HeySpotMeGirl.com https://heyspotmegirl.com Sun, 20 Aug 2023 14:37:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://heyspotmegirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/cropped-favicon-spotmegirl-alt_2-1-32x32.png HeySpotMeGirl.com https://heyspotmegirl.com 32 32 The Ultimate Workout Plan for Women Over 50: Stay Strong and Fit as You Age https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/the-ultimate-workout-plan-for-women-over-50-stay-strong-and-fit-as-you-age/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/the-ultimate-workout-plan-for-women-over-50-stay-strong-and-fit-as-you-age/#respond Sun, 20 Aug 2023 14:35:47 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=38055 Strength training is a crucial component of any workout plan for women over 50. As we age, our bodies naturally experience muscle loss, which can lead to reduced strength, mobility, and overall functionality. By engaging in regular strength training exercises, women can build and maintain lean muscle mass, improve bone density, and reduce the risk of falls and fractures.

Strength training also offers a range of additional benefits for women over 50. It boosts metabolism, allowing for more efficient calorie burning and weight management. It enhances mental health, reducing the risk of depression and increasing overall self-confidence. Furthermore, strength training improves balance, coordination, and mobility, enabling women to perform daily activities with ease and maintain an active lifestyle.

Cardiovascular Exercise for Heart Health and Stamina

In addition to strength training, cardiovascular exercise is essential for women over 50. Cardiovascular exercises, also known as aerobic exercises, promote heart health, lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and increase stamina and endurance. Engaging in regular cardiovascular workouts can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

There are various options for cardiovascular exercises, allowing women to choose activities that they enjoy and that suit their fitness level. Walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, and hiking are all excellent choices for cardiovascular workouts. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity. Remember to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to avoid overexertion.

The Importance of Core and Balance Training

Core and balance training are vital for women over 50, as they help maintain good posture, stability, and overall body control. A strong core contributes to better balance and reduces the risk of falls, which can be particularly detrimental to older individuals. Incorporating exercises that target the abdominal muscles, lower back, and hips into your workout routine can help strengthen your core and improve balance.

Planks and side planks are effective exercises for engaging the core muscles. To perform a plank, start by assuming a push-up position with your forearms on the ground. Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe, engaging your core muscles. Hold this position for as long as you can, gradually increasing the duration over time. Side planks involve supporting your body weight on one forearm and the side of your foot, while maintaining a straight line from head to toe.

Additionally, stability ball rollouts, pelvic tilts, abdominal pulses, and yoga are all beneficial activities for core training and improving balance. Incorporate these exercises into your workout routine to enhance your overall stability and body control.

The Role of Stretching in Maintaining Flexibility

Flexibility tends to decrease with age, leading to stiffness and reduced range of motion. Stretching exercises are essential for women over 50, as they help maintain flexibility, improve joint mobility, and prevent muscle imbalances and injuries. Regular stretching can also alleviate muscle soreness, improve posture, and promote relaxation.

Before engaging in static stretching, it’s important to warm up your muscles with a few minutes of dynamic movements. Walking, cycling, or performing large joint movements like arm circles and trunk rotations can help prepare your body for stretching. Hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds, focusing on major muscle groups such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, chest, shoulders, and back. Avoid bouncing or straining during stretches, and remember to breathe deeply and relax into each position.

Developing a Safe and Effective Workout Schedule

To maximize the benefits of your workout plan, it’s important to develop a safe and effective schedule. Aim to train each major muscle group at least twice a week on non-consecutive days. You can choose between a total body workout twice a week or alternate upper and lower body workouts three times a week. Remember to allow your muscles time to recover and adapt between workouts.

On non-weight-training days, focus on core exercises, balance training, and posture improvement. Engage in moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise most days of the week, aiming for a minimum of 150 minutes per week. If you’re new to exercise, you can break this down into shorter bouts of 10 to 15 minutes, one to three times a day.

Flexibility training should also be incorporated into your routine, ideally for 30 minutes, three days a week. However, even a few minutes of stretching can provide significant benefits. Remember to listen to your body and adjust your schedule and intensity based on your individual fitness level and goals.

The Best Strength Training Exercises for Women Over 50

To target all major muscle groups and achieve a full-body workout, incorporate a variety of strength training exercises into your routine. Here are some examples of effective exercises for women over 50:

1. Basic Squats

Squats are a fundamental strength training exercise that targets the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core. To perform a basic squat:

  1. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward.
  2. Bend your knees and sit your butt back as if you are going to sit in a chair.
  3. Keep your weight evenly distributed in both heels and avoid letting your knees go past your toes.
  4. Pause briefly at the bottom of the squat and then rise back up to the starting position.

2. Modified Push-Ups

Push-ups are an excellent exercise for strengthening the upper body, including the chest, back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. If traditional push-ups are challenging, you can start with modified push-ups:

  1. Begin in a kneeling position with your hands below your shoulders and knees behind your hips.
  2. Keep your gaze in front of your fingertips, engage your glutes and inner thighs, and activate the lower body.
  3. Slowly lower yourself to the ground, keeping your elbows at a 45-degree angle.
  4. Press yourself back up to the starting position.

Once you have mastered modified push-ups, you can progress to full push-ups from your toes.

3. Reverse Grip Double Arm Row

The reverse grip double arm row primarily targets the upper body, including the triceps, back, and shoulders. To perform this exercise:

  1. Start with your legs together and sit back into a small squat, engaging the glutes and abdominal muscles.
  2. Hold the weights in front of your body with your palms facing the ceiling.
  3. Squeeze your upper back muscles together and pull your elbows back, drawing them past your hips.
  4. Return to the starting position with control.

Start with lighter weights and focus on slow, controlled movements. Once you’ve mastered the technique, you can increase the weight to further challenge yourself.

4. Full Body Roll-Up

The full body roll-up is an excellent exercise for targeting the core, shoulders, and back. To perform a full body roll-up:

  1. Start lying on a mat with your arms extended overhead, legs long, and feet flexed towards your face.
  2. Inhale as you lift your arms up and curl your chin towards your chest.
  3. Exhale as you roll your entire torso up and over, reaching towards your toes.
  4. Inhale as you roll back down one vertebra at a time, and exhale as you lower your upper back to the ground, returning to the starting position.

Focus on using your abdominal muscles to lift and lower, rather than relying on momentum.

5. Dumbbell Deadlifts

Dumbbell deadlifts are a compound exercise that targets the hamstrings and glutes. To perform a dumbbell deadlift:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells in front of your thighs with palms facing your body.
  2. Tighten your abdominals and keep a flat back as you bend your knees and lower the dumbbells towards the floor.
  3. Send your hips backward with a slight hip hinge, squeeze your glutes, and use your hamstrings to lift your body back up to an upright position.

6. Forward Lunge with Bicep Curl

This exercise combines a forward lunge with a bicep curl, targeting the quads, glutes, hamstrings, and biceps. To perform a forward lunge with a bicep curl:

  1. Start standing tall with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Take a large step forward with your right leg and lower your back knee to the floor, forming a 90-degree angle with both legs.
  3. Complete a bicep curl at the bottom of the lunge by bringing the weights towards your shoulders.
  4. Push off your front foot and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat on the other side.

7. Forearm Plank

The forearm plank is a core-strengthening exercise that also engages the shoulders, chest, upper back, arms, and leg muscles. To perform a forearm plank:

  1. Begin by lying on the floor with your forearms flat on the ground, elbows aligned below your shoulders.
  2. Engage your core, press down through your forearms, and lift your body off the floor, maintaining a straight line from your head to your feet.
  3. Pull your navel towards your spine and squeeze your glutes to maintain proper alignment.
  4. Hold the plank position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

For a modified version, you can drop down to your knees and hold the plank position from your forearms and knees.

8. Single Leg Hamstring Bridge

The single leg hamstring bridge targets the hamstrings and glutes. To perform this exercise:

  1. Lie on your back with bent knees hip-width apart and feet flat on the mat, stacked under your knees.
  2. Extend your right leg towards the ceiling.
  3. Squeeze your glutes and lift your hips off the mat into a bridge position.
  4. Lower and lift your hips for the desired number of repetitions.
  5. Repeat on the other leg.

9. Tricep Kickbacks

Tricep kickbacks are effective for targeting the triceps and strengthening the upper arm muscles. To perform tricep kickbacks:

  1. Start with your feet together and sit back into a slight squat, arms bent at 90-degree angles, and weights at the sides of your chest.
  2. Press the dumbbells back, squeezing your triceps.
  3. Release the weights back down to the starting position while maintaining balance.

For an advanced option, you can perform stability ball tricep kickbacks, which challenge your core stability.

10. Shoulder Overhead Press

The shoulder overhead press targets the shoulder muscles. To perform this exercise:

  1. Start with your feet hip-width apart and elbows bent at a 90-degree angle, creating a goal post position with your arms.
  2. Press the dumbbells straight overhead until your arms are fully extended.
  3. Slowly return to the starting position with control.

11. Bird Dog

The bird dog exercise engages the abdominals and lower back muscles. To perform a bird dog:

  1. Start on all fours with your knees on a mat.
  2. Extend one arm forward and the opposite leg backward.
  3. Hold for 5-10 seconds, engaging your lower body, and then return to all fours.
  4. Repeat on the other side.

Remember to choose weights that challenge your muscles but still allow you to maintain proper form throughout each exercise. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase as you gain strength and confidence.

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Best Leg Workouts for Older Women https://heyspotmegirl.com/fitness/best-leg-workouts-for-older-women/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/fitness/best-leg-workouts-for-older-women/#respond Sun, 13 Aug 2023 18:52:17 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=38052 As women age, they may experience a decline in muscle mass, strength, and bone density. This can lead to a loss of balance, mobility issues, and an increased risk of falls and injuries. However, incorporating regular leg workouts into your fitness routine can help counteract these effects and promote overall strength, stability, and endurance. Strong legs not only support your body’s movements but also contribute to a healthy and active lifestyle. By focusing on leg exercises, you can improve muscle tone, increase bone density, enhance balance, and maintain flexibility.

Squats: The Foundation of Leg Workouts

Squats are often considered the foundation of any leg workout routine. This compound exercise targets multiple muscle groups in the legs, including the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves. Squats not only help to strengthen these muscles but also promote better overall lower-body strength and stability. According to fitness experts, squats are crucial for maintaining functional movements in daily life. Rose McNulty, a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, recommends incorporating squats into your exercise routine consistently.

To perform squats correctly, start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips or in front of your chest. Keep your spine neutral and maintain good posture throughout the movement. Bend your knees and shift your hips back, lowering yourself into a squat position. Aim to lower your thighs parallel to the floor, then push through your heels to stand back up. For bodyweight squats, aim for four sets of 15 reps, while weighted squats can be done with three to four sets of eight to 12 reps.

Step-ups: Improve Lower Body Range of Motion

Step-ups are a versatile leg exercise that can be done anywhere with minimal equipment. This exercise helps to improve lower body range of motion, strengthen the legs, and enhance overall mobility. Step-ups also work one leg at a time, reducing the chance of muscle imbalances or compensation.

To perform step-ups, stand in front of a bench, step, or plyometrics box. Step onto the elevated surface with your right leg, followed by your left leg. Then, step back down with your left foot, allowing your right knee to bend before placing your right foot back down next to your left. Alternate between legs for 12 to 15 reps per leg, aiming for three to four sets.

Side Lunges: Engage Multiple Leg Muscles

Side lunges are an effective leg exercise that targets the quads, glutes, and adductor and abductor muscles on the inside and outside of the thighs. By engaging these muscles, side lunges help improve hip stability and strengthen the lower body.

To perform side lunges, stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands in front of your chest, holding a weight if desired. Take a big step out to the right with your right foot, keeping your toes facing forward. Ensure your feet stay flat on the floor as you bend your right knee and shift your hips back, lowering your right thigh until it is parallel to the floor. Push off with your right foot to return to the starting position, then switch to the left side. Aim for 10 reps per side, completing three to four sets.

Front-and-Back Lunges: Improve Balance and Stability

Front-and-back lunges are an excellent leg exercise that challenges balance and stability while strengthening the muscles in the legs. By incorporating both forward and backward movements, this exercise helps to improve coordination and stability, which are especially important for women over 50.

To perform front-and-back lunges, stand with your hands on your hips or in front of your chest, and your feet hip-width apart. Take a big step forward with your right foot, shifting your weight onto that foot as you plant it. Bend your right knee until your right thigh is parallel to the floor, then push off with your right foot to return to the starting position. Next, step your right foot back, hovering it above the floor as you bend your left knee and lower down into a lunge. Aim for three sets of 10 reps per leg.

Side Lying Leg Raises: Strengthen Hips and Core

Side lying leg raises are an effective exercise for targeting the hip abductors on the outer thighs, as well as the sides of the abs and glutes. This exercise promotes hip strength and overall core stability, which are crucial for maintaining balance and preventing injuries.

To perform side lying leg raises, lie on your right side on a mat with your legs extended and your head supported by your right hand. Place your left hand on your hip or on the mat in front of you. Lift your left leg off the floor, focusing on engaging the glutes and outer thigh muscles. Lower your leg back down and repeat the movement. Aim for three sets of 15 to 20 reps per side.

Stiff-Leg Deadlifts: Target Hamstrings and Glutes

Stiff-leg deadlifts are an excellent exercise for targeting the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. This exercise helps to improve strength in the posterior chain and promote proper hip hinge movement, which is essential for functional movements like bending and lifting.

To perform stiff-leg deadlifts, hold a light weight such as a dumbbell, plate, or kettlebell in each hand. Stand with your knees slightly bent and your feet hip-width apart. Hinge at the hips, allowing your hips to shift backward as you lower your torso forward and down. Keep your spine neutral and shoulders back. Once your hands are at about mid-shin and you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, reverse the motion and return to the starting position. Aim for 12 to 15 reps, completing three to four sets.

Flutter Kicks: Engage the Quads and Hip Flexors

Flutter kicks are an effective leg exercise that engages the quads and hip flexors while also targeting the core muscles. This exercise helps to improve balance and stability, and can be modified to suit individual fitness levels.

To perform flutter kicks, lie face-up on an exercise mat and engage your abs. Keep your arms down on the mat or place your hands behind your head, being careful not to pull on your neck. Lift both legs a few inches off the floor, ensuring your lower back stays on the mat. Move your feet up and down in a scissor-like motion, alternating between each leg. Aim for 30 to 45 seconds of flutter kicks per set, completing four sets with 60 seconds of rest between sets.

Additional Tips for Effective Leg Workouts

In addition to performing the above leg exercises, there are a few additional tips that can help make your workouts more effective and enjoyable:

  • Warm up before each workout to prepare your muscles and joints for exercise. This can include dynamic stretches, light cardio, or mobility exercises.
  • Use proper form and technique for each exercise to maximize effectiveness and minimize the risk of injury. If needed, seek guidance from a fitness professional to ensure proper form.
  • Gradually increase the intensity and difficulty of your leg workouts over time. This can be done by adding weights, increasing repetitions, or incorporating new variations of exercises.
  • Listen to your body and take rest days as needed. Recovery is crucial for muscle growth and overall fitness.
  • Stay hydrated and nourish your body with a balanced diet to support muscle growth and overall health.
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The Best Diet for Booty Gains: How To Build A Bigger Bum https://heyspotmegirl.com/nutrition/diet-plan/the-best-diet-for-booty-gains-how-to-build-a-bigger-bum/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/nutrition/diet-plan/the-best-diet-for-booty-gains-how-to-build-a-bigger-bum/#respond Thu, 27 Jul 2023 15:14:16 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=38049 Building a bigger and stronger butt is a goal that many people strive for. While exercise is crucial, it’s important to remember that nutrition also plays a vital role in achieving your desired results. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the top foods that can help you build a bigger, more toned butt. Drawing from the expertise of nutrition experts and scientific research, we will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your glute growth journey.

The Role of Nutrition in Glute Growth

To understand how nutrition can contribute to glute growth, it’s important to recognize the two main components of the buttocks: the gluteal muscles and the fat layer. Building a bigger butt involves increasing the size of the glute muscles and adding a layer of fat to enhance its roundness and shape. This can be achieved by consuming a protein-rich diet that supports muscle growth and incorporating foods that provide the necessary energy for effective workouts.

Protein-Packed Foods for Glute Growth

Protein is essential for muscle growth and repair. Including protein-rich foods in your diet can help you build lean muscle mass in your glutes. Let’s explore some of the best protein-packed foods for glute growth:

1. Salmon

Salmon is not only a delicious fish but also an excellent source of protein. It contains essential amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids, which aid in muscle growth and reduce inflammation. Incorporating salmon into your diet, ideally once or twice a week, can contribute to building lean muscle mass in your glutes.

2. Eggs

Eggs are a versatile and affordable protein source. They contain essential amino acids and provide vitamin B12, which helps convert food into energy. Including eggs in your diet can support muscle synthesis and provide the necessary energy for your workouts.

3. Chicken Breast

Chicken breast is a lean protein source that is low in cholesterol and high in protein. With its high protein content, chicken breast aids in muscle growth and repair. Incorporate chicken breast into your meals to support glute development.

4. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a protein-rich food that provides both slow and fast-digesting protein. It also contains calcium, vitamin B12, and phosphorus, which are essential for optimal muscle function. Make Greek yogurt a part of your diet to support your glute growth journey.

5. Tofu and Soy Chunks

Tofu and soy chunks are excellent plant-based protein sources. They provide a good amount of protein and can be incorporated into various dishes, such as salads, sandwiches, and curries. Including tofu and soy chunks in your diet can contribute to glute muscle development.

Complex Carbohydrates for Energy

In addition to protein, complex carbohydrates play a crucial role in providing energy for your workouts. Let’s explore some of the best complex carbohydrate sources for optimal glute growth:

1. Quinoa

Quinoa is a pseudocereal that is packed with protein and complex carbohydrates. It also contains all the essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source. Including quinoa in your diet can provide the necessary energy for your glute-focused workouts.

2. Brown Rice

Brown rice is a nutritious whole grain that contains complex carbohydrates and branched-chain amino acids. These amino acids are directly broken down into your muscles, providing a quick supply of energy. Consuming brown rice before your glute workouts can enhance your gains.

Nutrient-Dense Foods for Glute Growth

In addition to protein and complex carbohydrates, incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your diet can support glute growth. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote overall muscle health. Let’s explore some of these nutrient-dense foods:

1. Spinach

Spinach is a nutrient powerhouse that contains iron, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory minerals. These properties help reduce muscle wear and tear, increase endurance levels, and promote overall muscle health. Including spinach in your diet can support your glute growth journey.

2. Avocados

Avocados are rich in vitamins E, A, B6, and C, as well as healthy fats. The healthy fats in avocados help reduce inflammation and support muscle growth. Incorporate avocados into your meals to promote glute development and maintain a healthy weight.

3. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are packed with protein, healthy fats, fiber, and essential nutrients. They provide a good amount of protein and can be easily added to smoothies, pancakes, and juices. Including chia seeds in your diet can provide the necessary nutrients for glute growth.

4. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a tasty and nutritious addition to your diet. They contain protein, healthy fats, fiber, and important minerals like magnesium and iron. These seeds support muscle function and provide essential nutrients for glute growth.

How To Build A Bigger Booty

Building a bigger and stronger butt requires a combination of exercise and nutrition. By incorporating protein-rich foods, complex carbohydrates, and nutrient-dense options into your diet, you can support optimal glute growth. Remember to combine your dietary choices with targeted glute-focused workouts for the best results. With the right nutrition and exercise routine, you can achieve your desired glute goals and enhance your overall physique.

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Foods to avoid for bloating: https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/foods-to-avoid-for-bloating/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/lifestyle/foods-to-avoid-for-bloating/#respond Fri, 09 Jun 2023 22:00:05 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=38043 Feeling bloated is something we all can relate to. It’s uncomfortable, frustrating, and can even make you feel a bit self-conscious. But worry not, my friend! In this article, we’ll explore 10 common culprits of bloating and suggest some delicious alternatives that will help you enjoy your meals without the unwanted side effects. So, let’s dive into the world of bloating-busting foods, shall we?

What Actually Happens When We Bloat?

When we feel bloated, it is often due to the accumulation of gas or air in our digestive system. This can cause discomfort, a feeling of fullness, and a visibly larger abdomen. 

Bloating can occur for various reasons, including eating too quickly, consuming gas-producing foods, swallowing air while eating or drinking, or certain digestive disorders. When we eat, our body breaks down food in the stomach and intestines, releasing gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and methane. These gases can get trapped in the digestive system, leading to bloating. Additionally, some foods or drinks can cause the intestines to retain water, adding to the sensation of bloating. 

While occasional bloating is normal, persistent or severe bloating may indicate an underlying issue and should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. Managing bloating often involves making dietary and lifestyle changes, such as eating slowly, avoiding gas-producing foods, staying hydrated, and incorporating regular physical activity.

The Legume Lowdown: Beans and Lentils


Beans are nutritional powerhouses, packed with protein, carbohydrates, and fiber, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. However, they’re also notorious for causing bloating. This is due to the presence of alpha-galactosides, a type of FODMAP (Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides, and Polyols) that can be difficult to digest for some individuals, particularly those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Delicious Alternatives: To minimize bloating, try soaking and sprouting your beans before cooking. This process can help reduce the FODMAP content. Additionally, consider eating smaller portions of beans and seeking medical advice if symptoms persist or worsen.


Similar to beans, lentils are legumes rich in protein, fiber, and other nutrients. Unfortunately, they too contain FODMAPs that can lead to bloating and digestive discomfort.

Delicious Alternatives: Soaking or sprouting lentils can make them more digestible, and reducing portion sizes may help alleviate bloating. If you need a complete break from legumes, opt for grains, meat, or quinoa as a replacement.

Bubbly Beverages: Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks like soda and sparkling water are known to cause bloating due to the high amounts of carbon dioxide they contain. When you gulp down a fizzy drink, you also swallow a lot of gas, which can get trapped in your stomach and cause bloating and belching making fizzy drinks one of the worst causes of bloating.

Delicious Alternatives: Swap out carbonated drinks for plain water, coffee, tea, or fruit-flavored still water. If you can’t completely give up your fizzy favorites, try limiting your intake to about 8 ounces (237 milliliters) per day.

Wheat Woes: Gluten-Containing Grains

Wheat is a staple in many diets, but it also contains gluten, a protein that can cause digestive problems for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. In addition to gluten, wheat is a source of FODMAPs, which can contribute to bloating and discomfort.

Delicious Alternatives: Look for gluten-free alternatives such as certified gluten-free oats, quinoa, buckwheat, almond flour, and coconut flour. You can also find numerous gluten-free bread options to satisfy your sandwich cravings.

Cruciferous Culprits: Broccoli and Other Veggies

Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts are nutrient-dense, offering plenty of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, they also contain FODMAPs, which might lead to bloating for some people.

Delicious Alternatives: Try replacing cruciferous veggies with spinach, cucumbers, lettuce, sweet potatoes, or zucchini. You can also experiment with smaller portions or opt for cooked versions of these vegetables to minimize bloating.

Onion Overload: Fructan-Containing Veggies

Onions, while flavorful and popular in many dishes, are a significant source of fructans, a type of soluble fiber that can cause bloating. Additionally, some people might be sensitive or intolerant to other compounds present in onions, particularly when eaten raw.

Delicious Alternatives: Fresh herbs, spices, or the green parts of scallions and chives can be used in place of onions. Cooking onions might also help reduce their bloating effects.

Barley and Rye: High-Fiber Grains

Both barley and rye are nutritious grains, rich in fiber and essential nutrients. However, they also contain gluten and can cause bloating in those who are gluten-sensitive or not accustomed to high-fiber diets.

Delicious Alternatives: Try replacing barley and rye with other grains or pseudocereals like oats, brown rice, quinoa, or buckwheat.

Dairy Dilemmas: Lactose-Containing Products

Dairy products are highly nutritious, offering protein and calcium. However, approximately 65% of the global population is lactose intolerant, meaning they have difficulty digesting lactose, the sugar found in milk. This can lead to bloating, gas, cramping, and diarrhea.

Delicious Alternatives: Lactose-intolerant individuals might tolerate cream, butter, hard cheeses, or fermented dairy products like yogurt. Lactose-free milk products and non-dairy alternatives like coconut, almond, soy, or rice milk are also available.

Fruity Frustrations: Apples

Apples are a popular and nutritious fruit, but their high fructose and fiber content can cause bloating and digestive issues for some people.

Delicious Alternatives: Opt for cooked apples, smaller portions, or other fruits like bananas, blueberries, grapefruit, mandarin oranges, or strawberries.

Gassy Garlic: Fructan-Containing Flavor Enhancer

Garlic is a beloved ingredient for its flavor and health benefits. However, it contains fructans and other compounds that can cause bloating, belching, and gas in some individuals.

Delicious Alternatives: Use herbs and spices like thyme, parsley, chives, or basil in place of garlic. Garlic-infused oils, garlic scape powder, or garlic chive powder can also be used if you’re sensitive to fructans.

Sneaky Sweeteners: Sugar Alcohols

Sugar alcohols like xylitol, sorbitol, and mannitol are often used as sugar replacements in sugar-free foods and chewing gum. However, they are FODMAPs and can cause digestive issues like bloating, gas, and diarrhea when consumed in large amounts.

Delicious Alternatives: Erythritol is a sugar alcohol that’s gentler on digestion, and stevia is a plant-based sweetener that can be used as a substitute for sugar and sugar alcohols.

Brewed Bloat: Beer

Beer is a carbonated beverage made from fermentable carbs and can cause bloating due to its gas content and gluten-containing grains.

Delicious Alternatives: Limit your beer intake and opt for alcoholic alternatives like red wine, white wine, or spirits to minimize bloating.

Beating Bloating with Dietary Changes

Bloating can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience, but by identifying the foods that cause it and making dietary adjustments, you can enjoy your meals without the discomfort. Remember, it’s important to consult with a medical professional if you have persistent digestive issues to ensure that there isn’t an underlying condition requiring attention. Now, armed with this knowledge, go forth and conquer your bloating battles!

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Best Glute Exercises For Bad Knees https://heyspotmegirl.com/workout/butt/best-glute-exercises-for-bad-knees/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/workout/butt/best-glute-exercises-for-bad-knees/#respond Wed, 31 May 2023 13:03:14 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=38038 If you’re looking to strengthen and tone your glutes without putting any strain on your knees, you’re in luck. There are numerous exercises that can help you achieve your fitness goals without involving your knees.

These exercises are not only safe but also highly effective in targeting your glutes to give you a sculpted and toned backside.

Whether you’re recovering from a knee injury or simply looking for knee-friendly glute exercises to avoid knee pain in future, this article will provide you with 10 top exercises that you can add to your workout routine.

So, let’s dive in and check out the best glute exercises without knee involvement for safe and targeted workouts.

Top 10 Glute Exercises Without Knee Involvement

When it comes to working out the glutes, many exercises involve knee involvement, which can be a problem for those with knee injuries or discomfort. However, there are still several effective glute exercises that can be done without putting pressure on the knees. Here are the top 10 glute exercises without knee involvement:

1. Glute bridges are an excellent exercise for targeting and activating the glute muscles, and they are particularly knee-friendly. To perform glute bridges, start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. As you lift your hips off the floor, focus on squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement. By primarily focusing on hip extension, glute bridges minimize knee involvement, making them a safe choice for individuals with knee sensitivity or issues. The controlled lowering phase also allows for a smooth and controlled movement, reducing the risk of knee strain. Not only is the glute bridge fantastic for your booty, but it’s also good for hip muscles and even works the core.

2. Hip thrusts, similar to glute bridges, are another effective exercise for targeting the glutes while minimizing knee strain. This exercise provides an additional challenge by using a barbell or weighted plate placed across the hips. To perform hip thrusts, start by sitting on the ground with your back against a bench or step. Position the weight across your hips and drive your hips upward, lifting your glutes off the ground. It’s important to keep your feet flat on the floor and hold the top position for a moment before lowering back down. Hip thrusts isolate the glute muscles and limit knee involvement, making them an excellent choice for individuals looking to work their glutes while being mindful of their knees.

You can even combine the hip thrust and the glute bridge to create an extra effective option by holding the hip thrust at peak and into a glute bridge, this can be particularly effective for training weak glutes and avoiding knee pain whilst doing this without weight as it offers more time under tension. Try holding each of your glute thrusts at the top for a count of 8 seconds and see how quickly the burn adds up!

3. Clamshells are a simple yet highly effective exercise for targeting the gluteus medius, a key muscle responsible for hip stability. To perform clamshells, lie on your side with your knees bent and your feet together. While maintaining the alignment of your hips, open your knees apart like a clamshell. As you open your knees, focus on squeezing your glutes, then return to the starting position. Clamshells are considered knee-friendly exercises because they involve minimal knee movement while effectively activating the glute muscles. This makes them a valuable addition to any knee-friendly glute workout routine.

4. Fire hydrants are another knee-friendly exercise that targets the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles. To perform fire hydrants, start on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Keeping your knee bent, lift one leg out to the side, mimicking the motion of a dog at a fire hydrant. At the top of the movement, be sure to squeeze your glutes before lowering your leg back down. Fire hydrants engage the glutes without putting excessive strain on the knees, making them an effective and safe option for knee-friendly glute exercises.

5. Donkey kicks are a dynamic exercise that effectively targets the glutes while minimizing knee involvement. Begin on all fours, with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. To perform a donkey kick, lift one leg up behind you, driving your heel toward the ceiling. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement before lowering your leg back down. Donkey kicks isolate the glute muscles without requiring significant knee movement, making them ideal for individuals looking for knee-friendly glute workouts. It’s important to maintain control throughout the exercise and focus on the mind-muscle connection with your glutes for optimal results.

6. Standing glute kickbacks are a standing variation of donkey kicks that provide a knee-friendly way to target the glutes. To perform standing glute kickbacks, stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and slightly bend your knees. Lift one leg backward, extending it straight behind you while maintaining a slight bend in the supporting leg. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement, then lower your leg back down. Standing glute kickbacks engage the glutes without putting excessive stress on the knees, offering a safe and effective knee-friendly glute exercise option. Remember to keep your core engaged and maintain stability throughout

7. Cable pull-throughs are a compound exercise that offers a knee-friendly option for targeting the glutes. To perform cable pull-throughs, position yourself facing away from a cable machine with the cable between your legs. Grab the cable handle and take a step forward, maintaining a slight bend in your knees. As you hinge forward at the hips, allow the cable to pull your hands back through your legs. This movement engages the glute muscles. To maximize the glute activation, squeeze your glutes and stand tall, extending your hips forward. Cable pull-throughs are an effective exercise for the glutes while minimizing strain on the knees. By focusing on the hip extension movement pattern, this exercise allows individuals with knee sensitivity to strengthen their glutes safely.

8. Step-ups are a versatile exercise that targets the glutes and thighs while being gentle on the knees. The do engage the knee a little bit, but unless you’re currently struggling with knee pain, it shouldn’t be so much as to cause any overtraining issues. To perform step-ups, start by placing one foot on a step or platform. Push through your heel and lift your body up onto the step, fully extending your hips. Lower your body back down in a controlled manner and repeat the movement on the same leg or alternate legs. Step-ups emphasize the hip extension, engaging the glute muscles without excessive knee movement. This makes them an excellent choice for individuals seeking knee-friendly glute exercises. Step-ups can be easily modified by adjusting the height of the step or incorporating weights to increase the challenge and further activate the glutes.

9. Resistance band lateral walks are a low-impact exercise that specifically targets the gluteus medius, a crucial muscle for hip stability. To perform this exercise, place a resistance band around your thighs, just above your knees. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and slightly bend your knees. Take a step to the side with one foot, maintaining tension in the band, and then follow with the other foot. Continue walking sideways, focusing on keeping your glutes engaged and maintaining the tension in the band. Resistance band lateral walks are a knee-friendly exercise that strengthens the glutes without subjecting the knees to undue stress. By focusing on the gluteus medius, these walks promote hip stability and help prevent knee issues associated with poor hip control.

10. Swiss ball hamstring curls provide an effective way to target the glutes and hamstrings while being gentle on the knees. Begin by lying on your back with your feet resting on a Swiss ball, knees bent. Lift your hips off the ground, engaging your glutes, and roll the ball toward your glutes by bending your knees. This movement isolates the glutes and hamstrings, promoting knee-friendly strength development in those muscle groups. Extend your legs back out, rolling the ball away from your glutes, and lower your hips back down to complete one repetition. Swiss ball hamstring curls allow individuals to work their glutes and hamstrings without placing excessive strain on the knees. The unstable nature of the Swiss ball also engages the core muscles, providing an additional benefit for overall stability and strength.

Advantages of Knee-Free Glute Exercises

Focusing on glute workouts that avoid putting stress on the knee joint are an excellent way to build strong, toned glutes without putting unnecessary strain on your knees. There are several advantages to incorporating these examples into your workout routine, including:

1. Reduced Risk of Injury: When performing traditional glute exercises such as lunges or squats, there is a risk of knee injury due to the pressure placed on the joint. Reducing knee engagement can all but, eliminate this risk, allowing you to focus solely on building your glutes without worrying about any potential knee damage.

2. Increased Glute Activation: Knee free booty exercises often target the glute muscles more effectively than traditional exercises, resulting in greater muscle activation and improved results. This is because they typically involve a wider range of motion and more isolation of the glute muscles.

3. Improved Posture: Strong glutes are essential for good posture, and knee free glute exercises can help you achieve this. By strengthening your glutes, you can improve your overall body alignment and reduce the risk of back pain.

4. Greater Variety: glute workouts for bad knees provide a greater variety of exercises to choose from, allowing you to switch up your routine and keep your workouts interesting. This can help prevent boredom and keep you motivated to achieve your fitness goals.

5. Convenience: Many of these can be performed at home with minimal equipment, making them a convenient option for those who don’t have access to a gym or prefer to workout at home.

Why People Prefer Knee-Friendly Glute Exercises:

People prefer knee-friendly glute exercises for several reasons. Firstly, these exercises minimize knee involvement, making them suitable for individuals with knee sensitivity or those recovering from knee injuries. By primarily targeting the glute muscles and focusing on hip extension, knee-friendly exercises such as glute bridges and hip thrusts allow individuals to strengthen their glutes effectively without putting excessive strain on their knees. This is crucial for maintaining joint health and preventing further knee issues.

Moreover, knee-friendly glute exercises effectively target and activate the glute muscles. The glutes are essential for overall lower body strength and stability. Exercises like clamshells, fire hydrants, and donkey kicks isolate and engage the glutes, helping to enhance muscle definition and strength. By specifically targeting the glute muscles, individuals can achieve better muscle activation and improve their overall physique.

Another advantage of knee-friendly glute exercises is that they are suitable for all fitness levels. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced athlete, these exercises can be modified to suit your capabilities. With variations in intensity, range of motion, and resistance, individuals can gradually progress and challenge themselves over time. This adaptability allows people of all fitness levels to incorporate knee-friendly glute exercises into their workout routines and continually improve their strength and conditioning.

Additionally, knee-friendly glute exercises provide variation and challenge to workouts. With a wide range of exercises available, such as cable pull-throughs, resistance band lateral walks, and Swiss ball hamstring curls, individuals can introduce new movements and stimulate different muscle fibers in their glutes. This variety not only prevents boredom but also helps to overcome plateaus and promote continuous progress in strength and muscle development.

Furthermore, knee-friendly glute exercises can be performed at home or at the gym, offering flexibility and convenience. Many of these exercises require minimal equipment or can be done using bodyweight alone. For example, glute bridges, clamshells, and donkey kicks can be easily performed in the comfort of one’s home. On the other hand, exercises like cable pull-throughs and step-ups can be incorporated into a gym routine by utilizing equipment readily available at fitness facilities.

In summary, knee-friendly glute exercises are popular among individuals seeking to strengthen their glutes while being mindful of their knee health. These exercises minimize knee involvement while effectively targeting and activating the glute muscles. They cater to all fitness levels, provide variation and challenge to workouts, enhance muscle definition and strength, and can be performed in various settings with minimal equipment. Incorporating knee-friendly glute exercises into a regular routine not only improves glute strength but also enhances overall lower body stability, balance, and functional fitness.

How To Hit Glutes And Avoid Knee Pain FAQ :

1. Can I still work my glutes effectively without involving my knees?

– Absolutely! The exercises mentioned in this article specifically target your glute muscles while minimizing knee involvement.


2. Can I perform these exercises at home without any equipment?

– Yes, many of these exercises can be performed using just your bodyweight. However, some exercises may require minimal equipment like resistance bands or Swiss balls for added resistance and variation.


3. Are these exercises suitable for beginners?

– Yes, these exercises are suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, including beginners. Start with proper form and gradually increase the intensity as you progress.


4. Will I see noticeable results by doing these exercises regularly?

– Yes, with consistent practice and proper form, you can expect to see improvements in glute strength, muscle definition, and overall lower body stability.


5. Can these exercises be combined with other workouts?

– Absolutely! These glute exercises can be easily incorporated into your existing workout routine or combined with other exercises to target different muscle groups.

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Soylent for Weight Loss? https://heyspotmegirl.com/supplement-reviews-fb/soylent-for-weight-loss/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/supplement-reviews-fb/soylent-for-weight-loss/#respond Mon, 05 Dec 2022 10:58:19 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=38031 Soylent is one of the most well-known meal replacement shakes on the market, and it is often seen as a great timesaver, but how good is Soylent for weight loss? This article will discuss how effective meal replacement shake diets can be and whether Soylent is the best choice.

What is Soylent?

Soylent is one of the first commercially successful meal replacement shakes. There have been many meal replacements before Soylent, but this is one of the first ones to stay successful and relevant for a prolonged period of time.

The shakes are made primarily with soy, but the name actually comes from the 1973 film Soylent Green (whose secret ingredient was … people). Soylent was designed by American software engineer Rob Rhinehart, who wanted to create an instant meal that contained all the ingredients necessary for survival.

The primary goal for Rob Rhinehart was to save himself time and money. He noted that his grocery bills per month dropped by 75%. But he also wanted the shakes to be healthy, allowing him greater control over his own nutrition.

One thing that Rhinehart did not appear to be overly interested in was taste or the experience of enjoying food. This partly explains why the modern Soylent has so few flavours available. It may also explain why many of the ingredients are cheap to produce. This product was designed by a software engineer rather than a dietician or chef.

By 2015, Soylent had become more than an experiment in some engineer’s basement. It was fully funded and beginning to attract a lot of media attention. This is mostly down to the name as well as the concept.

Rhinehart named Soylent after the non-human soylent bars in the book Make Room! Make Room! (which turned into the movie Soylent Green). The bars were made from soy and lentils (hence the name Soy-lent).

Soylent is now an established brand in the US and Canada, but it has not managed to expand its business into other territories. This led to a Dutch man creating “Joylent” which was designed as a European alternative to Soylent. Joylent is now known as Jimmy Joy and is quite popular in Europe.

When you look at the head start that Soylent had over the other big names in the meal replacement shake industry, it is somewhat surprising how underwhelming its performance has been.

Competitors such as Huel, Rootana, and Instant Knockout Complete have been able to carve out large portions of the American market while dominating Europe. Soylent didn’t even become profitable until 2020, seven years after the company was founded.

The worry is that in the nine years since Soylent came out, competitors have stolen a march on them. Huel offers more flavours, Rootana uses better ingredients, and Instant Knockout Complete has more protein and fibre per serving.

Soylent at a Glance

Soylent contains 400 calories per serving. It has 20 grams of protein, 42 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of fibre, and 19 grams of fat. There are only two flavours available, Original and Chocolate.

Ingredients in Soylent

There are 14 ingredients in the Soylent formula, but some of them aren’t really worth covering. For example, salt, cellulose, natural flavours, and a vitamin and mineral premix. In this section, we will be taking a look at the primary ingredients in Soylent.

  • Soy Protein Isolate
  • Canola Oil
  • Maltodextrin
  • Isomaltose
  • Soluble Corn Fibre
  • Modified Food Starch
  • Vitamin & Mineral premix
  • Cellulose
  • Natural Flavours
  • Soy Lecithin
  • Salt
  • Mono & Diglyceride
  • Xanthan Gum
  • Sucralose

Soy protein isolate is the primary source of protein in Soylent. While there are many people who distrust soy as they worry it will affect their hormones, this has been disproven. A 2022 meta-analysis found that there was no evidence that soy intake affected the sex hormones of men or women [1].

As a source of protein, it is excellent, high in quality amino acids, sustainable, cheap to produce, and can help with building muscle and raising your metabolic rate.

Canola oil (also known as rapeseed oil) is a fairly healthy fat to add to your diet, and studies have shown that it can lower LDL cholesterol and protect heart health [2]. However, when you compare Soylent to other meal replacement shakes, you will see that they use better sources for their fat.

Maltodextrin, isomaltose, soluble corn fibre, and modified food starch have been added to provide carbohydrates and fibre to the formula. Which explains the relatively high sugar content of Soylent (16 grams of sugar out of 42 grams of carbohydrates).

These are perfectly acceptable ingredients when you consider the context in which Soylent was created. It is supposed to be cheap and healthy enough to keep you alive. But this is an area in which Soylent really struggles to compare to other meal replacement shakes. Most of them use oat flour as their primary carbohydrate due to the many health benefits associated with it.

The thing is, none of the ingredients in Soylent is inherently unhealthy, and the intention of this article is not to scare you off. The intention is to show you that there are better alternatives. Do you really want to consume a shake that contains an ingredient list such as this? Or would you rather consume one that prioritises real food ingredients?

How Good Are Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss?

Before we ask ourselves how good Soylent is for weight loss, we should first take a look at meal replacement shakes as a whole. What does the science say about meal replacement shakes and fat loss?

Let’s kick things off with a quick look at how the weight loss process works:

Every day, we consume a certain number of calories in the foods we eat and drinks we drink. At the same time, we burn a certain number of calories through activities that can range from going to the gym, walking up the stairs, or even sitting down and reading an article.

  • If there is zero difference between the number of calories you consume and the number of calories you burn, then your body will neither gain nor lose weight. This is known as weight maintenance or energy balance.
  • If you consume more calories than you burn, then the extra calories (energy) are stored as fat for future use in times of low food availability. This is called a positive energy balance.
  • If you consume fewer calories than you burn, your body will need to use stored energy (body fat) to balance the equation. This is called a negative energy balance.

To create a negative energy balance and lose weight, you need to either increase the number of calories you burn, reduce the number of calories you consume, or do a little bit of both.

While many people believe that weight loss is mostly down to exercise, it is actually diet and calorie restriction that is most effective (usually, not everyone is the same).

Meal replacement shakes can help with calorie restriction by replacing higher-calorie meals with shakes that are often lower in calories. They are also high in protein and fibre. These two macronutrients are highly satiating, meaning that they can help you feel fuller for longer. This makes it easier to diet.

Studies have repeatedly shown that meal replacement shake diets are just as effective as regular dieting techniques [3]. In some respects, they are even more so [4]. There are a number of theories as to why, but they all relate to the following:

  • Meal replacement shakes are inexpensive and may even save you money
  • Meal replacement shakes are simple and don’t require following crazy rules
  • Meal replacement shakes can be made in seconds and are often palatable

Put simply, unlike many diets, it is easy to follow a meal replacement shake diet, making it more likely that someone can stick to the diet for longer. The biggest issue with almost every diet is that they are unsustainable for most people.

How Good is Soylent for Weight Loss?

Soylent is a meal replacement shake, and as we have already learned, meal replacement shakes are effective at helping you lose weight. So, the real question is whether Soylent is the best meal replacement shake for weight loss, which is an altogether different argument entirely.


  • High in protein
  • Only 400 calories per serving
  • Easy to prepare


  • High in sugar
  • Poor quality ingredients
  • Less fibre than most of the competition

Soylent can certainly be used to help you lose weight. It is high in protein, quite satiating, and at only 400 calories per serving it could realistically be used to replace a higher-calorie meal.

Soylent is easy to prepare, tastes okay, and there are a lot of other Soylent products that can help you with your diet. Soylent also has quite an active community, who can be supportive for new users looking for guidance.

However, there are much better options out there. Soylent is high in sugar, and its fibre content is lower than most meal replacement shakes. This means that it isn’t as satiating, making dieting a little harder than with other products.

Soylent also uses low-quality, cheap ingredients, and it would be fair to say that it is not as satisfying or as naturally healthy as other products.

Alternatives to Soylent

There are many meal replacement shakes out there, but the following three are the best alternatives to Soylent that we have come across.


This is sort of the anti-Soylent, a meal replacement shake that is fantastic for weight loss but doesn’t come with all of the unnatural ingredients that Soylent does. Rootana has the same number of calories per serving, roughly the same protein (21 grams rather than 20 grams), slightly more fibre, and it has less sugar.

It also avoids artificial sweeteners and uses real food ingredients such as oats, flaxseed, pea protein, and sunflower seed oil. If you are looking to lose weight in a healthy manner, and prefer an ingredients list with recognisable ingredients, then Rootana is the obvious choice.


Another good alternative to Soylent is Huel. Like Rootana, it uses better ingredients than Soylent, though, unlike Rootana, Huel does use artificial sweeteners. This is a shame because, other than that, it is a very good meal replacement shake.

Instant Knockout Complete

Complete is the best meal replacement shake for weight loss, but it does come at a premium price thanks to its top-quality ingredients. Complete contains 35 grams of protein and 13 grams of fibre per serving, making it highly satiating and perfect for weight loss.

Final Thoughts on Soylent for Weight Loss

In summary, Soylent is an effective dieting tool for weight loss, but there are better meal replacement shakes out there for people looking to lose weight. If you live in the USA or Canada, and you are considering Soylent for weight loss, then you will probably be happy with the results. But you will have a better experience using the alternatives mentioned above (Rootana, Huel, Instant Knockout Complete).

Check out our list of the best meal replacement shakes for women here


[1] https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2022.970364/full

[2] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30381009/

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2851659/

[4] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34144920/

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Best Meal Replacements for Women in 2022 [Updated] https://heyspotmegirl.com/supplements/best-meal-replacements-for-women/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/supplements/best-meal-replacements-for-women/#respond Fri, 12 Aug 2022 10:41:24 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=35588 It can sometimes be a difficult task trying to maintain a healthy diet with a busy schedule, especially when you’re trying to lose weight. Meal replacement shakes could be the answer!

Most meal replacements come in the form of powder or pre-made shakes so they’re ready to grab and go. Because of this, they are the quick and easy option to ensure you’re maintaining your diet goals, as well as reducing time spent preparing nutritious meals in advance.

For this reason, it’s no surprise that meal replacements have been linked to successful weight management[1] as you can easily keep a track on exactly how many calories you’re consuming, as well as all the nutritional value.

But with such a huge choice, it can be daunting trying to decide which meal replacement is right for you. Whether you’re just looking for a healthy snack or like the idea of a quick meal option, you need to make sure the one you pick is not only packed with healthy nutrients, but that it’s tasty too!

To make it easier for you, we’ve researched the market and whittled it down to what we believe are the top 5 best meal replacements…

Top 5 Best Meal Replacements for Women in 2021

1. Rootana


Best Meal Replacements for Women in 2022 [Updated] 2

Quick Overview

Number one on our list of best meal replacements is a shake by Rootana. For those of you who are keen to keep it ‘clean’, Rootana has an impressive make-up of ingredients. With no preservatives, artificial sweeteners or flavourings, this creamy shake is packed with oat flour powder, pea protein isolate, golden milled flaxseed, sunflower seed oil, as well as an extraordinary collection of 24 vitamins and minerals – many of which can help with boosting your energy levels[2], keeping your skin, hair and eyes healthy[3] and improving your exercise capabilities[4].

No wonder they describe it as ‘Complete Nutrition’…

Not only this, it is lactose-free, contains no GMO ingredients and is high in protein, with 20g in each drink, which has a multitude of benefits – from feeling fuller for longer[5] to reducing body fat[6].

Aside from the nutritional value, the shake comes in a choice of two evocative flavours, so you can look forward to being healthy!


  • Feel happier: Rootana uses golden milled flaxseed, which contains the building blocks of omega-3. There are many benefits associated with omega-3, such as protecting your heart [7], reducing your risk of metabolic syndrome [8] and alleviating depression and anxiety [9].
  • Prevent stress and disease: the sunflower seed oil and coconut sugar means you could be exposed to more antioxidants which are great for improving stress levels and helping prevent diseases such as cancer[10].
  • Improved gut health: Rootana contains a lot of fibre and ingredients that can improve digestion and gut health [11]. The oats and flaxseed in Rootana can help to improve gut microbiota which can have many further health benefits [12].
  • Boost your Immune System: Rootana is packed with vitamins and minerals specifically designed to boost your immune system[13], including vitamins B, C, D plus zinc, which has been particularly linked to helping fight the common cold[14].


Oat flour powder, pea protein isolate, golden milled flaxseed, sunflower seed oil, coconut sugar, sunflower lecithin


  • Cacao
  • Original


All in all, Rootana meal replacement shake scores highly as a meal replacement option. Not only does it have weight loss potential with its high content of protein, but it has also been carefully put together using top-quality, natural ingredients that are jam-packed with nutritional value.

Whether you’re using it as a snack or replacing a meal, at least you can rest assured you’ll be getting all the nourishment you need – and more – from this shake.


2. Instant Knockout Complete


Instant Knockout Complete review

Quick Overview

If you’re looking for a shake that’ll help you specifically with weight loss, Instant Knockout Complete could be everything you’re looking for. At 400 calories a drink, it is high in protein, high in fibre, and full of healthy fats from MCT oil. Plus it benefits from 26 vitamins & minerals and a whopping 35 grams of protein which can help boost your metabolism[15], suppress your appetite[16] and even helps you burn abdominal fat[17].

Instant Knockout Complete was designed for MMA fighters and Pro Athletes, who often need to burn fat before a fight (while still consuming enough calories to train hard). This makes it perfect for regular women who might want to lose a little weight while still enjoying a healthy diet.

The high fibre and protein content of Instant Knockout Complete makes it highly satiating, helping to reduce cravings between meals and making it easier to stick to your diet. The ingredients list is seriously good too, with premium ingredients used.


  • Prevent muscle loss: Even women who want to lose weight should focus on their muscle mass. Losing muscle during a diet is common, but can affect your metabolism and your tone. A high protein meal replacement shake such as Instant Knockout Complete can protect your muscles while burning fat.
  • Trim down your belly fat: the high protein content can help stimulate fat burning through thermogenesis[18]– especially in your abdomen[19]. The fibre can also help to improve gut health and reduce your calorie intake.
  • Cut down your sugar: too much sugar can lead to many ailments – from diabetes to tooth decay[20] and weight gain[21]. Instant Knockout Complete boasts a low sugar content which can contribute to losing weight[22].
  • Premium Ingredients: Instant Knockout Complete has not cut any corners when it comes to the ingredients list. It uses top-quality plant-based protein, organic oat flour, chia seeds, brown rice protein, and MCT oil (alongside others). This allows it to provide better nutrition than rival shakes, and it also improves the taste.


Plant protein blend (pea protein and soy protein), golden flaxseed, MCT oil, oat flour, chia seed, organic brown rice


  • Vanilla


Instant Knockout Complete boasts a great set of ingredients perfect for those who are keen to lose weight, whilst improving their exercise performance.

With its high content of vitamins and minerals, it’s an easy way to keep on top of staying healthy in general, whether you’re using it as a meal replacement or nutritious snack. The high protein, high fibre formula makes dieting a dream and can help to improve your gut health, digestion, and it can provide other health benefits.

3. Vega One – All-in-One Shake

Vega One Meal Replacement Shake

Quick Overview

Next on our list of best meal replacements is the Vega One All-in-One shake. Proudly plant-based, the Vega One All-in-One shake combines high protein content with a 50% daily value of vitamins and minerals. It contains carefully selected proteins from the likes of peas, hemp and Canadian flaxseeds to make up the plant-based protein blend.

If you don’t eat meat or even dairy, it can be difficult to keep on top of your protein intake in your diet. The proteins in Vega One have been specifically chosen for, not only their rich protein content, but their other benefits too. Pea protein, for example, is a great source of iron[23], can help appetite suppression and even give you an energy boost[24]. It’s also packed with all nine essential amino acids – which help your body with everything from muscle growth to preventing fat deposition[25]. Flaxseeds are a great source of Omega-3, too, which can be great for combatting depression[26] and even preventing heart disease[27].


  • High-quality plant-based protein: enjoy all the benefits of protein from purely plant-based products, specifically designed to boost your energy[28], muscle growth[29], weight loss[30] and hunger satisfaction without the need for animals.
  • Nourish your body: Vega One boasts a nutrient density in its make-up that can help towards weight loss[31], with 50% of your daily value in 12 vitamins and minerals alone.
  • Look after your gut: it’s always important to take care of your digestive health and with a billion live probiotics in Vega One, you can do just that[32].
  • Optimize your muscle growth: the amino acid content in Vega One – found in the pea protein – could contribute to your muscle development[33]. Often found in non-vegan products, it can be difficult to get these essential acids into your body if you don’t eat animal products. But the addition of the pea protein has taken care of that.


Amount Per Serving% Daily Value
Total Fat 5g8%
Saturated Fat 1g5%
Trans Fat 0g
Polyunsaturated 3g
Omega-6, Omega-3
Monounsaturated 1g
Cholesterol 0mg0%
Sodium 242mg10%
Potassium 360mg10%
Total Carbohydrate 13g4%
Dietary Fiber 8g32%
Total Sugars 1g
Includes 0g Added Sugars0%
Protein 20g25%
Vitamin A 90%Vitamin C 70%
Calcium 20%Iron 15%
Vitamin D 50%Vitamin E 50%
Vitamin K 60%Thiamine 60%
Riboflavin 60%Niacin 60%
Vitamin B6 50%Folate 50%
Vitamin B12 15%Biotin 50%
Pantothenate 50%Phosphorus 25%
Iodine 2%Magnesium 15%
Zinc 2%Selenium 2%


  • Chocolate
  • French Vanilla
  • Natural
  • Vanilla Chai
  • Berry
  • Mocha
  • Unsweetened Natural
  • Coconut Almond


The Vega One All-in-One shake really pushes the boundaries of what plant-based protein shakes can be. They have managed to compensate for the lack of animal products with vegan-friendly alternatives, using a clever blend that gets the best out of the ingredients, thus maintaining the benefits found in animal products.

This shake is everything its name suggest – All-in-One, designed to appeal to many needs, from weight loss to a nutrient top-up of things you may find difficult to include in your day-to-day diet.

For the likes of vegetarians to people sensitive to dairy, it can be hard to find a meal replacement shake quite so well thought out.

Buy now

From myvega.com

*Individual results may vary. Please speak with your doctor or physician before undertaking any new weight reduction, supplement, or exercise regime.

4. Garden of Life RAW Organic Meal

Garden of Life Meal Raw Organic Meal

Quick Overview

As the name suggests, Garden of Life RAW Organic Meal is stacked out with superfoods, vitamins and minerals – all geared towards helping satisfy your hunger, keeping a control on your weight and generally making you feel good too. Like Vega One, Garden of Life is entirely plant-based – claiming to contain 20g of protein per scoop made from an impressive amount of superfoods.

You can see why it is dubbed as a ‘meal-on-the-go’!

There are many of the same protein sources in the Garden of Life that are used in Vega One, such as pea protein and flaxseeds. They have included elements like an organic brown rice protein which is rich in fiber[34] meaning it can contribute to you feeling fuller for longer[35] – ideal when you’re looking to lose weight!

The significant content of live probiotics and enzymes have been added to help with improving your digestion, immune system and even weight loss[36].

Another positive of this shake is the calorie content. At only 120 calories per serving, it sits as the lowest out of all. However, the wholesome make-up of ingredients means it provides a sturdy meal replacement option when you’re on the go.


  • Give your body the ‘super’ treatment: made up of an impressive 44 superfoods, including broccoli and strawberries which are all high in antioxidants[37], vitamins and have cancer-fighting agents[38] so you will be treating your body to a great detox
  • Stay energised: the absence of components like gluten could have a real impact on your fatigue levels, leaving you feeling more awake[39]. Plus the addition of energy-boosting components such as Vitamin B12[40] , beetroot[41] and iron[42] means you could feel more vitalised overall
  • Keep hunger at bay: using filling elements such as brown rice and quinoa – all packed with fiber and protein, you can feel more hunger satisfaction for longer[43] so you don’t need to snack.
  • Ease your Digestion: Like Vega One, Garden of Life is packed with probiotics so you can take care of your digestion[44].


Amount Per Serving% Daily Value
Total Fat 2g3%
Saturated Fat 0g0%
Unsaturated Fat 1g
Polyunsaturated 0.5g
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg0%
Sodium 150mg6%
Potassium 70mg2%
Total Carbohydrate 8g3%
Dietary Fiber 7g28%
Soluble Fibre 1g
Insoluble Fibre 0g
Total Sugars less than 1g
Protein 20g40%
Vitamin A 10%Vitamin C 25%
Calcium 4%Iron 50%
Vitamin D 50%Vitamin E 50%
Vitamin K 50%Thiamine 50%
Riboflavin 50%Niacin 50%
Vitamin B6 50%Folate 50%
Vitamin B12 100%Biotin 50%
Pantothenic Acid 50%Magnesium 6%
Zinc 25%Selenium 30%
Manganese 25%Chromium 60%
Molybdenum 50%


  • Chocolate Cacao
  • Vanilla
  • Vanilla Spiced Chai
  • Lightly Sweet


Like the Vega One All-in-One shake, the creators of Garden of Life RAW Organic Meal have taken plant-based ingredients and elevated them to exploit their best features. The Garden of Life, being low in calories and fat, yet high in fiber and protein, can provide a substantial meal replacement if you’re looking to lose weight too.

It is also a hub of fantastically healthy and organic ingredients to boost your immune system and look after your mental wellbeing, whilst maintaining a completely vegan concept.

Buy now

From Amazon.com

*Individual results may vary. Please speak with your doctor or physician before undertaking any new weight reduction, supplement, or exercise regime.

The right weight loss supplement alongside a meal replacement shake could take your results to another level. Try adding one of these to your routine to see how much progress you could make…

Best Meal Replacements for Women in 2022 [Updated] 3

5. Huel

Huel Artwork

Quick Overview

The final best meal replacement we’d recommend is Huel Powder v3.0. Their slogan is ‘Fast Food – Not Junk Food’ and this certainly lives up to that brief. At 400 calories per serving, it does, however, top the four other shakes as having the highest calorie content but it is entirely plant-based, with what they describe as ‘complete nutrition’ meaning you’ll get everything your body needs from this without the need for extras. It’s high in fiber, low in sugar and contains ingredients like oats that have a multitude of benefits, including satisfying hunger and leaving you feeling full for longer[45]. It contains coconut which can promote everything from body fat loss to helping metabolise carbohydrates, proteins and cholesterol[46].

They balance the 26 vitamins and minerals with slow release carbohydrates like brown rice as well as high protein and essential fats such as Omega-3 and 6 – great sources of energy[47].

In short, Huel is the meal replacement perfect for those who have a fairly active lifestyle and need a substantial yet quick meal replacement that’ll keep you going. The shake comes in an assortment of tasty flavours – from berry-infused to coffee based so there’s something for everyone.


  • Increase your exercise performance: the combination of high protein, fiber and vitamins gives you more stamina and energy to perform better when exercising[48].
  • Banish Cravings: Huel has a 23% fiber content per serving which can deal with your hunger pangs so, although it is the highest in calories out of all five shakes, it should cure your potential to snack[49].
  • Enjoy the taste: Huel is developed with natural flavors so you don’t have to worry about any artificial flavorings
  • Lose Body Fat: the addition of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) from the coconut element has been proven to not only reduce hunger[50] and improve energy levels[51], but naturally reduce body weight and waist circumference[52].


Huel Ingredients

Amount Per 100g Serving (Unflavoured & Unsweetened) % Daily Value
Total Fat 13g19%
Saturated Fat 2.3g12%
Monounsaturates 2.4g
Polyunsaturated 7.8g
Total Carbohydrate 37g14%
of which sugars 0.6g1%
Dietary Fiber 7.2g24%
Protein 29g58%
Salt 0.71g12%
Vitamin A 23%Vitamin D 80%
Vitamin E 25%Vitamin K 47%
Vitamin C 75%Thiamine 22%
Riboflavin 20%Niacin 20%
Vitamin B6 24%Folate 40%
Vitamin B12 32%Biotin 20%
Pantothenic Acid 20%Potassium 35%
Chloride 20%Calcium 33%
Phosphorus 53%Magnesium 25%
Iron 57%Zinc 36%
Copper 26%Manganese 65%
Selenium 36%Chromium 20%
Molybdenum 68%Iodine 20%


  • Vanilla
  • Banana
  • Chocolate
  • Berry
  • Mint-Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Unflavoured & Unsweetened


Overall, Huel is a worthy contender of a top meal replacement. They seem to have thought of everything you need to maintain weight management without you feeling empty if you replace a meal for it. Having sold over 100 million meals, it has developed quite a following of ‘Hueligans’, with an average rating of 4.5* based on over 5,000 reviews which is pretty impressive!

It’s also one of the most affordable, with meals starting from £1.10 per meal with opportunities to save more with multibuys on their website.

Buy now

From Amazon.com

*Individual results may vary. Please speak with your doctor or physician before undertaking any new weight reduction, supplement, or exercise regime.

Why Meal Replacements?

There are many reasons why people choose meal replacements. Quality meal replacements, like the five selected above, should be packed with everything you need to maintain a healthy diet plus added extras that could be otherwise difficult to include in your diet if you’re short on time. Here are some of the main reasons why meal replacements could work for you!

Woman Running in the Country

  • Quick and Easy: Because most meal replacements come in either powder or premade milkshake form, they are exceptionally easy to weave into your day-to-day regime. If you’ve got a tight schedule, you might often find yourself settling for unhealthy fast food out of convenience – or even skipping meals altogether – which can have a detrimental impact on your weight management[53]. Meal replacements provide a fantastic alternative which is just as quick, yet is packed with a healthy selection of ingredients so you don’t have to compromise.
  • Extra Nutrients: All five meal replacements we have selected contain an impressive array of ingredients – from high protein compounds to vitamins and minerals like essential amino acids that you might ordinarily find difficult to fit into your daily routine. Meal replacements provide you a one-stop option to top up on those nutrients you may be lacking.
  • Can Help You Maintain Your Weight Loss Plan: Due to meal replacements being capped in calories, as well as packed with weight loss elements such as high protein, it makes it easier to stick to your weight loss regime. Studies have shown that people who have incorporated a partial meal replacement plan into their diet have been more likely to achieve their weight goals[54].
  • High Protein Content: Many meal replacements contain a high content of protein and therefore provide an easy way of adding it into your diet. If you’re looking to lose weight, protein could help you achieve your goals for many reasons. High protein can increase your metabolism[55], burn body fat[56] and satisfy your hunger[57] – all great ways of encouraging weight loss. It has even been linked to quelling those pesky late night snack cravings too[58]! Aside from weight loss, protein can also help improve muscle growth and strength[59] proving it really has a multitude of benefits!

Tips to get the most out of your meal replacements

  • Always be prepared – If you’ve got a tight schedule or struggle for time at certain meal times, it’s always good to make sure you’ve got a stash of meal replacements ready to go. Even if you’re only a part-timer with meal replacements, making sure you’ve got some prepared to grab is better than either having to settle for a less healthy fast food option or worse – nothing at all!
  • Take one before the gym – Because meal replacements are packed with protein, vitamins and minerals, consuming some before you head off to exercise could keep hunger at bay[60], as well as increase your exercise performance and endurance with a nice energy boost too![61]
  • Add it to meals – Many meal replacements can be a nice addition to your pancake mix or smoothie in the morning. Although they are designed to be ‘grab-and-go’, it’s also a nice idea if you have the time to include them in daily meals for that fantastic nutrient injection.

We hope one of our five best meal replacements suits your fitness regime! With the right meal replacement, you can achieve your health goals – whether they be weight loss or a nutrient boost. Finding the right one for you can be tough so always consider the main reasons you’re looking to take them so you can achieve what you’re looking for!

Remember to take a look at our best weight loss supps to see if you can take your efforts to new heights!

Best Meal Replacements for Women in 2022 [Updated] 3

Disclaimer:  The information on this site has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results in description and Testimonials may not be typical results and individual results may vary. We may earn commission if you click the links and buy the products featured on this page.


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https://heyspotmegirl.com/supplements/best-meal-replacements-for-women/feed/ 0
Rootana Meal Replacement Review https://heyspotmegirl.com/supplement-reviews-fb/rootana-meal-replacement-review/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/supplement-reviews-fb/rootana-meal-replacement-review/#respond Thu, 21 Jul 2022 14:01:55 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=38015 Rootana is a meal replacement shake with a difference; they have decided to avoid using artificial sweeteners, colourings, or preservatives. Prioritising natural real-food ingredients. This Rootana meal replacement review will look in-depth at this brand-new supplement and what makes it so special.

What is Rootana?

Rootana is a meal replacement shake that refuses to use artificial sweeteners (even Stevia) and instead uses coconut sugars to improve the taste. It is high in protein, high in fibre and uses low GI carbohydrates such as oat flour to provide a superb nutritious meal.

Rootana can be used to aid weight loss, it can be used to fill gaps in your nutrition (it contains 24 vitamins and minerals per serving), and it can even be used to gain weight (build muscle) if you choose to do so.

Rootana Meal Replacement Review

Rootana Pros & Cons


  • High in protein
  • High in fibre
  • Packed full of vitamins and minerals
  • Avoids the use of artificial sweeteners
  • Uses real-food ingredients
  • Low GI carbs
  • Healthy fats


  • Only available from the manufacturer
  • Only 2 flavours are available

How Does Rootana Work?

Meal replacement shakes are designed to replace the meals you struggle with. Most people have a good idea of what makes up a healthy meal (protein, fibre, nutrients), but due to a hectic work schedule (or a crazy home life), they don’t have the time or resources to prepare them.

Studies have shown that meal replacement shake diets are as effective (if not more) as regular dieting and are more sustainable in the long term [1].

Identify a meal you currently struggle with. Most people choose breakfast or lunch. Replace that meal with a 400-calorie Rootana shake (original flavour, vanilla, or cacao). Because the shake is high in protein and fibre, it will leave you feeling full for longer.

Rootana Meal Replacement Review 7

What Can You Expect from Rootana?

As most breakfasts or lunches contain 600+ calories, you should see a reduction in your daily calorie intake. If you combine this with increased activity (walking, running, going to the gym), you can expect to lose weight in a safe and effective manner.

Rootana Original flavour contains 400 calories per serving, 21 grams of protein, 7.1 grams of fibre, 44 grams of carbohydrates, and 16 grams of fats. The other two flavours have roughly the same macronutrient ratios, with minor differences (cacao flavour has 9.4 grams of fibre for example).

Rootana Ingredients List

There are six main ingredients that we will be looking at in this Rootana meal replacement review. We have not included the vitamin and mineral blend as it is self-explanatory.

Oat Flour

Rootana uses a slow-releasing, low GI food for the majority of its carbohydrates, and that food is oat flour. Oats are incredibly healthy but are also excellent value for money, and due to their high sustainability score, they are a great choice for the environment too!

Thanks to the high amount of fibre found in oats, they effectively reduce hunger and lower food intake. A 2013 study found that people who ate oats regularly were much less likely to be overweight or obese than people who rarely consumed oats [2].

A 2021 study discussed how β‐glucan, a soluble fibre found in oats, can help to improve satiety, delay gastric emptying, and improve gut hormones and microbia. They can ultimately help with appetite and energy regulation [3].

Oats have been found to reduce the risk of Type II diabetes, obesity, and other metabolic conditions thanks to their ability to regulate energy intake and lead to better weight management [4].

Oats can also help reduce your risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol levels, reduce blood triglycerides, and reduce inflammation [5]. Oats may also help to reduce the likelihood of contracting certain cancers.

Pea Protein Isolate

Pea protein is one of the most popular plant-based protein sources available. It contains all of the essential amino acids and is what is known as a complete protein. Pea protein is derived from yellow peas and provides all the same benefits as whey protein or soy protein.

Protein can help to build muscle, but perhaps more importantly, it can help to preserve muscle mass while dieting. People often see a drop in muscle mass when losing weight, but a high protein diet can prevent this [6].

Protein is also satiating, just like fibre. A high-protein meal replacement shake can keep you feeling fuller for longer, even if the calories are fewer than you would normally have. This makes weight loss easier and more enjoyable (or, at the very least, less of a pain).

Protein is the most satiating macronutrient [7], and high-protein foods and snacks are ideal for people seeking to reduce their energy intake.

Golden Milled Flaxseed

Flaxseed is a superb food to add to a meal replacement shake. High in ALA, the building block of omega 3 fatty acids, flaxseed is an amazing source of healthy fats and has many health benefits. It can lower cholesterol and lower your blood pressure. It is beneficial for Type II diabetics as it stabilises blood sugar thanks to its fibre content [8].

Thanks to the high amount of lignans in flaxseed, it is being looked at as a cancer-fighting food. A 2018 study found that flaxseed effectively decreased breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women [9].

Sunflower Seed Oil

Sunflower seed oil is used by Rootana as a source of antioxidants, oleic acid, plant phenols, and vitamin E. Sunflower seed oil that is high in oleic acid has many health benefits.

Coconut Sugars

Rootana uses natural coconut sugar instead of artificial sweeteners such as sucralose. Coconut sugars contain fibre, potassium, calcium, and zinc. They are also rich in antioxidants.

Sunflower Lecithin

The final ingredient on our list is sunflower lecithin. Its main function is to improve stability and mixability in the shake. However, sunflower lecithin has also been shown to improve brainpower. Increasing cognition and improving mood [10].

How to Take Rootana

Most people use meal replacement shakes as an alternative to breakfast or lunch. Sometimes, people use them for both meals, and in rare cases, people will use them for all three meals. Finding the right balance for your goals and lifestyle is important.

Grab a shaker and fill it with 500 ml of cold water. Then you want to add 5 tablespoons of Rootana powder (100 grams). Grab the lid and place it tightly onto the shaker, then shake it for 20 seconds.

Rootana Meal Replacement Review 8

Benefits of Rootana

There are many benefits to taking Rootana. Here are some of the most important:

  • High in protein – There are 20 grams of protein in each serving of Rootana. The protein comes from pea protein isolate, the best plant-based protein around.
  • Excellent source of fibre – A serving of Rootana contains between 7 and 9 grams of fibre (depending on flavour). This will increase satiety, improve gut health, protect your immune system, and help to reduce the risk of certain diseases.
  • Free from artificial sweeteners – There is no nutritional trickery here, just natural coconut sugar, which is prized for its fibre, nutrients, and antioxidants.
  • Convenient – It is long-lasting and easy to store. Rootana can also be prepared within seconds. Think how much time that saves you on your lunch break.
  • All-Natural Ingredients – Rootana prides itself on using real food ingredients for its protein, fats, and carbohydrates. If you prioritise non-GMO foods, then Rootana is the shake for you.

How to Get the Best Out of Rootana?

Meal replacement shake diets can be very effective for weight loss and/or weight management. But they work best when they are combined with strategic lifestyle changes. Exercising regularly, sleeping 8 hours each night, keeping stress levels low and in control, and ensuring that the rest of your diet is healthy and sensible will provide the best results.

Rootana Meal Replacement Review

There is a lot to like about Rootana. It has clearly been designed to improve the health and vitality of anyone who takes it. They have decided to only use real food ingredients rather than ingredients such as maltodextrin or sucralose.

It can be really effective if you are trying to lose weight or you want to improve your gut health. Ideally, we’d like a few more flavours to choose from, but this is something that could change in the future. We’re big fans!

Rootana provides a cleaner, and healthier approach to meal replacement shakes. Perfect for anyone who prioritises real food ingredients over lab-made sweeteners.

If you are looking for a high-quality, completely natural meal replacement shake that can help you to lose weight, improve your nutrition, and (perhaps most importantly) save you precious time during busy work days, then check out Rootana today. 


[1] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/obr.12816

[2] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316426404

[3] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10408398.2021.1994523

[4] https://sciendo.com/pdf/10.21164/pomjlifesci.630

[5] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6395719/

[6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5421125/

[7] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0268005X1630340X

[8] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33162192/

[9] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29468163/

[10] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7816350/

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Instant Knockout Complete Review https://heyspotmegirl.com/supplement-reviews-fb/instant-knockout-complete-review/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/supplement-reviews-fb/instant-knockout-complete-review/#respond Tue, 10 May 2022 16:25:42 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=38009 This Instant Knockout Complete review will give you all the answers that you will need before making a purchasing decision.

Instant Knockout is a supplement brand that is dedicated to helping its customers lose weight in a safe and effective way. They offer two products, a fat burner called Instant Knockout Cut, and a meal replacement shake called Instant Knockout Complete. We’re reviewing the latter today, but it is important to understand that both products share a synergistic relationship. Each amplifies the benefits of the other.

What is Instant Knockout Complete?

Instant Knockout Complete is a meal replacement shake that is designed to help aid weight loss. The idea is that you replace high-calorie meals with a 400 calorie shake, that is high in protein and fibre. The protein and fibre increase satiety, helping you to avoid hunger and cravings, which so often derail most diets.

There is a lot of science to support the use of meal replacement shakes for weight loss, with studies finding this form of diet to be more successful than traditional calorie counting or any of the well-known diets that are out there [1].

Instant Knockout Complete uses real plant-based foods to provide a high protein, high fibre, shake with low GI carbs, and a decent serving of healthy fats rich in omega-3s.

Instant Knockout Complete Pros and Cons


  • High in protein
  • High in fibre
  • Uses top-quality ingredients
  • Excellent taste and mixability
  • Excellent source of healthy fats
  • Combines amazingly well with IK Cut for next level weight loss


  • Premium price for top-quality ingredients
  • Only available from the Instant Knockout website
  • Only 1 flavour to choose from

Who Makes Instant Knockout Complete?

Instant Knockout is produced by a company called Roar Ambition, which has been selling supplements since 2014. Roar Ambition is also responsible for products such as Prime Male and TestoFuel. They are based in the UK but sell their supplements internationally.

How Does Instant Knockout Complete Work?

Instant Knockout Complete is a meal replacement shake, this means that it is designed to be used instead of one of your daily meals. Often it is used instead of breakfast or lunch, sometimes both meals are replaced.

Because Complete is only 400 calories (and an average lunch is around 500-800) you will save calories. When it is combined with increased exercise and smarter food choices for your other meals, it can lead to significant weight loss over time.

Instant Knockout Complete is also designed to be highly nutritious, it is packed full of the vitamins and minerals required to lead a healthy lifestyle. Complete is well known to increase satiety, making snacking due to hunger much less likely.

What Can You Expect From Instant Knockout Complete?

You can expect a pouch that contains 14 meals (or two pouches that contain 28). Each meal is 400 calories, with 35 grams of protein, 35 grams of carbohydrates, 13 grams of fibre, less than 3 grams of sugar, and 13 grams of fat.

Instant Knockout Complete Ingredients

There are six main ingredients contained within Instant Knockout Complete, you also have a vitamin and mineral blend and some probiotics.

Oat Flour

Oat flour is incredibly popular with meal replacement shake companies because it ticks a LOT of boxes. It is high in fibre, has a low GI score, mixes well, has a decent amount of protein, and oats are highly sustainable. So it’s good for the planet too!

But what are the benefits to the customer? Oat flour is very high in fibre, which means that it can increase post-meal satiety [2], reducing the likelihood of hunger cravings and snacking between meals. Very important when on a diet.

Plant-Based Protein

The plant-based protein blend used in Instant Knockout Complete is a combination of pea protein and soy protein isolate. There are 35 grams of protein per serving, and the majority comes from these two sources. Soy is a great protein source, easy to absorb and digest, packed full of amino acids, and ideal for vegans.

Pea protein is very popular with meal replacement shake companies as it has a really good amino acid profile (when combined with brown rice it is a complete protein), comes from a highly sustainable source, and is well absorbed by the body.

Golden Flaxseed

Flaxseed is a super source of omega 3 fats as well as fibre. Increasing your omega 3 intake is something that everyone can benefit from. It can help to lower blood pressure, improve heart health, and can reduce blood triglyceride levels [3]. The fibre will increase satiety, improve your gut microbiome, improve digestion, and help to reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart disease [4].


Unlike some meal replacement shakes that only contain a tiny amount of MCT oil, Instant Knockout Complete uses it as its main fat source. MCT oils are incredibly beneficial, fewer calories from MCTs are absorbed by the body than with regular fats [5], helping to reduce calories while delivering the same health benefits.

MCT oil is also being looked at as a cognitive enhancer. Studies on people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease found that MCT oil improved cognition significantly [6]. It may help to improve memory as well as brainpower, but more research is required.

Organic Brown Rice

Another excellent protein source, brown rice protein is added to complement the pea protein that is already being used. Together, pea protein and brown rice protein form a complete protein.

Chia Seed

Like flax seed, chia seed is a great plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is also high in fibre and protein. It contains high levels of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus while remaining low in calories.

How to Take Instant Knockout Complete

The instructions for taking Instant Knockout Complete are nice and straightforward. Grab your shaker and pour 500 ml of water into it. Then add two scoops (100 grams) of Complete powder to the water. Tighten the lid, and then shake thoroughly for 10-20 seconds.

You can take Instant Knockout Complete once or twice per day as a replacement for main meals. Alternatively, if you are looking to gain weight, you can take it as a pre or post-workout supplement.

Benefits of Instant Knockout Complete

There are a number of benefits to taking Instant Knockout Complete, here is a quick rundown of some of the biggest benefits:

  • Convenient – Complete is easy to store, easy to transport, and only takes 30 seconds to prepare. Washing up afterwards is also a breeze.
  • Cost – While there are cheaper alternatives out there, Instant Knockout Complete is still significantly cheaper than the cost of a regular lunch or breakfast.
  • High in Protein – There are 35 grams of plant-based protein in each serving of Instant Knockout Complete.
  • High in Fibre – High fibre content means increased satiety and an easier weight loss journey. It’s also crucial for gut health and reducing your risk of heart disease.
  • Healthy Fats – There are a number of quality fats in this powder, from MCT oil to chia seed, to flaxseed. Filled with nutrients to help with weight loss and health.

How to Get the Best Out of Instant Knockout Complete?

As we mentioned at the beginning of this review, Instant Knockout Complete is designed to be taken either on its own or in conjunction with the fat burner Cut. If your goal is weight loss, then combining the two will provide you with the best results.

But you also need to make changes to the rest of your diet, increase your activity levels (if you are currently sedentary), improve your sleep quality and quantity, and manage your stress better. Do all of this and you should be able to burn fat while preserving muscle mass and improving your health through nutrition.

Instant Knockout Complete Summary

If you struggle to follow a healthy diet, particularly at lunch or breakfast, then Instant Knockout Complete is a perfect choice. It is high in protein, high in fibre, and a source of healthy fats. All for just 400 calories per serving.

It is convenient, and easy to use, and the cost per serving is great. Not only will it help with weight loss and then weight management, but it can also help you to improve your nutrition by providing vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients.

If you are looking for a meal replacement shake that will help you towards your weight loss goals, then Instant Knockout Complete is the right choice for you.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6327254/

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4757923/

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3875260/

[4] https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/216689

[5] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2874191/

[6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8919247/

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Prime Male Enhance Review 2021: Is it the Best for Boosted Performance? https://heyspotmegirl.com/reviews/prime-male-enhance-review/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/reviews/prime-male-enhance-review/#respond Fri, 24 Sep 2021 14:24:50 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=37761 Made specifically for men, Prime Male Enhance promises to help you turn back the clock, enhance male performance and boost virility three-fold.

But does it work? In this Prime Male Enhance review, we want to discover how effective it is and if it can benefit women.

What is Prime Male Enhance?

Prime Male Enhance is a “virility support” supplement that was introduced to the market just last year.

From the makers of vitality support complex Prime Male, Prime Male Enhance aims to improve sexual performance, mindset and your confidence in the bedroom.

The creators say Prime Male Enhance has been formulated to work for any man and claims it’s already being called the marriage saver and relationship maker.  It appears to be popular with men looking to boost sexual performance and experience that same stamina and confidence that fuelled them in their 20s.

For this Spot Me Girl Prime Male Enhance review, we’re going to delve deep to help you figure out whether this male enhancement pill is worth your time and money. From benefits, the strength and quality of the ingredients, to price, safety and more – it’s our job to give you all the information you need.

Let’s get into it.

Prime Male Enhance Pros and Cons


  • All-natural formula developed with the latest research
  • Addresses many aspects of sexual performance and health
  • Made to strict cGMP/FDA standards
  • Boosts energy levels as well as mood
  • Could improve confidence
  • Clinically-dosed and effective ingredients


  • Single bottles could get expensive
  • Only available online

Prime Male Enhance Review

Who makes Prime Male Enhance?

Prime Male Enhance is made by Roar Ambition, a multi-national, specialist supplement company founded in 2014.

Roar Ambition has a number of industry-leading supplements under its belt, including popular fat burner Instant Knockout Cut and market-leading test booster TestoFuel, amongst others.

What’s more, the company has received 5-star reviews for its range of supplements that have fans around the globe.

We’re always excited by Roar Ambition’s products and appreciate its commitment to offering high-quality, research-backed formulas.

How does Prime Male Enhance work?

Prime Male Enhance is formulated to work in three distinct ways. The science-backed, natural formula delivers performance-boosting benefits to:

  • Improve sexual performance, boost blood flow and deliver satisfying orgasms – for you and your partner
  • Enhance your libido and your desire for sex, helping you feel more confident and “in the mood” in the bedroom
  • Lift mood and drive so you radiate confidence and attractiveness

All of these mechanisms aim to help you perform better sexually, with more confidence and drive to change the way you see and feel about yourself – and how your sexual partner sees you.

What can you expect from Prime Male Enhance?

The creators say Prime Male Enhance is “is sure to delight both you and your partner. But when used in combination with Prime Male Test Booster, each product leverages the other, so the benefits are magnified.”

When used in combination with the vitality enhancing T-booster Prime Male, you should be able to build and strengthen your sexual appetite.

Prime Male Enhance may also deliver mental and physical energy benefits, helping you perform better, calming any anxieties and putting you in the right mindset.

Prime Male Enhance Review 2021: Is it the Best for Boosted Performance? 11

Prime Male Enhance ingredients

Inside Prime Male Enhance, you’ll find a mix of 12 vitamins, minerals and herbs – all in optimal and effective dosages. The capsules have been developed with ingredients that have been proven to work, with the research and scientific studies behind them. What are the key ingredients?


Zinc is an essential nutrient that your body cannot produce on its own. This means it’s important to get your intake from food sources or in supplement form. Many people use zinc to treat certain ailments since it helps to boost immune system and improve wound healing[1]. Zinc has strongly been linked with boosting key sex hormones, such as testosterone as well as aid erectile dysfunction.

In recent years, erectile dysfunction has been found to be a symptom of zinc deficiency. Zinc may impact male sexual competency as shown in animal studies[2]. And without enough zinc in your diet, you could be – or could become – infertile[3].

A 2016 study also evidenced that a supplement containing folic acid, zinc, and the herb golden root improved the ejaculatory control of men affected by premature ejaculation[4]. It’s good to see that Prime Male Enhance contains 20mg Zinc per serving.


This amino acid plays a key role in the body’s ability to produce nitric oxide. This, in turn, is said to promote greater blood flow around the body.

This could support with sexual issues, especially in men, as nitric oxide relaxes and widens veins. This is especially beneficial to penile muscles and could even improve the strength of erections, allowing for sustained and enjoyable sex. Research has also found that supplementing with L-arginine for six weeks can improve erections and sexual function[5].

L-arginine has also been shown to improve exercise performance, helping you to work out for longer and train harder[6].

Oat Straw

Extracted from the unripened Avena sativa plant, oat straw is thought to provide multiple health benefits including improved brain function and mood as well as reduced inflammation[7].

In the Prime Male Enhance formula, it’s included for its ability to reduce anxiety, relieve stress and improve mood[8]. While research is limited, some studies comment that oat straw may improve mood by inhibiting the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 4 (PDE4), which is found in immune cells[9].

This element should help you overcome any struggles in the bedroom and enhance self-esteem. Studies suggest this ingredient can have a positive influence in men and women. In women, the effect involves increasing sexual desire, relaxing the body which allows for a natural increase in desire[10].


This powerful flower extract has long been used as an ancient aphrodisiac. It’s thought to contain elements and flavonoids that have a positive impact on the brain and nervous system, treating sexual problems.

This particular ingredient has been studied for its effect on women’s sexual enjoyment, with studies revealing damiana improved overall satisfaction with their sex life. The research found that women who supplemented with damiana reported an increase in sexual desire and a greater frequency of sexual intercourse and orgasm[11]. ]

Damiana is also thought to boost mental and physical stamina while relieving low mood and anxiety[12].

Korean ginseng

Also known as Asian, Asian red or Panax ginseng, this herb is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for its ability to enhance libido.

One study revealed ginseng’s effect on male reproductive function as well as ED symptoms. Men who were treated with Korean red ginseng had had a 60% improvement in ED symptoms, compared to 30% improvement produced by a medication used to treat ED[13].

Ginseng is also thought to enhance energy levels and cognitive function as well as alleviate stress and anxiety, helping to improve your mindset[14].


Find out More

at PrimeMale.com


Serving Size: 4 capsules
Servings per container: 30
Amount per serving%Daily Value
Vitamin B610mg588
Vitamin B1280mcg3333
Zinc 20mg181
Saw Palmetto1800mg**
Muira Puama800mg**
Damiana Leaf Powder500mg**
Asian Ginseng400mg**
Tribulus Terrestris280mg**
Oat Straw200mg**

How to take Prime Male Enhance

The creators of Prime Male Enhance tell you to take four capsule four time per day for the best results. They also advise you to take the capsules consistently. You could split this dosage up throughout your day.

We recommend using this plan for the best results:

  • First capsule with breakfast
  • Second capsule with lunch
  • Third capsule with a mid-afternoon snack
  • Fourth capsule with your evening meal.

You can also combine Prime Male Enhance with the T-booster Prime Male for maximum enhancement.

If you’re taking both Prime Male products, it could be practical to take two capsules (one of each product) four times per day. We recommend taking each dose with a meal or a snack to help your body absorb all the ingredients properly.

Benefits of Prime Male Enhance

  • Better sexual performance and orgasms

The ingredients within Prime Male Enhance have been evidenced to show they can improve the way you perform sexually. Whether that be to improve blood flow for better orgasms or fuel your sex drive so you perform to your best ability- it can enhance your sexual stamina, boost energy and calm any anxieties for an overall better experience in the bedroom.

  • Higher libido

As you age, you’ll naturally experience a decline in your energy levels and the stresses of work or a family can take it out of you. This can lead to a decline in those youthful urges you once had.

Prime Male Enhance includes several herbs, like damiana – which has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to increase the libido.

  • Lifted mood 

Mood-lifting qualities like ginseng and vitamin B12 have been found to improve various aspects of mood and help to deliver improved confidence.

Prime Male Enhance Review 2021: Is it the Best for Boosted Performance? 12

What do people say about Prime Male Enhance?

Prime Male Enhance is very new to the market. As such, we’re still awaiting to discover how this supplement delivers. We will update this as soon as we find genuine observations.

How to get the best out of Prime Male Enhance

The creators advise taking this supplement consistently everyday to get the best results. It is proven “to be effective even if it is your sole daily supplement.” However, the creators have spent some serious time developing a specialised formula that works synergistically with regular T-Booster, Prime Male.

These are our top tips to get the best out of this supplement:

  • Take consistently and daily
  • Use alongside a healthy, balanced diet and exercise routine
  • Take with meals to increase ingredient absorption
  • Combine with Prime Male T-booster

Where to buy Prime Male Enhance

Prime Male Enhance is available for purchase on the official website with prices starting from $65. They also offer bundle-buy options which could work out cheaper. This includes a four-month supply where you pay for 3 bottles and get one free as well as free worldwide shipping for just $195.


Check Latest Price

at PrimeMale.com

Prime Male Enhance Summary

Prime Male Enhance shows great promise and could provide performing-boosting benefits for anyone suffering from low sexual desire and poor mood. It’s all natural, free of proprietary blends and includes a transparent ingredients label – so you’re fully aware of what you’re getting.

For men who struggle with ED and low self-esteem it could be one of the best natural enhancers on the market. As for women, it could certainly make a difference to sexual desire and performance in the bedroom.

Prime Male Enhance contains a multitude of effective ingredients that appear to cover every aspect of sexual performance. While it might be a relatively new product, it’s one to try to get yourself back to your best in the bedroom and improve your sexual relationship with your partner. Or, if you’re aware your partner is struggling with their performance, it could be a supplement to suggest trying.

Total score


Order today: 

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at PrimeMale.com

Still unsure or want to know if a test booster is worth it? Why not check out our Best Testosterone Boosters for Women for a detailed list of safe, effective products.

Male enhancement pills: FAQs


Who would use a male enhancement pill?

If you’re looking to increase your libido or sexual performance, you may be interested in taking male enhancement pills. You may have difficulty with arousal or actually achieving an orgasm, which can have far-reaching effects on confidence and how your sexual partner sees you.

A male enhancement pill could help boost virility for a better sex drive, better mood and better orgasms.

Are male enhancement pills safe?

They’re usually formulated with natural, plant-based ingredients and vitamins and can be considered safe.

Most market-leading male enhancement pills are usually produced in FDA facilities to Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) which also ensures their safety and effectiveness. These should have minimized chances of cross-contamination which can make them safer.

Do male enhancement pills cause side effects?

Not usually. The best way to avoid an unpleasant supplement experience is to analyse the ingredients label, have a good look over the manufacturer’s site and check with your medical profession before taking it.

If the supplement you choose is manufactured to high quality and engineered with some of the best ingredients on the market you can be sure there will be no adverse effects.

Like with any supplement, however, the risk is always there.  If you ever experience anything unusual while taking a supplement, always speak to your medical professional. Likewise, if you have an existing medical condition, always speak to your doctor first before starting a supplement routine.

What ingredients are common in male enhancement pills?

These are some of the best ingredients to look out for when purchasing a virility-supporting supplement.


Zinc is an important mineral for overall wellbeing. According to research, zinc is used to boost the production of luteinizing hormone, which is an essential precursor to testosterone²⁶. Zinc also supports the production of prostatic fluid[15], which is an important part of semen (along with sperm cells) and fluids from other glands which are said to deliver the energy sperm needs to enter the egg[16].

Asian ginseng

An ancient herb with roots in early medicine, Asian ginseng has shown enhance sperm quality and sexual function. It works by stimulating the release of luteinizing hormone, which in turn boosts the production of testosterone²⁸.


An amino acid that helps to promote nitric oxide production and enhance blood flow around the body, L-arginine is a key defender against ED. It helps to improve the strength of erections and may even boost exercise performance[17].


Here at Hey Spot Me Girl, we’re all about safety – so we wanted to remind you to double-check with your doctor or physician if you have any concerns at all about introducing a new supplement into your diet.

Whilst supplements could be a great boost to your lifestyle, they could also have adverse effects on your body if not used properly, or if you have sensitivity to any of the ingredients. So, make sure you always check the label fully. Also, make sure you stick to the usage instructions, particularly during the first week.

It’s also worth pointing out you shouldn’t rely on supplements alone to achieve your physique goals. Remember girls, supplements are enhancers – not the only answer!

A balanced diet, consistent workout plan and sensible lifestyle choices are the fundamentals behind real change – and your supplement should only ever be used as a way of optimizing the results of your hard work, not a way of replacing it altogether.

So, whatever supplements you choose to improve your life, make sure your health and welfare is always paramount over anything else every single time.

*DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Products are intended for use alongside a diet and exercise regime. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Hey Spot Me Girl are not intended for the purpose of medical advice.

Individual results may vary. Please always consult your health care provider if you are taking any medications or have any medical condition. Must be 18 years or older to purchase. Always reference the ingredients and directions on the product label.

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Focus By Hunter Evolve Review 2021 – Will it Really Boost Your Brain? https://heyspotmegirl.com/reviews/hunter-focus-review/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/reviews/hunter-focus-review/#respond Thu, 02 Sep 2021 09:53:35 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?post_type=review&p=32722 Check out our Hunter Focus review to find out if it really works

Introducing Hunter Focus

There’s a fresh face in the nootropics market – Focus by Hunter Focus.

Boldly identifying itself as a premium product, it’s clear from the off that this supplement is trying to sell quality and differentiate itself from the rest. Every element of this nootropic looks clean-cut, smart and modern. But you know what they say, never judge a supplement by its packaging.

It’s evident that Hunter Focus is marketed towards the affluent, ambitious individuals among us. It’s been presented as ‘the’ nootropic supplement for those juggling a busy family life, a high-intensity job and a challenging fitness plan. What’s more it appears to offer some of the biggest doses available, with each ingredient included at higher doses to ensure faster results.

All of this makes Hunter Focus sound like a powerhouse supplement designed to not only support your brain health, but also enhance your successful lifestyle too.

We want to know how it performs when put to the test. Let’s see how it does in this Focus by Hunter Evolve Review.


The truth of just how well this supplement can benefit you and your life goals as a woman can be revealed in an in-depth Hunter Focus review.

As we review, we keep the needs of women in mind too. This product is quite clearly targeted towards a male audience, however it may still benefit female consumers too. Due to our hormonal make up, we’re more susceptible to the symptoms of stress, and a good nootropic for women should be able to help with that.

What is Focus by Hunter Evolve?

Hunter Focus is a nootropic that claims to help you perform at your best across all areas of life. They say it will give you a mental edge, improve your ability to learn, enhance your attention span and increase productivity overall.

On first glance, we’re impressed with the supplements label. An initial look at the dosages confirmed that this is one of the most generously dosed nootropic stacks we’ve seen. On top of that, we already recognize a number of the ingredients as being extremely potent and backed by scientific research.

To find out how well these premium ingredients perform, we need to see how well each one does in the eyes of science. We’ll be looking for research to prove each one provides nootropic benefits you can rely on.

Once we know that, we need to ensure Hunter Focus is completely safe. To do this, it needs to be free of proprietary blends and made up of entirely natural ingredients to deliver a clean experience, without side effects. The ingredients should also be dosed based on scientific research to ensure both safety and effectiveness.

The final stage of our Hunter Focus review is to assess the value of the product. We do this by comparing the cost of the supplement to the benefits you should expect from it. This allows us to get an idea of whether Hunter Focus is a smart purchase, or a waste of cash.

Throughout this Focus by Hunter Evolve review, we’ll be using our collective experience and expertise to bring you truly insightful knowledge on whether this nootropic really can boost your cognitive function. Read on and find out how Hunter Focus performed under review.

Focus by Hunter Evolve Pros and Cons



  • Excellent dosages
  • Entirely natural supplement profile
  • High-grade ingredients
  • Boosts memory and recall
  • Improves ability to learn
  • Reduces stress levels and lifts mood
  • Heightens creativity and problem-solving abilities
  • Good value


  • Expensive
  • Only available online

Who makes Focus by Hunter Evolve?

Focus by Hunter Evolve is made by Roar Ambition, a UK and US based specialist supplement company that has been delivering premium products to the market since 2014.

Roar Ambition is a company known for creating high-grade, scientifically-researched formulas. It has several popular products in its catalogue, notably, famous fat burner Instant Knockout Cut and market-leading test booster TestoFuel, amongst others.

One thing to note, Roar Ambition supplements are all made only in FDA and cGMP approved facilities, confirming their safety and effectiveness. Let’s go deeper in this Focus by Hunter Evolve review – and find out how it works.

How does Focus by Hunter Evolve work?

Hunter Focus is a blend of natural nootropic ingredients designed to give you maximum mental advantage. The clinically-dosed formula works to:

  • Improve memory – you’ll find ingredients like lion’s mane mushroom in Focus to help enhance retention and improve recall
  • Heighten energy levels with a naturally powerful anti-fatigue formula and absolutely no stimulants
  • Enhance focus, attention and learning using natural nootropics like citicoline and L-theanine – so you can remain focused in even the most demanding situations
  • Lift mood, heighten happiness and decrease anxiety by boosting feel-good hormones including dopamine
  • Enrich creativity by unlocking your creative problem-solving potential

What can you expect from Focus by Hunter Evolve?

It’s clear to see the creators have put every thought into developing a nootropic pill that delivers maximum focus and enhanced brain health. They harness the latest learnings on mental enhancement to deliver a formula that works to unlock your cerebral potential without any risk of side effects.

They say it can help you overcome complex problems, smash any target and defeat every deadline. So whether you have a busy day of meetings, a personal best in the training room to beat or a busy day with the family, Hunter Focus should help you remain determined and focus to achieve any goal.

Hunter focus review

Hunter Focus ingredients

Hunter Focus contains just nine ingredient and we found each one to be entirely natural, highly-researched and entirely reliable.

The lower number of ingredients in this supplement is important, as it tells us a little more about the dosages. With four capsules a day and only nine ingredients, you can be sure of a potent formula rather than an overfilled, ineffective mix.

To give you an idea of how the ingredients in this formula work together to deliver enhanced cognitive function, we’ve pulled out a few of the key elements. Keep reading our Hunter Focus review to find out more about the core ingredients below.

  • Lions Mane Mushroom

This is the most generously dosed ingredient in the Hunter Focus formula, and it’s a powerhouse in the world of nootropics.

It’s been proven to release hericenones and erinacines, which then initiate the production of more nerve growth factor (NGF). This is used to help repair and protect nerves within your brain. NGF improves overall brain health and makes you sharper.

Lions mane has also been proven to promote brain plasticity which is linked to improved memory and learning ability.

On top of that, this versatile ingredient has been shown to combat the feelings of stress.

  • Ashwagandha Extract

Taken from the root of the ashwagandha plant, this has been widely used as a nootropic for years. Research into the effects of the extract has revealed that it has a direct impact on the repair and renewal of axons and dendrites within your brain. This results in improved memory and recall.

It has also been shown to improve your choline levels in your brain, which results in lifting your mood and boosting motivation.

We found research that showed cortisol, the stress hormone, was reduced by almost 30% when the test subjects supplemented with ashwagandha extract[1].

  • Citicoline

Within the body citicoline splits into two compounds, choline and cytidine. Both of these have been proven to help to nourish the brain and take cognitive power up a notch[2].

Choline is converted into acetylcholine, which works with other ingredients to improve the strength of signals between neurons in your brain. This gives your memory, attention span and ability to learn a boost.

When ingested, cytidine is converted into uridine, which works to repair and protect the cells and nerves within your brain.

  • Passion Flower Extract

This extract plays an important role in increasing gamma-Aminobutyric acid, or GABA levels within your brain[3]. This is a neurotransmitter that regulates the communication between brain cells and your nervous system. Research shows that this can affect you by reducing stress levels and help you sleep better.

GABA supplementation has been used widely to help relieve feelings of stress and anxiety and even to reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. As such, we’re happy to see this GABA producing nootropic within the formula, as it makes Hunter Focus even more appropriate for women.

Passion flower has also been shown to promote the release of dopamine[4]. This results in a better mood and improved focus.

  • Bacopa

When ingested, Bacopa releases bacosides A and B. Once in your body, science has shown they can improve the way you deal with the symptoms of stress. This helps you respond in a more calm and controlled way, reducing the feelings of anxiety.

These bacosides also work alongside the other ingredients to further shore up the strength of the signals between neurons. This will result in improved mood, focus and ability to learn.


Ingredients Amount per serving
Lions Mane Mushroom500mg
Ashwangandha Extract300mg
Passion Flower250mg
Bacopa Monnieri200mg
Maritime Pine Bark Extract100mg

How to take Hunter Focus

The dosages in Hunter Focus are generous, therefore it’s essential you take them correctly. Both to get the most out of them and to ensure overall safety.

The manufacturers suggest you take two capsules twice a day with a large glass of water and food.

Hunter Focus is made up of some powerful nootropics, so it’s essential you find the ideal time to take them. If you take them at the wrong moment you may not experience the best brain boosting benefits you expect from this supplement.

As such, we’d recommend following this pattern:

  • Two capsules at breakfast, washed down with a large glass of water
  • Another two capsules at lunch, washed down with a large glass of water

When it comes to a nootropic, consistency is the key to success. If you don’t take them regularly, you won’t feel the best possible benefits. Science has shown that, for many ingredients long-term supplementation of some of these ingredients is the key to maximizing results.

Benefits of Focus by Hunter Evolve

The main selling point of Hunter Focus is that it will improve you brain power. But, without a little know-how, experience and scientific research, it can be difficult to define exactly what that means. Luckily, we’ve got you covered.

With Hunter Focus’ specific formula profile, you can expect the following nootropic benefits:

Enhances memory and recall

Ingredients within Hunter Focus will strengthen the signals between neurons, that allow them to work together. This has been shown to improve your memory and your ability to recall information.

Improves ability to learn and attention span

By strengthening these signals, you can also expect an enhanced attention span and a heightened ability to learn new things. In a real-life situation, the combination of these two elements will help you excel in projects and improve your overall output at work.

Supports long-term brain health

Several ingredients in this formula also promote the regeneration and repair of brain cells. They can also protect these important cells and improve plasticity. Science shows this will make you feel sharper and calmer for longer. Many find this useful in high-pressure situations where you need a level head.

Reduces stress and lifts mood

Lowering stress levels is essential for women when opting for a nootropic stack. Hunter Focus does this via a number of different methods. Increased plasticity and boosted alpha waves both lift overall mood. By encouraging the release of essential hormones within the brain, you’ll also be able to combat the symptoms of stress with ease.

Help you stay calm under pressure

Research shows us that this supplement has what it takes to increase the feeling of calm alertness that helps you work under pressure. You might describe this feeling as being ‘in the zone’, but on a cellular level, this is down to the boosted alpha brainwaves from the widely supplemented amino acid, l-theanine.


Find Out More

at Hunterevolve.com


What do people say about Focus by Hunter Evolve?

Since its introduction to market back in 2018, Hunter Focus has been making quite the name for itself. While we struggled to find any reviews featuring women, it is highly praised by men who use it to stay focused and alert and remain physically active – even as they age. Testimonials featured on the official website say it’s one of the best nootropic stacks on the market.

Some users also say it has helped them improve attention and motivation and claim it has been a key part of their life during stressful situations.

Focus By Hunter Evolve Review 2021 – Will it Really Boost Your Brain? 13

Is Hunter Focus safe?

To establish if Hunter Focus is safe to use, we need to have a look at the supplement facts. By studying the ingredients closely, we can ascertain more than just their effectiveness.

Researching and analyzing Hunter Focus’ supplement facts revealed that it’s safely dosed, based on science. We also discovered that every ingredient is entirely natural, which reduces the risks of side effects significantly.

Most importantly, there are no proprietary blends in Hunter Focus. This means this whole nootropic is entirely transparent, without any guesswork when it comes to what’s in it, how much and how it could damage our bodies.

We recommend that you do not use any nootropic to treat an existing illness. Please speak to your physician before you decide to supplement with Hunter Focus if this is the case.

How to get the best out of Focus by Hunter Evolve

The creators advise users to take this supplement consistently daily, for at least three months, to feel the full benefit. You shouldn’t have to cycle this supplement and because it’s stim-free, you don’t need to worry about the time of day you take it.

Follow our top tips below to get the best out of this supplement:

  • Take consistently every day
  • Use Hunter Focus for at least three months to feel the full benefit
  • Take it alongside a healthy, balanced diet and regular training routine
  • Take with food to increase ingredient absorption


the front and back of a Hunter Focus bottle - Hunter Focus review


Where to buy Focus by Hunter Evolve?

A container of Focus provides 120 capsules, which equates to 30, four capsule servings.

One bottle is: $75/ £55 and is available to purchase from the official website.

The people behind Hunter Focus do offer FREE US and UK delivery when you purchase a 2-month supply. At the time of writing, you can also enjoy 50% off the entire Hunter Evolve range. Opting for a bulk-buy deal may help you save money, as nootropics work best over time. So, it’s worth considering if you decide to opt for Hunter Focus as your long-term nootropic.

Anything else to know about Focus by Hunter Evolve?

Focus by Hunter Evolve is fully developed in-house. This simply shows that the creators are seriously dedicated to delivering only the best and effective products on the market. They also aim to be at the forefront of nutritional research and work with the world’s best manufacturers too.

Hunter Focus is free of caffeine, so you won’t suffer from any jitters or energy slumps throughout the day and instead can enjoy a flow of complete focus.

We’ve examined the market and found that you likely won’t find a nootropic product of this quality anywhere else. It’s completely transparent and formulated with a clear list of premium ingredients all in excellent dosages.

The verdict

That concludes our Hunter Focus nootropic review. On the outside, this may look like it’s designed to cater for men alone, but our Hunter Focus review found it to be a comprehensive formula that works wonders for women too.

The formula delivers on all fronts, providing a sharper mind, improved memory, enhanced learning skills and heightened cognitive power.

On top of that, it helps to reduce the impact of stress on the mind, which is essential when it comes to finding a nootropic for women.

Focus by Hunter Evolve is also completely safe, well dosed and free of side effects. It also doesn’t contain any proprietary blends, making it a transparent and reliable formula.

The issue we’ve found with Hunter Focus isn’t with the supplement itself. The price is our main concern.

We know that the cost can make all the difference between picking a quality product and opting for something less effective. However, after a close review of Hunter Focus, we believe this supplement is still worth the money.

After scouring the market, we’re yet to find a better nootropic supplement and we think you’d struggle to discover something more effective. Despite the premium price, we think it’s well worth the money.



Total score


Find Out More

at Hunterevolve.com

*Individual results may vary. Please speak with your doctor or physician before undertaking any new weight reduction, supplement, or exercise regime.

Nootropics: FAQs

Who would use a nootropic?

If you’re looking to defeat brain fog or want to ensure your brain is operating at optimal levels, you might want to try a nootropic.

A nootropic could ensure your mental performance is at its peak, helping with many aspects of natural cerebral decline while lifting mood, motivation and energy.

Are nootropics safe?

On the whole, nootropics are believed to be safe, especially if your chosen supplement is of high quality, is fully transparent and all natural.

When purchasing a nootropic, try to choose one with a completely natural formula that contains studied, tested ingredients and is also free from a proprietary blend.

Different nootropics however can work in different ways and with that, they may interact with other substances like medicines. To avoid any issues and if you already take medication, we would advise you talk to your doctor before using a nootropic.

Do nootropics cause side effects?

If a nootropic is made from natural ingredients and provides a transparent ingredients label, it shouldn’t cause any side effects.

Nonetheless, it’s not uncommon for some nootropic ingredients to cause adverse effects in individuals, especially if they have an intolerance to them. You can avoid side effects by doing your own research, researching the supplement facts label and making sure you’re not allergic to any ingredients.

What ingredients are common in nootropics?

Look out for these ingredients when you’re purchasing a nootropic supplement.


This nootropic powerhouse helps to raise levels of important brain chemicals like acetylcholine and dopamine[5]. It’s also thought to improve neuron signal strength, helping to boost memory and learning[6].


An ancient medicinal herb, ashwagandha has long been used to reduce levels of stress in the body and promote restorative benefits.

Some experts say it’s beneficial for managing anxiety, reducing symptoms of depression and even enhancing performance[7][8].


L-theanine is a key amino acid that works to promote relaxation, improved focus and better immunity[9] [10].

L-theanine is commonly used alongside caffeine since their combined effect has been shown to improve cognitive performance and mood[11].


Bacopa is a key nootropic ingredient that’s been shown to enhance brain function, improve spatial learning and the ability to retain information[12]. It has also shown to help reduce stress and anxiety by reducing levels of cortisol[13].



Here at Hey Spot Me Girl, we’re all about safety – so we wanted to remind you to double-check with your doctor or physician if you have any concerns at all about introducing a new supplement into your diet.

Whilst supplements could be a great boost to your lifestyle, they could also have adverse effects on your body if not used properly, or if you have sensitivity to any of the ingredients. So, make sure you always check the label fully. Also, make sure you stick to the usage instructions, particularly during the first week.

It’s also worth pointing out you shouldn’t rely on supplements alone to achieve your physique goals. Remember girls, supplements are enhancers – not the only answer!

A balanced diet, consistent workout plan and sensible lifestyle choices are the fundamentals behind real change – and your supplement should only ever be used as a way of optimizing the results of your hard work, not a way of replacing it altogether.

So, whatever supplements you choose to improve your life, make sure your health and welfare is always paramount over anything else every single time.

*DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Products are intended for use alongside a diet and exercise regime. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Hey Spot Me Girl are not intended for the purpose of medical advice.

Individual results may vary. Please always consult your health care provider if you are taking any medications or have any medical condition. Must be 18 years or older to purchase. Always reference the ingredients and directions on the product label.

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Instant Knockout Cut Review – Does it Really Burn Fat? https://heyspotmegirl.com/reviews/instant-knockout-review/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/reviews/instant-knockout-review/#respond Wed, 11 Aug 2021 15:08:15 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?post_type=review&p=32756 Introducing Instant Knockout Cut

Initially designed to help MMA fighters and boxers cut before a big fight, Instant Knockout Cut is now one of the most popular all-natural fat burner supplements on the market. It might be popular, but we want to look beyond the hype and find out whether it really works.

In this Instant Knockout Cut review, Spot Me girl put it under the spotlight.

Keep reading this Instant Knockout Cut review to find out more.

Instant Knockout Cut Pros and Cons


  • Works to cut fat quickly
  • Reduces belly fat
  • Increases energy levels
  • Safe for women to use
  • Used by pro MMA fighters
  • Vegetarian and vegan friendly capsules
  • Thoroughly researched and backed by science


  • Premium products attract premium prices
  • Needs to be taken consistently

What is Instant Knockout Cut?

Instant Knockout Cut is a clinically-researched thermogenic fat burner used and recommended by pro MMA fighters who turn to it to cut weight before a fight.

Instant Knockout Cut claims to help you lose weight through a number of different methods. Apparently, it’ll help to boost your metabolism, burn more fat, control your cravings and boost your overall energy levels.

We see these kinds of claims from countless fat burner supplements and more often than not, they add up to a huge dose of caffeine and a headache. In such a saturated, unregulated market packed with dodgy products, finding the fat burners that are well researched and effective is no easy task.

After years of reviewing supplements, we know what makes a quality supplement and what’s going to be a flop. The answer to whether it really does deliver on its promises is in the supplement facts. Our Instant Knockout Cut review will put each ingredient under scrutiny.

We’re looking to see if each ingredient is familiar to us, proven to work through scientific research and well dosed. From there, we can tell you how effective Instant Knockout Cut really is at burning fat.

At SpotMeGirl, safety is a huge deal. So, during our Instant Knockout Cut review, we’ll be identifying any potential side effects you may experience from taking the supplement. We’re going to go into some real detail in this Instant Knockout fat burner review.

As women reviewing a supplement, we also have the unique needs of female fitness fiends at the forefront of our mind. We actually have slightly different needs when it comes to succeeding at a diet compared to men, so we’re looking to see if Instant Knockout Cut can support women in their weight loss journey.

We also want to see results in the flesh, so we’ll look into what other people are saying about Instant Knockout Cut and find out if it really helped them lose weight.

Finally, we’ll round off this Instant Knockout fat burner review by assessing the effectiveness of the product vs the price to find out if it’s worth your money.

Find out how Instant Knockout Cut fares under review and read on.

Instant Knockout Cut Review – Does it Really Burn Fat? 15

Who makes Instant Knockout Cut?

Instant Knockout Cut is made by pro supplement specialists Roar Ambition. These guys are multi-national and have been delivering high-grade, effective supplements to the market since 2014.

It has a number of industry-leading supplements under its belt, including female-friendly fat burner Hourglass Fit.

We trust every product that this company introduce to market, simply because they stay one step ahead when it comes to the latest research – plus each product is produced in FDA and cGMP approved facilities, which is always great to see.

How does Instant Knockout Cut work?

Inside the Instant Knockout Cut blend, you’ll find key thermogenic ingredients, potent appetite suppressants and natural energy enhancers. Each ingredient has been clinically dosed and included in the exact amount needed to make a difference. This should mean:

  • A higher calorie burn – using strong doses of proven thermogenics in the mix, you can experience all day, total body burn with a boosted metabolism
  • Complete appetite control – a generous dose of hunger-blocking glucomannan helps you keep a lid on your food cravings and keep control of your calories
  • Gentle, sustained energy lift – Caffeine and L-theanine combine to deliver a natural boost in energy without any crashing or fatigue

What can you expect from Instant Knockout Cut?

Instant Knockout Cut aims to be the supporting fat burning complex you need when you’re already putting the work in. So whether you need help cutting back on the calories and controlling hunger, an energy lift to keep pushing through your workouts or a natural thermogenic boost, Cut should deliver.

We can see that the creators have combined some of the best effective fat burning components available on the market, so adding this supplement to a healthy diet and training regime should deliver results faster. All of this should also ensure you build healthy habits and build confidence – and ultimately keep the weight off for good.

Instant Knockout Cut ingredients

Instant Knockout Cut contains 9 completely natural ingredients, including a number of vitamins and minerals. After reviewing the whole selection, we can confidently say they’ve been well researched and each one contributes to the fat loss process.

To give you an idea of how this supplement works, we’ve pulled out the key players and identified their fat burning roles within your body.

  1. Green tea extract

Green tea is a powerhouse in the world of fat burner supplements.

We’ve seen countless journals of scientific research, showing the weight loss results associated with green tea [1]. According to these studies it’s the catechins in green tea that play a big part in promoting fat loss [2].

It also contains a small amount of caffeine, which is a thermogenic, meaning your metabolism will be higher and you’ll burn more calories. Overall, we’ve found that this ingredient has been linked to fat loss in 11 individual studies.

On top of this, the caffeine can also help to provide an additional energy boost for bigger workouts.

  1. Glucomannan

Also known as Konjac Root fiber, this is the ingredient that helps you stick to your diet. Glucomannan is a powerful, proven appetite suppressant that’s well known in the fat burner industry [3]. It expands when it hits your stomach, making you feel fuller, so you’re less likely to give in to cravings or overindulge.

As we’ve mentioned, this is a key element for women. Sweet treats and cheat snacks can often throw us off track when it comes to dieting. With additional support from glucomannan we’re more likely to stick to our diets and resist temptation.

  1. Cayenne pepper seeds

We’re also familiar with the powers of cayenne pepper seeds. Not only are they packed with vitamins that will nourish your body, it’s also another powerful thermogenic. The spice in these seeds heat up your body, so you have to work harder to cool down. All of this expends energy, which means your metabolic rate will be raised.

It also works by increasing your insulin sensitivity [4], so you use and store carbs more efficiently. If you’re resistant to insulin, you’re more likely to store carbohydrates as fat, so the higher your sensitivity, the better.

  1. Caffeine anhydrous

Many of us know caffeine can be a game changer when it comes to the working week. But when you’re on a weight loss journey, it’s essential to keeping you energized, even when a low-calorie diet has you feeling fatigued. With support from this ingredient, you’re more likely to smash a workout and stay active, which is vital to losing weight in a healthy way.

Instant Knockout Cut is dosed to around half of many other similar supplements. This may sound like they’ve under-dosed it, however we like this a lot. So many products are overfilled with the stimulant, often resulting in headaches and jitters. This fat burner gives you the optimal amount to boost energy, without nasty side effects.

  1. L-Theanine

L-theanine is an amino acid most commonly found in tea leaves. Whilst it has been used to treat many ailments over the years, it also complements weight loss well too. It is highly effective as an appetite suppressant[5], to combat overeating and cravings so you can keep a lid on calorie intake. it also possesses stress-fighting abilities, to reduce anxiety and insomnia significantly[6].

Because of this, it brings out caffeine’s benefits for improved focus, drive and energy[7] whilst keeping the negative side effects like ‘jitters’ at bay. The combination of the two in Cut’s formula will take workouts to the next level and help you concentrate on cutting fat easier without nasty side effects from caffeine.

IngredientsAmount per serving
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride)5mg
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)10mcg
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) (vegan) 45mcg
Green Tea Extract 500mg
Cayenne Pepper 100mg
Glucomannan (Konjac Root)1800mg
Caffeine (Caffeine Anhydrous)300mg
Black Pepper Extract (Standardized to 95% PE)10mg

How to take Instant Knockout Cut

As with all supplements, we recommend you following the guidance of the manufacturer when it comes to how much you take. The people behind this supplement recommend taking 4 capsules a day with a large glass of water.

The key to making the most out of the appetite suppressants in Instant Knockout Cut is to carefully time your intake around your meals. This way you’ll be less likely to overeat at meal times. And if you get particularly hungry around mid-afternoon, plan a dose in for then too.

For example:

  • First capsule: 30 minutes before breakfast
  • Second capsule: 30 minutes before lunch
  • Third capsule: Around mid-afternoon
  • Fourth capsule: 30 minutes before your evening meal

The best way to get the most out of this supplement is to take it regularly and consistently.

You should also take your last dose no later than 5 hours before you plan to go to bed. Otherwise the caffeine could impact your ability to sleep soundly.

Instant Knockout Cut Review – Does it Really Burn Fat? 16

What are the benefits of taking Instant Knockout Cut?

The key benefits of Instant Knockout Cut involve more than fat burning. After close review, we discovered that this supplement offers more of a support system to help maintain a diet and healthy lifestyle.

Helps your body burn more calories

First and foremost, lets address the fat burn. Instant Knockout Cut contains potent thermogenic ingredients we’re very familiar with, designed to raise your metabolism. That means you’ll be burning more calories, even at rest.

Supports you and your diet

The Instant Knockout formula also contains proven appetite suppressants. This is especially important for women, as we’re more likely to give into cravings than men are. With an appetite suppressant in the mix, you’re in complete control of your diet and are more likely to stick to it. Which in turn, leads to extra fat loss.

Keeps you energized

On top of that, there’s also some caffeine in the formula to help you stay energized and focused while on a low-calorie diet. As an active lifestyle is essential to a fat loss journey, a stimulant like caffeine is so important.

We’re used to seeing stimulants in fat burners, however the majority of manufacturers over-dose their supplements with it. An additional benefit of Instant Knockout Cut is it only contains about half as much caffeine as other fat burners. We found it to be optimally dosed to bring you a clean lift, without any jitters or a migraine. Alongside L-theanine, this is a smart caffeine combo that delivers a sustained, all-day long energy lift.


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at instantknockout.com

What do people say about Instant Knockout Cut?

This supplement is well known across the industry, so finding testimonials and Instant Knockout Cut reviews online wasn’t hard.

Overall, we noticed how well received the supplement was.

Instant Knockout Cut has been helping people cut weight since 2014 and boasts many positive testimonials online.

We were surprised to find a huge number of body transformations, which claim that the fat burner was responsible for their impressive physique changes.

On top of that, we noted that a number of athletes like John Dodson, Holly Holm and Diego Sanchez were happy to recommend Instant Knockout Cut.

While we understand these may paid endorsements, our overall impression of the supplement, based on testimonials was a very positive one. Many consumers appear to be happy with the effects it offers.

Of course, we also found a number of reviews where the customer didn’t feel any difference when taking the supplement. However, fat loss is about a healthy lifestyle and a good attitude to food, so it’s difficult to say whether these consumers were active and succeeded in maintaining their diet.



Read real Instant Knockout Cut reviews

at InstantKnockout.com

Is Instant Knockout Cut safe?

As a carefully dosed, completely natural formula, we found Instant Knockout Cut to be one of the safest fat burner supplements out there.

Firstly, it’s completely free of proprietary blends, which is a huge plus for us in terms of safety as many manufacturers use these unidentified mixes to fill their capsules. The main issue with them is you don’t know what’s inside, whether it’s good for you, or if these mystery ingredients are safely dosed.

Instant Knockout Cut is completely free of proprietary blends and its capsules are vegan friendly.

We also mentioned before that Instant Knockout Cut contains some caffeine. Although it is a substantially lower dose than most other fat burners and should be safe, it’s worth factoring the extra caffeine into your day. The addition of L-theanine also works with caffeine to alleviate any harsh side effects from the stimulant – such as jitters or anxiety – so you can enjoy the energy boost without the worry.

If you’re a regular coffee or tea drinker, think about lowering the number of cups you would normally have. As caffeine is a diuretic, we’d also recommend you drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration.

If there is any chance you could be pregnant, we recommend you speak to your doctor before purchasing a supplement.

How to get the best out of Instant Knockout Cut

The creators say Instant Knockout Cut is really easy to fit into everyday life, with no fuss. They recommend you should take this supplement consistently daily to feel the full benefit. You should also take it with your meals to increase the absorption of the ingredients and boost your chance of success.

Follow our top tips below to get the best out of this supplement:

  • Take consistently daily
  • Use it for a few months to ensure you’ve given it chance to get to work with your body
  • Take it alongside a healthy, balanced diet and regular workout routine
  • Take with food to increase ingredient absorption

Instant Knockout Cut Review – Does it Really Burn Fat? 17

Where to buy Instant Knockout Cut

A single bottle of Instant Knockout Cut is enough for a full month supply. It can be purchased from the official website.

  • $59/£35 for one bottle
  • $118/£70 for two bottles
  • $185/£110 for three bottles + one free bottle + free delivery

Although this may be a premium price, the multi-buy option can help you save cash if you decide to use Instant Knockout Cut in the long run. You can also subscribe to Instant Knockout Cut and receive 10% off the regular price. This means you’ll receive your products on time without having to reorder – plus you get the right to cancel, pause or skip shipments whenever you want. We think this is a great purchase option if you plan on making Instant Knockout Cut your long term fat burner.


Check Latest Price

at instantknockout.com

Anything else to know about Instant Knockout Cut?

Instant Knockout Cut has recently undergone formulation changes and has a new 2.0 cut above formula. Ingredients zinc, chromium and green coffee bean have been removed and vitamin D3 and L-theanine have been added. These formulation changes make the product even better in our eyes. Cut is now also suitable for vegans.

The formula is also completely transparent and natural so you can see exactly what you’re getting.

The verdict

That concludes our Instant Knockout Cut review and we have to say, Instant Knockout Cut is hands down one of the best fat burners we’ve found for men and women.

After review, we can safely name it one of our favorite products in this area of supplementation.

Its all-natural profile, potent ingredients and the support it offers dieters puts it firmly up there as one of our most recommended supplements.

The combination of intelligent ingredients work together to provide a full support system, along with powerful fat burning elements that add up to bring you real weight loss results.

We’re particularly impressed with the addition of appetite suppressants, which makes this an excellent fat burner for women.

In real life situations, it seriously seems to work. If you’re struggling to burn off that last bit of stubborn fat, a product like Instant Knockout Cut can help give you that final push. And from scouring internet forums, Instant Knockout Cut review pages and more, we’ve seen some very impressive transformations.

The one drawback of Instant Knockout Cut is that it’s at the higher end of the spectrum when it comes to cost. Although it’s by no means the most expensive supplement we’ve seen, it’s still pricier than the majority. Having said that, we’d still say it’s worth your attention.

With so many dodgy supplements out there and a huge number of them over or under-dosed, paying a little more can be worth it. Especially when the supplement is so effective and has the potential to really give your weight loss journey an edge.

As long as it’s accompanied by a healthy, calorie-controlled diet and an active lifestyle, we see no reason why Instant Knockout Cut won’t get results for you too. We highly recommend buying it, you won’t be disappointed.


Final score



Buy now

at instantknockout.com


*Individual results may vary. Please speak with your doctor or physician before undertaking any new weight reduction, supplement, or exercise regime

Find out how Instant Knockout CUT compares to the competition and read our review of the best fat burners for women.

Best Fat Burners For Women

Fat Burners: FAQs

Who would use a fat burner?

For many people, fat burners work as the missing link they need to finally achieve their weight loss goals.  Athletes or fighters cutting before a weigh-in may also look to use fat burner to help refine their bodies and dominate their sport.

Whether you want to shift that last bit of stubborn fat, help curb hunger cravings or gain the energy you need to smash a workout, fat burners may boost loss efforts to get results faster. However, it’s important to remember, they’ll only work if a proper diet and workout plan is in place.

Are fat burners safe?

In general, fat burners formulated with plant-based, natural ingredients are safe. You should just be mindful of any over-served caffeine, synthetic ingredients or proprietary blends. Anything with a proprietary blend is an immediate red flag.

Do fat burners cause side effects?

Most fat burners shouldn’t bring about any side effects but the risk is always there –  especially if you are allergic to any ingredients. Most of the ingredients in fat burners that may cause side effects are caffeine and green tea extract – both of these stimulants can raise your energy levels but also interrupt sleeping partners or cause insomnia. Too much caffeine may also cause nausea or headaches. To avoid side effects, never take more than the recommended dose and follow the manufacturer’s directions carefully.

What ingredients are common in fat burners?

When buying a fat burner, you should try to look out for these best fat burner ingredients.


Glucomannan is a proven and FDA-approved appetite suppressing ingredient. It enters your stomach, absorbs water and promotes feelings of fullness. This should stop you from over doing it on your calories and put a plug in any snacking habits[8].

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne contains potent thermogenic compound capsaicin, the ingredient that has been shown to raise your metabolism and ignite calorie burn[9]. It works by hiking body temperature, making your body work harder (and burn more calories) to regulate back to normal levels.

Black pepper extract

This ingredient is commonly included in supplements to boost the bioavailability of any additional ingredients. However, it’s also been shown to be an excellent thermogenic, and just like cayenne pepper, it could fuel calorie burn. Research also suggests black pepper may prevent fat cells from forming[10].


  1. Hursel, R et al. The effects of green tea on weight loss and weight maintenance: a meta-analysis. Int J Obes. 2009; 33(9): 956-61
  2. Hursel R et al. The effects of catechin rich teas and caffeine on energy expenditure and fat oxidation: A meta-analysis. Obes. Rev. 2011; 12: e573–e581
  3. Zalewski, BM et al. The effect of glucomannan on body weight in overweight or obese children and adults: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Nutrition. 2015; 31(3): 437-42
  4. Ahuja, KD et al. Effects of chili consumption on postprandial glucose, insulin, and energy metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006; 84(1): 63-69
  5. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324120
  6. https://www.healthline.com/health/l-theanine
  7. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21040626/
  8. Keithley, Joyce, and Barbara Swanson. “Glucomannan and obesity: a critical review.” Alternative therapies in health and medicine vol. 11,6 (2005): 30-4.
  9. Janssens, Pilou L H R et al. “Acute effects of capsaicin on energy expenditure and fat oxidation in negative energy balance.” PloS one vol. 8,7 e67786. 2 Jul. 2013, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0067786
  10. https://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20120504/black-pepper-may-help-fight-fat

Here at Hey Spot Me Girl, we’re all about safety – so we wanted to remind you to double-check with your doctor or physician if you have any concerns at all about introducing a new supplement into your diet.

Whilst supplements could be a great boost to your lifestyle, they could also have adverse effects on your body if not used properly, or if you have sensitivity to any of the ingredients. So, make sure you always check the label fully. Also, make sure you stick to the usage instructions, particularly during the first week.

It’s also worth pointing out you shouldn’t rely on supplements alone to achieve your physique goals. Remember girls, supplements are enhancers – not the only answer!

A balanced diet, consistent workout plan and sensible lifestyle choices are the fundamentals behind real change – and your supplement should only ever be used as a way of optimizing the results of your hard work, not a way of replacing it altogether.

So, whatever supplements you choose to improve your life, make sure your health and welfare is always paramount over anything else every single time.

Disclaimer:  The information on this site has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results in description and Testimonials may not be typical results and individual results may vary. We may earn commission if you click the links and buy the products featured on this page.

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