely uncomfortable when you wear them. Essentially, they’re a constant and painful reminder of a body image that is fundamentally un-achievable.
  • We don’t know what the long-term effects are for constant use. Because they’re still relatively new, we don’t know what waist training for an extended period of time can do to your body in the long run. There aren’t any studies into it, but we know the short-term implications are enough for a swerve from us.
  • Waist trainers are mostly marketed via social media channels, so there’s a high probability that teenagers will be tempted to try them. This could have a negative impact on growth and development of young girls.

Healthy woman performing a back squat as a healthy alternative


What should you do?

Girl, the last thing you should do is buy a waist trainer. You should however probably stop following those social media influencers who’re telling you you need one. They’re promoting an unachievable body image, a potentially dangerous product and they’re probably making a buck out of it too. Not cool.

If you want to lose weight and make your waist thinner, there are plenty of healthy, safe ways you can make a change and achieve your goals.

First up, take a look at your diet. One of the easiest ways to ensure weight loss is to find the right food plan for you. There really is only one rule to losing weight – you have to be in a calorie deficit. That means you have to burn more calories than you lose. We also recommend you eat healthy, nutritious foods and nourish your body along the way.

One option we love is the IIFYM diet. You can enjoy a calorie-controlled plan that gives you’re a better understanding of the food your put into your body and offers flexibility, so you can enjoy the occasional treat.

You’ve got your heart set on crafting an hourglass shaped body. Fair enough girl. Create the look yourself and try weightlifting. Now, it’s not likely you’ll achieve anything as extreme as a Kardashian wearing a waist trainer, but believe us girl, you’ll look smoking hot and you’ll be so much healthier for it.

[infobox]With some smart weight training you can aid your weight loss journey, grow a bigger, rounder booty and create a gorgeous, natural hourglass figure.[/infobox]


Final word

After looking into whether waist trainers work, we feel like we can tell you with confidence to steer clear of this fad. Compression garments are designed to deform your body in order to give you a temporarily thinner waist.

They won’t help you lose weight, they won’t really make you thinner and they won’t help you feel comfortable or confident in your body.  If you’re set on losing fat or achieving an hourglass body shape, do it in a healthy way. Check out these articles on how you can improve your nutrition and your training program to make it happen:

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7 Signs your Male PT is Bad News Fri, 19 Oct 2018 15:00:35 +0000 If you’re looking to take your workout prowess to new levels, signing up for a PT can be a great idea. Who better to turn to than that hot male PT who’s got the muscle to prove he knows what he’s talking about.

These gym pros are brimming with workout wisdom. From new exercises to verging-on-sadistic plans, they know what they’re doing when it comes to transforming your physique.

Or so they should.

The fact is, so many dudes are personal trainers these days, it’s getting harder and harder to tell the good ones from the bad. And the fact is girl, some of those male PT’s are out there to hit on some super fit ladies.

To help you tell the pros from the bros, we’ve identified seven signs of a bad personal trainer, so you know when to keep on searching for that game changing PT.

Male PT showing a female client a workout plan

Signs of a bad personal trainer

  1. Hitting on you

We’ll put this one right at number one, because you should not be paying this dude by the hour to hit on you. You should feel comfortable and focused throughout, and if your PT is getting his googly eyes on, it’s the sign of a bad PT.

We know that attraction is naturally there sometimes, but this should be a strictly professional relationship. Because, let’s face it, you’re literally paying his bills girl. Find a PT who puts you and your progression first.

Related Article: Becoming a Personal Trainer – A Guide for Girls Who Lift


  1. Turns up late, covered in sweat

As they’re a PT, we know they need to work out regularly to stay in good shape. But that doesn’t mean they should be turning up to your session fresh from the weights room with sweat dripping down their face.

A good PT should turn up on time, be hygienic and prepared to get started. If your trainer turns up late on the regular, you gotta think about whether they’re right for you. It says a lot about how seriously they’re taking their career as a personal trainer and, at the end of the day, you’re paying them for a limited amount of their time, so you need to make the most of your money.


  1. He’s all about weight loss

We’re well aware that plenty of women go to the gym to lose weight and a dude who thinks that’s all you’re there for should not be your PT. He should be focused first and foremost on getting you healthy and any unwanted fat will come away with that.

This dude should know his sh*t and give you a healthy nutrition plan that promotes eating enough to support an active lifestyle. The workout program should also involve weight training. Any well-educated personal trainer knows about all the benefits of putting on muscle, and will encourage you to do so. In fact, by just smashing cardio and core workouts, he’s actually limiting your ability to burn fat and build a healthy, powerful body.

Related Article: Fat Torching, Muscle Growing HIIT Leg Workouts


  1. Undeveloped workout plan

If you have three leg days in a row, is that going to be good for you, or is that going to over-train your legs? This dude should be thinking about this kind of thing all the time.

You might have asked him to help you achieve a bigger booty, but their plan should aim to give you that, without neglecting the rest of your body. A good trainer should be thinking about balance, exploring different movements and exercises to get the results you want and turn your body into a well-oiled, fitness machine.


7 Signs your Male PT is Bad News 8

  1. Intensity over form

We all go to a personal trainer for that bitter sweet muscle pain the next day. But a sign of a bad personal trainer is focusing on that kind of intensity, rather than helping you achieve perfect form. If your guy doesn’t give you the chance to learn, you’ll be on a fast-track to injury and it’s a huge no from us. You’re not just there to get tired girl, you want to see a fitness transformation too.

If you’re new to a movement, make sure your PT is taking you through it in detail. Don’t pick up a weight until your ready and don’t feel pressured to move on if you’re not totally confident you can do the movement. Your personal trainer should care about this just as much as you. If they tell you to add an extra 10kg and perform 15 reps when you don’t think it feels right, this could be the sign of a bad personal trainer.

Related Article: The Best Deadlift Form – Everything a Girl Needs to Know


  1. Body shaming

Oh. Hell. No.

No one has any right to body shame you, especially not your trainer. He might be trying to get you to come back for more, or he might just be an ass-hole. Either way you do not need that negativity in your life.

A PT should be empowering and encourage you to achieve your goals. On top of that, they should be educating you too. If a dude is trying to make you feel like your body isn’t good enough or that you’ve got the wrong type then say bye, cos he needs to go. End of conversation.


  1. No vision

As you progress, your fitness needs change too. If your PT isn’t matching his training plan to your physical development, he probably isn’t totally invested in your fitness vision. If you’re putting the work in a smashing new PB’s all the time, he should be working hard on a plan that moves with you.

You don’t want to feel like he’s just cashing in on your fitness journey. If he’s not reviewing your fitness levels and progress on the regular, you might need to look for someone who puts the work in.


Don’t get us wrong girls, there are some truly amazing male PT’s out there, doing their best by their female clients. But if you see any of these seven signs of a bad personal trainer from your fitness guru, it’s time to start looking for someone new.


Discover more fitness info for women with these articles from SMG:

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The Best Sports Bras for Female Weightlifters Thu, 18 Oct 2018 12:15:19 +0000 Behind every strong woman, is a strong sports bra.

Once upon a time, all sports bras were designed to do one thing, bind your breasts down. Painful right? Now, luckily the world of women’s fitness apparel has taken huge leaps forward and you can find an array of styles and innovative designs to support you and your girls.

Finding the right sports bra is essential for staying comfortable as you smash a weights session and we all know how bad it can be to start a workout without the right support. Not all sports bras are made equal and every woman is different, so there are a lot of elements you need to consider before you pick one.

With so many sports bra designs out there, it can be difficult to know which one is best for your workout routine. Stick with us girl, and we’ll tell you everything you need to know about which sports bra is best for weightlifting and what you should be looking out for when you’re shopping.

woman in a plank with the best sports bra

What type of sports bra do I need for weightlifting?

When you’re lifting weights, there’s not a lot of jumping around or hard impact movements you need to account for. For example, if you’re a runner you’re going to need that extra support, so your girls stay secure and don’t take the hit whenever you go for a jog.

Weight lifting isn’t as high-impact, but you still need a bra that holds everything in place. You need to be able to take on those big weights, without worrying about movement or pain from the wrong sized bra.

While you’re looking for support, don’t settle for something that straps you down. Not only does this hurt your breasts, it can also dig into the skin in your shoulders and under your armpits. Instead, opt for something that simply holds you in place.

On the other end of the scale, something that’s too large could move too much which can lead to painful chafing. Not want you want.

The best sports bra is about finding the perfect balance and what you need will vary from woman to woman. To help you find the ideal one for you, we’ve split our article down so you know what you should be looking for to suit your body.

Whatever your size or shape, keep these simple rules with you as you shop, and you should be able to find the perfect sports bra to support your weightlifting journey.


woman working out with a med ball wearing the best sports bra for her

Sports bras for larger breasts:

If you have a larger bust, you need support so you can work out without feeling the strain through your back and shoulders, or having to worry about too much movement. Although weight lifting is a low-impact sport compared to running, we recommend you still look for a high-impact sports bra, so you experience as little movement as possible. If you’re lifting heavy or performing energetic Olympic lifts, you’ll want to feel secure throughout.

Follow these simple tips when you’re shopping for the best sports bra for larger breasts.


Wider straps = more support

A wider strap means more support for your breasts. If you have a larger chest and are looking for something to keep everything in place as you lift, then wider straps are the way to go. They’ll take the strain off your back, so you just need to worry about perfecting that deadlift form. On top of that, they’ll reduce the amount the straps cut into your shoulders, so you’ll be more comfortable too.


Racerbacks hold you in

A racer strap will give you added security. They join together between your shoulder blades, which removes the pressure from our shoulders. If you’ve got too much weight on your shoulders, it can make for an uncomfortable workout. What’s more, if you’re into Olympic lifting where explosive power is key, you can rest assured a racerback will keep everything in place, so you can focus in on technique.


Find the right size

Avoid looking for generic small, medium and large sizes, girl. The same applies when you’re looking for any bra, you need the right fit to suit your body. A large sports bra might be good for a larger bust, but if your waist is a medium, you won’t get the right amount of support and could risk chafing. Ditch the S, M and L’s and opt for accurate measurements that reflect the shape of your body.


The perfect design

When you’re looking for a particular cup design, opt for one that encompasses your whole breast. This will ensure everything is held in place and you’re less likely to experience movement or bounce as you work out. Look for options with dual layers for extra sturdiness. Molded designs will also offer a closer, more secure fit.

Something like this would work perfectly for women with a larger chest: Explore on Amazon

woman in a sports bra working out

Sports bras for small and medium breasts:

If you have smaller or medium sized breasts you can afford to opt for a lower-impact sports bra for weightlifting workouts. The girls won’t move as much and shouldn’t put as much strain across your back and shoulders when you’re lifting.

To find the perfect sports bras for small and medium breasts, follow these simple tips:


Choose the perfect straps

Try on a range of different strap styles to figure out what feels right for you. You shouldn’t be feeling too much movement or shoulder pain, so you need to try different styles on. Just remember that larger straps and a racer style will offer more support, so if you think you need to level up, then look out for those products.


Find your style

The best sports bra should be extremely comfortable for you to wear. As you might not need loads of support, you can focus in more on the way it feels. Seamless sports bras are a great option for women with smaller breasts, as they still provide you with support, but are also easy to wear. You can do a whole workout and not have to think about it.


Check out the shapes

With smaller breasts, you don’t need to rely on the shape of the bra as much to limit movement. Instead, explore the different options out there and find the one that suits you best. You’ll find that almost all styles are available to you, just try them on to see what you feel comfortable in and what gives you the best results when you work out.


Find the design for you

If you’ve got smaller breasts, you have very different needs to a sister with larger breasts. Whereas a sports bra for larger breasts focusses in on encapsulating the girls and supporting each one, this won’t work for small chests. In short, they’ll be way too roomy. A bra with small cups, that compresses your breasts slightly will give you all the support you need.

This design would be perfect for women with a smaller chest: Explore on Amazon

Before you head out to the store, check out this guide to finding the best sports bra for weightlifting. When you’ve found that perfect match, you’ll be on track for a comfortable, pain free workout, so you can focus in on smashing heavy weights.

Looking to smash new targets in the gym? A powerful, women-friendly pre-workout could help.

Best pre-workouts for women 2021

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