Workouts – Wed, 31 May 2023 13:04:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Workouts – 32 32 Best Glute Exercises For Bad Knees Wed, 31 May 2023 13:03:14 +0000 If you’re looking to strengthen and tone your glutes without putting any strain on your knees, you’re in luck. There are numerous exercises that can help you achieve your fitness goals without involving your knees.

These exercises are not only safe but also highly effective in targeting your glutes to give you a sculpted and toned backside.

Whether you’re recovering from a knee injury or simply looking for knee-friendly glute exercises to avoid knee pain in future, this article will provide you with 10 top exercises that you can add to your workout routine.

So, let’s dive in and check out the best glute exercises without knee involvement for safe and targeted workouts.

Top 10 Glute Exercises Without Knee Involvement

When it comes to working out the glutes, many exercises involve knee involvement, which can be a problem for those with knee injuries or discomfort. However, there are still several effective glute exercises that can be done without putting pressure on the knees. Here are the top 10 glute exercises without knee involvement:

1. Glute bridges are an excellent exercise for targeting and activating the glute muscles, and they are particularly knee-friendly. To perform glute bridges, start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. As you lift your hips off the floor, focus on squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement. By primarily focusing on hip extension, glute bridges minimize knee involvement, making them a safe choice for individuals with knee sensitivity or issues. The controlled lowering phase also allows for a smooth and controlled movement, reducing the risk of knee strain. Not only is the glute bridge fantastic for your booty, but it’s also good for hip muscles and even works the core.

2. Hip thrusts, similar to glute bridges, are another effective exercise for targeting the glutes while minimizing knee strain. This exercise provides an additional challenge by using a barbell or weighted plate placed across the hips. To perform hip thrusts, start by sitting on the ground with your back against a bench or step. Position the weight across your hips and drive your hips upward, lifting your glutes off the ground. It’s important to keep your feet flat on the floor and hold the top position for a moment before lowering back down. Hip thrusts isolate the glute muscles and limit knee involvement, making them an excellent choice for individuals looking to work their glutes while being mindful of their knees.

You can even combine the hip thrust and the glute bridge to create an extra effective option by holding the hip thrust at peak and into a glute bridge, this can be particularly effective for training weak glutes and avoiding knee pain whilst doing this without weight as it offers more time under tension. Try holding each of your glute thrusts at the top for a count of 8 seconds and see how quickly the burn adds up!

3. Clamshells are a simple yet highly effective exercise for targeting the gluteus medius, a key muscle responsible for hip stability. To perform clamshells, lie on your side with your knees bent and your feet together. While maintaining the alignment of your hips, open your knees apart like a clamshell. As you open your knees, focus on squeezing your glutes, then return to the starting position. Clamshells are considered knee-friendly exercises because they involve minimal knee movement while effectively activating the glute muscles. This makes them a valuable addition to any knee-friendly glute workout routine.

4. Fire hydrants are another knee-friendly exercise that targets the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles. To perform fire hydrants, start on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Keeping your knee bent, lift one leg out to the side, mimicking the motion of a dog at a fire hydrant. At the top of the movement, be sure to squeeze your glutes before lowering your leg back down. Fire hydrants engage the glutes without putting excessive strain on the knees, making them an effective and safe option for knee-friendly glute exercises.

5. Donkey kicks are a dynamic exercise that effectively targets the glutes while minimizing knee involvement. Begin on all fours, with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. To perform a donkey kick, lift one leg up behind you, driving your heel toward the ceiling. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement before lowering your leg back down. Donkey kicks isolate the glute muscles without requiring significant knee movement, making them ideal for individuals looking for knee-friendly glute workouts. It’s important to maintain control throughout the exercise and focus on the mind-muscle connection with your glutes for optimal results.

6. Standing glute kickbacks are a standing variation of donkey kicks that provide a knee-friendly way to target the glutes. To perform standing glute kickbacks, stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and slightly bend your knees. Lift one leg backward, extending it straight behind you while maintaining a slight bend in the supporting leg. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement, then lower your leg back down. Standing glute kickbacks engage the glutes without putting excessive stress on the knees, offering a safe and effective knee-friendly glute exercise option. Remember to keep your core engaged and maintain stability throughout

7. Cable pull-throughs are a compound exercise that offers a knee-friendly option for targeting the glutes. To perform cable pull-throughs, position yourself facing away from a cable machine with the cable between your legs. Grab the cable handle and take a step forward, maintaining a slight bend in your knees. As you hinge forward at the hips, allow the cable to pull your hands back through your legs. This movement engages the glute muscles. To maximize the glute activation, squeeze your glutes and stand tall, extending your hips forward. Cable pull-throughs are an effective exercise for the glutes while minimizing strain on the knees. By focusing on the hip extension movement pattern, this exercise allows individuals with knee sensitivity to strengthen their glutes safely.

8. Step-ups are a versatile exercise that targets the glutes and thighs while being gentle on the knees. The do engage the knee a little bit, but unless you’re currently struggling with knee pain, it shouldn’t be so much as to cause any overtraining issues. To perform step-ups, start by placing one foot on a step or platform. Push through your heel and lift your body up onto the step, fully extending your hips. Lower your body back down in a controlled manner and repeat the movement on the same leg or alternate legs. Step-ups emphasize the hip extension, engaging the glute muscles without excessive knee movement. This makes them an excellent choice for individuals seeking knee-friendly glute exercises. Step-ups can be easily modified by adjusting the height of the step or incorporating weights to increase the challenge and further activate the glutes.

9. Resistance band lateral walks are a low-impact exercise that specifically targets the gluteus medius, a crucial muscle for hip stability. To perform this exercise, place a resistance band around your thighs, just above your knees. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and slightly bend your knees. Take a step to the side with one foot, maintaining tension in the band, and then follow with the other foot. Continue walking sideways, focusing on keeping your glutes engaged and maintaining the tension in the band. Resistance band lateral walks are a knee-friendly exercise that strengthens the glutes without subjecting the knees to undue stress. By focusing on the gluteus medius, these walks promote hip stability and help prevent knee issues associated with poor hip control.

10. Swiss ball hamstring curls provide an effective way to target the glutes and hamstrings while being gentle on the knees. Begin by lying on your back with your feet resting on a Swiss ball, knees bent. Lift your hips off the ground, engaging your glutes, and roll the ball toward your glutes by bending your knees. This movement isolates the glutes and hamstrings, promoting knee-friendly strength development in those muscle groups. Extend your legs back out, rolling the ball away from your glutes, and lower your hips back down to complete one repetition. Swiss ball hamstring curls allow individuals to work their glutes and hamstrings without placing excessive strain on the knees. The unstable nature of the Swiss ball also engages the core muscles, providing an additional benefit for overall stability and strength.

Advantages of Knee-Free Glute Exercises

Focusing on glute workouts that avoid putting stress on the knee joint are an excellent way to build strong, toned glutes without putting unnecessary strain on your knees. There are several advantages to incorporating these examples into your workout routine, including:

1. Reduced Risk of Injury: When performing traditional glute exercises such as lunges or squats, there is a risk of knee injury due to the pressure placed on the joint. Reducing knee engagement can all but, eliminate this risk, allowing you to focus solely on building your glutes without worrying about any potential knee damage.

2. Increased Glute Activation: Knee free booty exercises often target the glute muscles more effectively than traditional exercises, resulting in greater muscle activation and improved results. This is because they typically involve a wider range of motion and more isolation of the glute muscles.

3. Improved Posture: Strong glutes are essential for good posture, and knee free glute exercises can help you achieve this. By strengthening your glutes, you can improve your overall body alignment and reduce the risk of back pain.

4. Greater Variety: glute workouts for bad knees provide a greater variety of exercises to choose from, allowing you to switch up your routine and keep your workouts interesting. This can help prevent boredom and keep you motivated to achieve your fitness goals.

5. Convenience: Many of these can be performed at home with minimal equipment, making them a convenient option for those who don’t have access to a gym or prefer to workout at home.

Why People Prefer Knee-Friendly Glute Exercises:

People prefer knee-friendly glute exercises for several reasons. Firstly, these exercises minimize knee involvement, making them suitable for individuals with knee sensitivity or those recovering from knee injuries. By primarily targeting the glute muscles and focusing on hip extension, knee-friendly exercises such as glute bridges and hip thrusts allow individuals to strengthen their glutes effectively without putting excessive strain on their knees. This is crucial for maintaining joint health and preventing further knee issues.

Moreover, knee-friendly glute exercises effectively target and activate the glute muscles. The glutes are essential for overall lower body strength and stability. Exercises like clamshells, fire hydrants, and donkey kicks isolate and engage the glutes, helping to enhance muscle definition and strength. By specifically targeting the glute muscles, individuals can achieve better muscle activation and improve their overall physique.

Another advantage of knee-friendly glute exercises is that they are suitable for all fitness levels. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced athlete, these exercises can be modified to suit your capabilities. With variations in intensity, range of motion, and resistance, individuals can gradually progress and challenge themselves over time. This adaptability allows people of all fitness levels to incorporate knee-friendly glute exercises into their workout routines and continually improve their strength and conditioning.

Additionally, knee-friendly glute exercises provide variation and challenge to workouts. With a wide range of exercises available, such as cable pull-throughs, resistance band lateral walks, and Swiss ball hamstring curls, individuals can introduce new movements and stimulate different muscle fibers in their glutes. This variety not only prevents boredom but also helps to overcome plateaus and promote continuous progress in strength and muscle development.

Furthermore, knee-friendly glute exercises can be performed at home or at the gym, offering flexibility and convenience. Many of these exercises require minimal equipment or can be done using bodyweight alone. For example, glute bridges, clamshells, and donkey kicks can be easily performed in the comfort of one’s home. On the other hand, exercises like cable pull-throughs and step-ups can be incorporated into a gym routine by utilizing equipment readily available at fitness facilities.

In summary, knee-friendly glute exercises are popular among individuals seeking to strengthen their glutes while being mindful of their knee health. These exercises minimize knee involvement while effectively targeting and activating the glute muscles. They cater to all fitness levels, provide variation and challenge to workouts, enhance muscle definition and strength, and can be performed in various settings with minimal equipment. Incorporating knee-friendly glute exercises into a regular routine not only improves glute strength but also enhances overall lower body stability, balance, and functional fitness.

How To Hit Glutes And Avoid Knee Pain FAQ :

1. Can I still work my glutes effectively without involving my knees?

– Absolutely! The exercises mentioned in this article specifically target your glute muscles while minimizing knee involvement.


2. Can I perform these exercises at home without any equipment?

– Yes, many of these exercises can be performed using just your bodyweight. However, some exercises may require minimal equipment like resistance bands or Swiss balls for added resistance and variation.


3. Are these exercises suitable for beginners?

– Yes, these exercises are suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, including beginners. Start with proper form and gradually increase the intensity as you progress.


4. Will I see noticeable results by doing these exercises regularly?

– Yes, with consistent practice and proper form, you can expect to see improvements in glute strength, muscle definition, and overall lower body stability.


5. Can these exercises be combined with other workouts?

– Absolutely! These glute exercises can be easily incorporated into your existing workout routine or combined with other exercises to target different muscle groups.

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7 Exercises to Tone Up Your Arms Tue, 12 Jan 2021 12:30:54 +0000 Looking to add some extra definition to your arms? Here at Spot Me Girl, we’re all about upper body workouts for women! There’s no need for super heavy weights, immense barbells, or whole-body pull-ups to tone up your arms and build some muscle.

Having a strong upper body is the key to a well-rounded, trimmed physique as well as overall health. With better strength in your arms, back and chest you’ll benefit from a better posture and body balance[1].

All you need are a few sets of small dumbbells or resistance bands – you could even use your own bodyweight for some of these moves. Below, we’ve listed the seven best exercises to tone up your arms. For each exercise, we’ll include different options to suit your choice of resistance.


Warming up before an arm workout will help reduce the risk of muscle soreness and injury. Try this sequence of dynamic warm-up exercises to prepare your body.

  • Arm circles – 8 reps forward and backward
  • Walk-outs – 8 reps
  • Overhead shoulder stretches
  • Jumping jacks – 10 reps
  • Swinging toe touches – 8 on each side

Now that you’re all warmed up, let’s get to the good bit.

Here are the best 7 exercises to tone up your arms:

1.      Lateral raises

Equipment needed:
Dumbbells or resistance band

Good for: Working the deltoid heads which make up your shoulder muscles

To perform this movement, grab a dumbbell in each hand and hang your arms by your side. Bending slightly at the elbow, raise both arms simultaneously out to the side. Once your elbows reach the same height as your shoulders, return back to the starting position.

To performance this move with a resistance band, hold each end in your hands and place your feet onto the middle of the band. Maintaining the same bend at the elbow and your hands by your side, raise your arms up from the side and repeat.

2.      Upright rows

Equipment needed: Dumbbells or resistance band

Good for: Working the front (anterior) and lateral (side) deltoid head in your shoulders as well as the trapezius and bicep

Grab a dumbbell in each hand and hang your arms by your side. Bending at the elbow, raise both arms directly in front of you in a controlled way and align them with your shoulders. Once they reach shoulder height, return to the starting position.

With a resistance band, loop it under your feet and hold it each hand with your arms by your side. Raise your arms straight in front until they reach shoulder height and drop back down.

3.      Tricep dips

Equipment needed: A bench, chair or sofa!

Good for: Working your anterior deltoid, the pectoralis muscles and the rhomboid muscles of the back

Grip the edge of a bench, chair or sofa with your legs extended in front of you. Your feet should be around hip-width apart and your heels touching the ground. Face straight ahead and keep your chin upwards. Using your palms, lift your body up and slide forwards so that you clear the edge of the seat you’re holding onto. Lower yourself until your elbows reach around 90-degree angles and slowly push yourself up. Return and repeat.

4.       Dumbbell bench press

Equipment needed: Dumbbells

Good for: Working your pectoral muscles, anterior and lateral deltoids and triceps.

Lie back on a flat bench, keeping your feet flat on the floor in a shoulder-width stance. Lift the dumbbells to chest height with your palms facing forwards. Before pressing, take a deep breath,  brace your core and engage your glutes. Press the dumbbells up toward the ceiling and hold them directly above your chest so your arms are directly above you. Bring them back down in a controlled motion and return to the starting position.

5.       Bent over rows

Equipment needed: Dumbbells or barbell

Good for: The latissimus dorsi and rhomboids – main muscles groups in your back – as well as your forearms and biceps

With a barbell, stand with your mid-foot under the bar in a medium stance. Bend over the bar and grab it with your palms facing down. Keep your hips high and back straight but bend at the knee. Brace your core and squeeze your shoulders to bring the weight up to your sternum, then slowly lower it back down.

With dumbbells, place your feet shoulder-width apart with a dumbbell in each hand. Bend over at about a 455-degree angle and keep your back straight as you lift the weights straight up towards your chest. Keep your core braced and shoulders squeezed then slowly lower the dumbbells back down.

6.       Hammer curls

Equipment needed: Dumbbells

Good for: The bicep, brachialis (upper arm muscles) and the brachioradialis (a forearm muscle).

With your feet shoulder-width apart and a medium bend in your knees, grab a pair of dumbbells in each hand. Make sure your palms are facing towards your body and slowly curl the dumbbell up to your shoulders while keeping your elbow close to your body. Pause slightly at the top of the lift and engage your biceps while slowly lowering the weight back down.

7.       Dumbbell shoulder press

Equipment needed: Dumbbells

Good for: Deltoids (posterior, medial, and anterior shoulder), triceps and trapezius

You can do this move sitting or standing up. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing forward and your elbows at a 90-degree angle. The dumbbells should be at around ear level. Keeping your back straight, raise the dumbbells up until your elbows lock then lower them back down after a short pause. The dumbbells can touch lightly at the top before you come back down to the starting position.

[Related article: Chest and Arms Workout for Women]

To sum up

If you want to add some shape to your arms or build some upper body strength, these exercises will help to get you there and tone up your arms. To make even more of an impact, follow a calorie-restricted diet or complement these strength moves with a clever cardio routine.

Head to the gym and sprinkle some of these moves into your workout plan – you won’t regret it!


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The Most Efficient And Complete At Home Abs Workout Tue, 28 Apr 2020 17:03:38 +0000 Getting visible abs is more than just doing a bunch of crunches. Your stomach muscles need to be hit from all angles to give results; just like every other muscle group in your body.

When looking for an at home abs workout routine, you need to be realistic with what you can do and how much time do you have.

Below is a 10 exercise workout routine that will likely give you hell and will even make sneezing a challenging task. But if you regularly complete this workout and mix in a proper diet, you will start seeing abs in no time.

Whether you are male or female, this routine will work for you. It’s designed to make you regret breathing, coughing, sneezing, or laughing the day after you are done. This workout routine will demolish you no matter who you are.

Best Ab Home Workout Routine

Before we introduce the exercises, let’s establish some ground rules.

  • Rule #1 – Unless a set number of reps or time is specified, do the exercises until failure.
  • Rule #2 – Unless a set resting period is specified, do the exercises one after the other.
  • Rule #3 – Do at least two rounds of the workout, try adding an extra round every time you do the workout. Rest time between rounds shouldn’t be longer than 90 seconds.
  • Rule #4 – It’s okay to post results on your Facebook and make your ex jealous.

Let’s get into it! Here is your complete at home abs workout.

1. Toe Touches

Lay on the floor with your feet up in the air, stretch your arms out and try reaching for your toes. If you can’t quite touch your toes, it’s fine. Just go reaching for the toes and your abs will start blowing up quickly.

Do 20 reps.

2. Scissor Kicks

The Most Efficient And Complete At Home Abs Workout 2

Time to feel the burn with some scissors…. As you can see in the gif above, this will require some range of motion. Raise your legs in the air, and alternately kick your legs. As one leg is lowered the other should be raised. Try not to let your feet touch the ground.

Having a hard time with this exercise? Bending your legs slightly will make it easier to keep your legs up in the air.

Do 15 reps.

3. Half Burpees

This one isn’t as challenging on the abs as above, but it is effective. Go into a push-up position and bring your knees towards your chest, both legs at the same time.

This is the same movement as you would use to jump up from the push-up portion of a burpee, except you bring your legs back out to the push-up position.

Repeat that process for 15 reps and rest for 10 seconds.

4. Oblique V-Ups

Time to hit those obliques, with some v-ups. Lay on your side with one arm resting the floor while the other leg is curled with your palm resting on your head and your elbow pointing to the sky. Your legs should be straight and slightly facing towards your body. Start raising your legs towards your torso and your arm towards your knees.

Do 20 reps for each side.

5. Elevated Leg Holds

woman doing at home abs workout

Lay on the floor, hands placed behind your back either right under your butt or just underneath it on your upper hamstrings. Raise your legs up in the air and maintain that position. Try not to let your legs touch the ground, as this is a hard exercise.

Hold that position for 60-seconds.

6. Russian Twist

This the best at home abs workout move in our eyes. While in a sitting position, raise your legs a tad bit with your palms crossed over each other. Now twist your entire body towards your left side and touch the floor with your hands, then return over to the right side and do the same thing there for a total of 50 reps all together.

After you’re done, rest for about 10-15 seconds.

7. Windshield Wipers

You can do this either with your arms under your butt or with them stretched out. Put your legs up in the air straight and stiff and then start shifting them from side to side just like a windshield wiper. If you can’t do with straight legs, bent legs are fine too.

Do 10 reps.

8. Leg Raises

Lay in the same position as you were in the exercise before this. Simply raise your legs up as high as you can keeping them straight, then slowly let them back down and repeat.

Do this for 20 reps.

9. Elbow Planks

woman doing a plank as part of an at home abs workout

This is a standard move for any at home abs workout. The standard elbow plank is nothing new or fancy. Use your elbows instead of your hands as your foundation and keep your back straight. Keep your core tight and maintain this position.

Hold your plank for 60-seconds.

10. Mountain Climbers

As the name suggests, you are simulating running up a very steep hill or mountain. Start in a push-up position and alternate your legs up to your chest. Start out slow to get form down and then strive to “run in place” as fast as possible.


It doesn’t take much more than hard work and effective exercises to get some shredded abs. Take this at home abs workout and run with it.

Looking to challenge your midsection even further? Give these lower ab exercises a go!

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7 House Friendly Workouts for Stay-at-Home Moms Tue, 31 Mar 2020 09:50:53 +0000 You’ve probably been browsing the web—searching for that perfect workout routine to implement into your daily life. But when you’re feeding your little one with one arm, while also balancing your check book with the other, it may feel like there’s not a lot of time left in the day to hit the gym.

Part of you is pining to start improving your health. However, it can be hard to leave your child in daycare or under someone else’s watch. Especially when they’re still young and especially considering how expensive daycare is becoming!

But thankfully, building an at-home fitness routine can give you the best of both worlds.

A Mom’s Checklist to Working Out at Home

stay at home workout for moms equipment

Working out at home is substantially cheaper than a gym membership. However, if you want to get the most out of these next few workouts, here’s a list of a few things you should consider buying if you want to see better results in a shorter amount of time.

  • A yoga mat
  • An exercise ball
  • Resistance bands
  • 2-3 pairs of dumbbells ranging from 12 to 15 pounds
  • Ab slider or a similar ab tool
  • For post-workout nutrition you should consider a protein powder.

The added resistance from the bands and weights will sculpt your body in ways bodyweight simply can’t.

If you plan on training consistently, remember that’s only half the battle. Nutrition also plays a significant role, no matter where you’re working out.

Protein helps to build and repair your muscles after they’re broken down from training. Ideally, you want to consume around one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.

If you’re struggling to meet your daily goal, supplementing with a protein powder is a good thing to consider.

So now that you know what you need, it’s time to move onto the workouts!

1. The Complete Lower Body Strength Training Workout

If you want a routine that targets every single leg muscle, give this one a try. Use your dumbbells to up the ante and increase results.

  1. Calf Raises
  • Perform 4 sets of 15 repetitions
  1. Bulgarian Split Squats
  • You’ll need a bench or chair for this exercise. Place one foot on a bench behind you and center the front foot so your knee is facing forward. Dip your back knee by bending the front knee, until it’s about 2 or 3 inches from the floor. Ensure your front knee doesn’t track over your toes, then push back up so the front leg is straight again.
  • Do 4 sets of 12 repetitions on each leg
  1. Goblet Squats
  • Do 5 sets of 12 repetitions with a slight pause at the bottom of the movement for extra glute activation.
  1. Romanian Deadlifts
  • This is the perfect exercise to target your hamstrings and glutes.
  • Hold your dumbbells in front of your thighs. Slowly, hinge at your waist and push your hips back, keeping your back flat. You should feel the tension in your hamstrings. Rise back up slowly and repeat.
  • 4 sets of 12 repetitions
  1. Side Lunges
  • Holding the weights up against your shoulders, step out to the side with one leg so you’re in a wide stance. Bend the same leg at the knee until your butt is about level with your knee. Push up again and bring your leg back in so you’re standing.
  • 4 sets of 12 on each leg
  1. Reverse Lunges
  • Stand with your feet together and a dumbbell in each hand. Step out backwards with one foot and drop that knee to within an inch of the floor by bending the front leg. Don’t let your front knee track over your toes. Push up again through the glute and step your back leg forward to meet the other.
  • 4 sets of 12 on each leg

2. The Best-Banded Glute Workout

woman with resistance band

If dumbbells are too much of a hassle—after all, storage and transport can be awkward—you can always purchase resistance bands to increase the difficulty. These bands come in a variety of different resistance levels and can be stored anywhere.

When trying to target the glutes and inner thighs, try this banded glute workout. Roll the resistance band above your knees and rest for 45 seconds in between sets.

  1. Tube Walking
  • Walk side to side, bending your knees. Walk ten steps each way before switching sides. Do this for an entire minute, making sure to get pretty low to the ground. If you feel like your legs are on fire, you’re doing it right!
  1. Jump Squats
  • Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart. Drop into the bottom of a squat, before pushing up explosively to jump at the top. Repeat when you land.
  • 4 sets of 15 repetitions
  1. Fire Hydrants
  • Start on all fours, keeping your back flat. Raise one leg out to the side until the knee is a as level with your hips as possible. Return it back to the ground.
  • Perform 3 sets of 25 on each leg.
  1. Hip Thrusts with a pause at full extension.
  • With you back against the sofa or a bench (if you have one), place the resistance band around your knees. Plant your feet flat on the floor. Push your hips up until your body is flat from knee to shoulder, ensuring you don’t let the band pull our knees in. Pause at the top before returning your butt to the floor.
  • 4 sets of 20 repetitions
  1. Donkey kicks
  • On all fours, raise one leg up and back so it kicks higher than your butt. Return the knee back to the floor
  • 5 sets of 20 repetitions on each leg
  1. Plank With Toe Taps
  • Get into a plank position with your elbows on the ground and the trunk of your body raised. Keep both feet aligned with your body, then take one leg and tap it out to the side
  • Alternate your legs while performing this exercise.
  • Do a total of 4 sets of 20 toe taps before moving on.
  • Rest for 30 seconds in between sets.
  1. Banded Hip Abduction
  • Find a chair and sit on the edge with the resistance band place just above the knees. Open your legs as far as they’ll go out and bring them back in. You should feel the burn on the outer part of your glutes and thighs.
  • Do 3 sets of 25 or perform until failure.

3. The at Home Stair Workout

The Stairmaster is an effective cardio machine at the gym, but if you have a set of stairs at home, there’s no reason you can’t utilize those to save you time and money.

This workout should take fifteen minutes to complete. Keep your rest periods no longer than 30 seconds.

  1. Start with a warmup
  • Walk up and down the stairs for about for 3 to 5 minutes. Or an entire song if you’re playing music.
  1. Calf Raises
  • Next, stand with your toes on the edge of the first step and dip your heels down, then push up to perform calf raises. Pause at the top of each repetition.
  • 3 sets of 20 reps
  1. Jump squats
  • 3 sets of 12 reps
  1. Lunges
  • Start with both feet on the first step. Lunge backward, making sure to alternate your legs every rep.
  • 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each leg.
  1. Jump Squats
  • Jumping at a fast tempo, hop onto the first step and then hop immediately off.
  • 4 sets of 15 repetitions

4. Dance Cardio Workout

woman dancing at home

We should be getting around 120 minutes of cardiovascular exercise weekly. But if running, or biking don’t sound like appealing ways of training your heart and lungs, give dancing a try for your cardio fix.

Play a dance video tutorial on YouTube and follow along, or dance to your own rhythm and make up new moves as you go. This can be as structured or as wild and fun as you like.

Make a playlist filled with songs that get you moving, and dance like no is watching for 20 minutes. You’ll be shocked how effective this is when implemented 3 to 5 times a week.

Try to incorporate some lunges, stretching, and light weightlifting as you move. Or strap on some light ankle weights and get lost in your favorite song.

The beauty is, you can even get your little ones involved so they can burn off their never-ending energy and hopefully go down for their afternoon nap without any hassle.

5. The Essential Upper Body Strength Workout

For an upper body day, use a set of moderately heavy dumbbells. Rest for 60 seconds in between sets. When you see the word superset, perform both of the exercises listed back to back with no recovery time.

  1. Hammer Curls
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with the palms of your hands facing inwards. Keep this hand position and keep your elbow and shoulder still as you raise the weight up to your shoulder. Return your arm to a hanging position and perform a rep on the other side.
  • 4 sets of 12
  1. Overhead Press
  • Hold both dumbbells in a front rack position and push directly upwards until your arms are straight. Return them to the start position.
  • 3 sets of 10
  1. Triceps Kickback
  • Taking a dumbbell in one hand, bend over so your back is flat and steady yourself against a chair or sofa with the other hand. Raise your elbow up so your upper arm is aligned with your flat back. Hinging at the elbow, raise the dumbbell up and back until your arm is straight. Don’t swing your arm, then bring your hand back down with the elbow still in place.
  • 3 sets of 10 on each arm.
  1. Chest Press
  • Lie on the floor and take a dumbbell in each hand. Resting your elbows on the ground with your forearms going directly upwards, push up until your arms are straight and above your shoulders.
  • 4 sets of 12
  1. Superset: Front Raises with Lateral Raises
  • Hold a light dumbbell in each hand. Keep your arms straight and raise them both up in front of you until level with your shoulders. Return them to your sides, then raise both arms out to the side until they’re level with your shoulders. Return them to your sides and start again.
  • 4 sets of 10

6. All About the Abs

abs at home workout for moms

For this workout, all you’ll need is an exercise ball and a pair of ab slider discs. Try to work out your core once or twice a week using this quick routine. Only rest for 30 seconds.

  1. Russian Twists
  • Tuck your feet underneath your couch for extra support. This is not necessary but is helpful if you don’t have anyone to hold your feet down. Get into a crunch position and twist side to side.
  • 4 sets of 12
  1. Yoga Ball Pass
  • Lie down on your back and place the yoga ball in between your legs. Gripping the ball, raise it up and pass it from your arms to your legs and back again.
  • 5 sets of 10
  1. Yoga Ball Plank
  • The instability of the yoga ball makes this exercise harder than a traditional plank on the ground. Dig your elbows into the ball and hover over it. Keep your back straight and your neck neutral.
  • 4 sets of 60-second intervals
  1. Mountain Climbers
  • Place your feet on the discs and perform 4 sets with 30 seconds of activity followed by 30 seconds of rest.
  1. Leg Lifts
  • Lie on your back with your hands beneath your butt. Keeping your legs straight, raise your feet up until they’re perpendicular to the floor. Lower them back down until they’re about 5 inches from the floor, the raise them up again. Don’t let your feet touch the floor for maximum contraction.
  • 3 sets of 20

7. Full Body Circuit

The goal of this workout is to jack your heart rate up and burn as many calories as you possibly can. Set a timer for twenty minutes and keep your rest periods around 30 seconds.

  1. Superset: Mountain Climbers with Burpees
  • 30 seconds of each for 4 sets
  1. Superset: Jumping Jacks with Running in Place
  • 30 seconds of each for 4 sets
  1. Banded Jump Squats
  • 5 sets of 45-second intervals
  1. Weighted Lunge to Overhead Press
  • 3 sets of 15 repetitions
  1. Superset: Push-ups and Planks
  • Do 10 push-ups followed by a 60-second plank for 5 sets.


It’s no secret that being a mom is tough. But with all the things you do for your family, you’re most likely a superhero in your kid’s eyes.

Why not train like one? Working out at home will give you an extra boost of energy and confidence.

The next time you set your child down for a nap, plug some headphones in, forget about the world and sweat, sweat, sweat!

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28-Day Shape & Tone Workout Plan for Women Tue, 07 Jan 2020 16:58:15 +0000 Are you sick of your old workout routine already? Maybe you’re a newbie in the gym and would like a little guidance to get you started. Either way, this 28-day workout routine is guaranteed to get you shaped and toned. Sounds good so far, doesn’t it?

What we’ve written is specifically for women too, because you wouldn’t believe how many cookie-cutter plans are just focused on the guys. We know, right? We’ve got goals of our own too you know. Yes, we want to be strong and toned like the guys, but our bodies aren’t always the same. So, we should probably use a plan tailored to our wants and needs.

What you need to do

Okay, so what do you actually need to do? We’ll dive right in with a big ask – hit the gym four times a week and do moderate cardio for two. Maybe that’s not much more than you’re doing already, it might even be less. But if you’re a day one beginner, it’s certainly a lot more than you’re used to.

Try to separate each weights-based workout with a day’s rest at least. Feel free to perform your moderate cardio here, or maybe unwind and recover with yoga or a gentle walk.

The 28-day plan is more like a week’s worth of workouts, repeated four times. This should give your body time to begin adjusting to each exercise and reward you with adaptations. In simpler terms, you should start to shape and tone areas like your glutes, tummy, and shoulders. Especially since you’re training each muscle group more than once a week – move over old-school bodybuilding and say hello to new-age full-body workouts. What we’re trying to say is working areas multiple times a week is a scientifically proven better method of using your gym time.

You’ll also become stronger too because it’ll be resilient and flattering muscle providing all the right shapes in all the right places. A lot of trainers who write plans think us girls just want to burn fat wherever possible and get, dare we say it, become skinny. Uh. But the truth is; building muscle helps us become shapelier, healthy, and lean anyway.

Don’t believe all the protein shake and gym membership marketing – muscle isn’t just for the guys. Our feminine hormones don’t give us the ability to (naturally) build and get bulky like men. Instead, we can build stronger bodies, including rounder butts, toned arms, a sleek stomach, and proud posture. Studies even show that having more muscle on your body increases your metabolism and helps you keep toned. Maybe we’re getting a little sidetracked here – just remember muscle is good for women, and we all need it.

Pair of black dumbbells

28-Day Shape and Tone Workout Plan for Women

  Mon Tues Wed Thurs Friday Sat Sun
Week 1 Workout A Workout B Cardio Workout C Workout A Cardio Rest
Week 2 Workout B Workout C Cardio Workout A Workout B Cardio Rest
Week 3 Workout C Workout A Cardio Workout B Workout C Cardio Rest
Week 4 Workout A Workout B Cardio Workout C Workout A Cardio Rest

Workout A

Exercise Reps Sets
Goblet squats 10 4
Hamstring curls 10 4
Dumbbell shoulder press 12 4
Dumbbell lateral lunges 8+8 3
Wide-grip pulldown 12 3
Abdominal curl 12 3

Workout B

Exercise Reps Sets
Hip thrusts 10 4
Bulgarian split squats 10 4
Caple push down 12 4
Lateral raises 12 3
Box step ups 8+8 3
Back extensions 12 3

Workout C

Exercise Reps Sets
Romanian deadlift 10 4
Bodyweight squat jumps 10 4
Seated row 12 3
Dumbbell bench press 12 3
Leg extensions 12 3
Plank 30s 3


Exercise Time Sets
Run, Row, Bike, Swim, & Sports etc. (<80%) 30-mins 1

Don’t sweat if you’re not familiar with any or all of these exercises. We’re going to break them down in the next section.

Woman performing banded jump squats

How to do the workouts

Day 1

Goblet squat

  1. Hold a dumbbell close to your chest with elbow pointing down – just like a goblet
  2. Set your feet around shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointed out slightly.
  3. Take a deep breath in to brace your core and drop down into a squat. Keep your knees tracking outside of your big toe and your back straight.
  4. Once you reach the bottom (usually when your hamstrings are parallel to the floor) drive back up through your entire foot until you’re stood upright. It’s important to balance your driving pressure equally through your feet.
  5. Breathe out and go again.

Hamstring curls

  1. Sit in the hamstring curl machine and hold the handles. Set the knee pad to height and the leg pad to around ankle height.
  2. Hold the handles then contract your hamstrings – aka bring your heel to your butt.
  3. Take a second to squeeze the hamstrings at full contraction.
  4. Keep hold of the handles as you lower the weight back down. Maintain tension through your legs at all times by not letting the plates sit back on the stack.

Dumbbell shoulder press

  1. Take ahold of two dumbbells and safely bring them to shoulder height – palms facing forward.
  2. Take a deep breath in to brace your core and push the dumbbells overhead while breathing out. Keep your back straight, wrists straight, and shoulders pulled back. If you feel like you need to lean back, use a lighter weight.
  3. Once you’re at the top take a second before lowering the weights under control. Breathe in here, then breathe out again at the bottom.

Dumbbell lateral lunges

  1. Grab a dumbbell and hold it close to your chest. Start with feet hip-width apart and brace your core.
  2. Stride out to the left until you’re in a side lunge. Your left leg should be bent to around 90-degrees with toes pointing forward and knee outside your big toe. Keep your eyes facing forward during this movement.
  3. After landing, hold this position for a second for control and drive drop your bent leg back to the starting position. Repeat the process on the right-hand side.

Wide-grip pulldown

  1. Set the machine up with a wide-grip pully and fix the knee pad up at the right height. You should be able to sit down comfortably, knees slotted under the pads, without your body coming up when the weight is being lowered.
  2. Grab the bar with palms facing outward and hands wider than shoulder-width. Lean back around 30-degrees and pull your shoulders back and down.
  3. Now, pull the pulley bar down toward your chest – let it touch your torso. Squeeze your back before letting the machine naturally lower the cable back down.
  4. Ensure to not drop the plates back onto the stack every time. Keep the tension in your arms from the first rep to the last.

Abdominal curl

  1. Lay with your back flat on a yoga mat – feet flat on the floor. Place your hands across your chest.
  2. Contract your abs steadily to raise your shoulders two to three inches off the floor. You don’t need to crane your neck here – imagine you have a tennis ball under your chin, don’t squish it.
  3. Take a second here to squeeze the abs, then lower yourself back down slowly.

Day 2

Hip thrusts

  1. Find a bench that matches lower leg (tibia) height and set it up against a rack or wall. This should stop the bench moving. Now, pop a pad on the barbell – or a rolled-up towel if you don’t have one.
  2. Sit underneath the bar so the pad is directly above your hips. Your upper back should be resting on the edge of the padded bench and your feet flat on the floor shoulder width.
  3. Drive your hips upward by squeezing your glutes while holding the bar. At the top, your lower leg should be straight and your upper leg at around 90-degrees parallel to the floor – hips fully open. As always, your back needs to be kept flat and your core braced – avoid overextending.
  4. Lower the bar under control back to the beginning.

Bulgarian split squat

  1. Rest the top of your rear foot on a bench around knee height. Your front foot should stride out into a forward lunge.
  2. Brace your core and keep your torso upright, eyes looking forward.
  3. Descend into a split squat, making sure your knee doesn’t track inside your big toe. Your front thigh will be around horizontal to the floor at the bottom.
  4. Drive back to the top while simultaneously keeping your back straight.

Note: To add weight to this exercise, simply hold a dumbbell in each hand.

Cable triceps pushdown

  1. Use either a straight or angle bar attached to a high cable. Grab the bar using a narrow overhand grip and bring it down until you can pin your elbows into your sides – the bar should not be out in front and your forearms at 90-degrees.
  2. Stand upright with feet hip-width. Now, pin your elbows close to your sides as you push the bar down until it touches your thighs.
  3. Once the bar touches your thighs, squeeze your triceps, before returning the bar to 90-degrees.

Lateral raises

  1. Pick up two light dumbbells and hold them by your site. Stand up straight, brace your core, and look forward.
  2. Raise both arms out to the side at the same time. Keep bringing them upward until they reach shoulder height, without leaning back. You’re doing a great job if you can do this without any momentum.
  3. Lower both dumbbells at the same time under control.

Note: You’ll notice you can’t use very heavy weights to perform this exercise. Don’t worry, this is normal! It’s much better to use lighter weights with good form – it’s a real shoulder burner.

 Box step-ups

  1. Find a box just over knee height and set it on a surface where it’ll not slip. You can use a stable bench too.
  2. Place one foot flat on the box – the other flat on the floor. Drive evenly through your front foot, a little from your back foot, while keeping your torso upright. Now you’ll be stood on the box.
  3. Reverse step two by lowering your rear foot back off the box. Repeat for the desired number of reps and switch sides.

Note: To make this exercise harder, grab a set of dumbbells.

Back extensions

  1. Lay flat face down on a mat with your elbows out to the side. You can place your hands near your temples too if you like.
  2. Raise your upper back while driving your hips into the mat. Imagine a rod up your back, neck and head holding everything in alignment – try not to arch your neck backward.
  3. Take a second to squeeze your upper back muscles and glutes. Now, lower your upper body slowly to the starting position.

Day 3

Romanian deadlift

  1. Hold the barbell using a double overhand grip. Let it rest on your thighs, breathe in, brace your core for spinal support.
  2. Break at the hip and hinge backward – aka push your butt back. Keep your back straight and knees bent slightly as you let the bar hang.
  3. Lower it down in front of your shins. You’ll probably feel a pull in your hamstrings, which is when you’ll want to reverse the movement.
  4. To come back up top, maintain a flat back while driving the hips forward. This hip hinge will bring your torso back upright, with the bar following it. There’s no need to use your arms to pull the bar – imagine them as hooks instead.

Squat jumps

  1. Stand with feet around shoulder-width apart – pointed out around 15-degrees. Breathe in, brace your core, and get ready to squat.
  2. Drop into a bodyweight squat until your hamstrings are parallel to the floor. Make sure to press the knees out slightly so that they’re kept outside your big toe.
  3. Jump out of the bottom of the squat explosively – but still under control.
  4. Land softly by bending your knees, pushing them out as you descend so they don’t track inside your big toe.

Seated row

  1. Sit in the cable row machine with your legs pressed against the foot panel. Soften your knees slightly to avoid hyperextension.
  2. Attach a narrow V-bar to the low pulley and grab it with a neutral grip. Keeping your back flat, pull the cable toward your midsection until your arms are at 90-degrees. You’ll notice the handle touches your abs and can’t go any further.
  3. Squeeze your arms and back muscles before lowering the weight. Try to take the tension out of your back and arms by letting the weights rest back on the stack.

Dumbbell bench press

  1. Lay flat on your back with a dumbbell in each hand and feet firmly on the floor. Move them so they’re next to your shoulders, palms facing to in the direction of your feet, and your forearm is pointing straight upward.
  2. Press the dumbbells directly toward the ceiling until your arms are fully extended. Then, once you’re at the top, squeeze your chest and triceps before lowering the weights back down.

Note: If you have a shoulder injury, try a neutral grip. Let your palms face toward each other.

Leg extensions

  1. Sit down on the leg extension machine – lower the knee pad until it rests on top of your thighs. Your lower skin should be against the pad ready to press forward. If your knee point is smaller than 90-degrees, readjust the push pad until it isn’t. This will take unnecessary stress off the knee joint.
  2. Press your shins against the pad, while holding the handles. Extend your legs at the same time until you lift the weight from the stack.
  3. Squeeze your quads at the top before lowering the weight slowly. Keep tension through your muscles by not dropping the weight back onto the stack.


  1. Lay face-down on the floor. Clamp your fists and bring your elbows into your sides. Drive upward from them, with your upper arms directly underneath your shoulders. Tuck your toes under so your weight is on the bottom of them comfortably, not the top.
  2. Brace your core so your butt, back, neck, and head are all in a straight line. Your nose should be above your thumbs and your shoulders back and down. Try not to hunch your back or let your shoulder blades pull inward – concentrating on that straight line definitely helps here.

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Calisthenics Chest Workout – Step-By-Step Bodyweight Strength Thu, 06 Jun 2019 08:30:17 +0000 Calisthenics can be a girl’s best friend. That’s why we love a calisthenics chest workout when we can’t hit the gym or just aren’t feeling the free weights. So, why not try this bodyweight strength workout today? All you’re going to need is yourself, those fabulous muscles, and an attitude set for success. Let’s do it, girl.

The main go-to calisthenics chest exercise will always be push-ups. And why not? They’re perfect for performing anywhere and are known to tone our whole upper body. Hell, forget toning, calisthenics are among the best bodyweight exercises to get a girl strong – period.

For this workout, you’ll be pulling out four different push-up variations. Variety is key in calisthenics because you have to get creative when building muscle with nothing but bodyweight.

Plus, changing things up keeps workouts fun and challenging. Who wants the same old sets and reps every week? Bore.

To give your body a break from push-ups (even though they’re awesome) you’ll also hit a set of chest dips. So, you’ll need to find the parallel bars in the gym or park. Or you could just grab two chairs to lean against at home.

Okay, enough of the calisthenics chit chat. We should probably get to work building that bodyweight strength, girl.

Calisthenic Chest Workout for Women

Lace up your favorite pair of circuit training sneakers because we’re going all in. Perform each exercise back to back for 8-10 reps, resting as and when you need. Then when you’ve finished all five, take a minute or two to rest.

This circuit will be three or four rounds long depending on how strong you are.

It’s up to you to push yourself so your muscles adapt and grow back stronger. As always, you’ll get out what you put in here, girl.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Exercise 1 – Push-ups
  • Exercise 2 – Wave push-ups
  • Exercise 3 – Chest dips
  • Exercise 4 – Diamond close hand push-ups
  • Exercise 5 – Incline push-ups

You didn’t think we were just gonna leave you to go at it alone, did you? No way – that’s not our style. We’ll break down exactly how to do each exercise for you now.

Woman performing push up strength training without weightsPush-ups

Performing a perfect push-up is just as much about technique as it is brute strength. So, learning all the key points can help you really get the most out of each one.

  1. First, you need to get into a plank position. Your hands should be under you and slightly wider than shoulder-width, with your legs straight and feet touching each other. This is the top part of your perfect push-up and your starting position.
  2. Tuck your elbows into your side as you lower your chest toward the ground. Keeping your arms in like this helps keep your shoulders healthy, as well as making sure you don’t waste any energy. Once you’re at the bottom, your upper arms should be at a 45-degree angle.
  3. Take a moment here and contract your working muscles. This is just a little tip to increase muscle damage and squeeze every last bit from the rep.
  4. Now push hard back to the top position. Keep those elbows tucked in and core tight as you push. Your body should feel like one straight line while you’re doing the whole rep.
  5. That’s it, one down and nine more to go. If at any point you feel your back bending and your form breaking – just stop and finish the set. That’s your body telling you your limit for that day.

Tip: If you find regular push-ups too tough, you can make them easier. Simply perform the same movement from your knees (and not your feet) until you’re ready for the full thing.

Wave push-ups

After perfecting your regular push-up, it’s time to move onto this tougher variation. Rather than just moving your arms, wave pushups get the hips and chest involved too. You might have also heard this variation called the Hindu push-up.

Are you up to the wave push-up challenge? Of course you are, girl. No calisthenic chest workout is complete without them.

  1. Set yourself up with both hands out in front of you, palms down at around a shoulders width and a half. Come up onto your toes so your feet are now in line with your hands.
  2. Raise your butt so your back is straight. Your arms, neck, and back will all be in a line right from your wrists to your booty. This position should look somewhat like a reverse-pike or a triangle shape with arms out in front and legs out back.
  3. When you’re ready, bend at your elbows in the same way as doing a push-up. But, as soon as your chest is about to touch the floor push it forward before extending the arms.
  4. Once you’ve gone as far forward as you can, press through your palms to return to the starting position. If you got all the steps right, you’ll have felt your body flow like a wave.

Tip: If you feel your hands slipping try wave push-ups on a yoga mat. Let your palms press and spread into the foam for better grip.

Woman performing chest dip as part of calisthenics chest workoutChest dips

Chest dips are super convenient for a calisthenic chest workout. They make a welcome break from push-ups and can be done nearly everywhere. Plus, they’re great for strengthening the shoulders and triceps for a total torso bodyweight workout.

We’re going to teach how to hit these on the parallel dipping bars. But if you’re doing this workout at home, you can use the flat part of two chairs and keep your knees on the floor.

  1. Set yourself up comfortably on the parallel bars so that both arms are straight. Think about pulling your shoulders in tight to take out any slack and look straight ahead.
  2. Press your chest out a touch as you lower your body down slowly. To help keep things stable brace your core, cross your feet, and bend your knees slightly so your heels move toward your but a tiny bit.
  3. Descend down until your elbows flex to a tight angle. Your hands will be in line with the top portion of your chest and you’ll feel the tension in your chest. You should also feel your upper-back squeeze together as you come to a natural stop. Don’t drop down really fast if you can help it as it could hurt your shoulders.
  4. Make sure you’re stable and push using the power of your arms and chest until you’re back to the top. Maintaining a firm core will help you be the most efficient and not waste any energy. If at any point you lose form, finish the set right there.
  5. Awesome! That’s job done, girl. Keep going until you’ve crushed the whole set unless your form became broken.

Tip: If you’re finding it too hard to hit your first rep, put your feet on the floor. As you progress you can move them further away, to one foot, and then to none at all. Strength is all about listening to your body and trying these natural progressions.

Diamond push-ups

We’re gonna go back down push town with this diamond variation. While it may look cute, it’s an absolute killer of a calisthenic chest workout. Especially for the upper chest.

You’ll also feel this exercise really home in on your triceps too. So, it’s an ideal bodyweight strength workout move if you’re looking to target your arms. Did somebody say hella toned tris? Yassss, girl.

Here’s what you’re gonna do:

  1. Start in a top plank as you did for the first push-up. Now, move your hands in so your thumbs and forefingers touch. Look down and you’ll see a diamond shape. We’d make a joke about these being a girl’s best friend, but we all know that’s squats and peanut butter. Are we right?
  2. Now, brace your core and tense those glutes. Pull your shoulders back and inward too to stabilize them.
  3. When you’re ready, lower your body as one straight line until your chest touches your hands. The diamond will now be directly under your sternum and your elbows will be tucked in tight. It’s okay if they flare out a tiny bit but try to keep them as close as possible.
  4. Using the power in your chest and tris push-up back to the top. Take a breath and then go again!
  5. That’s one of many, sister. We told you they were a tricep killer – good work!

Tip: Just like in the regular push-up, if you find these tough, go from your knees. This is a really common way of scaling push-ups so they’re accessible to everyone. Then when you feel strong and ready try the full thing.

Incline push-ups

This is your last and final exercise. We’ve included it as a great way to target the lower chest as well as give you a less intense movement to finish.

It’s up to you what gradient of incline you use. The steeper you go, the easier things become. Bodyweight strength workouts are all about gauging what level of intensity you need to challenge your muscles. A low bow or step will provide a much tougher test than leaning against a wall. As always, it’s your call girl.

Hit these steps to finish strong:

  1. Set up in a top plank position with your hands on an object. Your body should now be on an incline meaning your hands are higher than your feet. An example of this would be having your arms extended on top of a step.
  2. Brace your core and tense those glutes. Pull your shoulders back to they feel tight and secure.
  3. Lower your body in one straight line so your chest approaches the object. Remember to keep your back and neck completely in line with one-another.
  4. Without letting your elbows become loose and move outward push-up back to the top. Pause and breathe to get you ready for the next rep.
  5. Go again until you’ve completed that set.

Tip: If you feel your form break down just stop and take a rest, that’s your body’s signaling it’s reached today’s maximum workload. Stay positive and try again next time, girl – getting strong takes time.

Woman performing wave push up as part of calisthenics chest workout

Final rep of the Calisthenics Chest Workout

You did it, girl! Not that we doubted you – but not everybody is cut out for a hardcore calisthenics chest workout.

Take this workout and tailor it to your goals. Try new variations of the key chest exercises like push-ups and dips or mix in other body parts too.

As you get naturally stronger, you also might want to add more sets and reps. This is something related to progressive overload theory, which means making things harder over time encourages your body to adapt.

Progressive overload is important for your strength goals – fact. Only by consistently testing your body can you keep making changes, which is why we encourage you to step it up when you’re ready.

Add more reps, increase your sets, shorten your rest times, or just go harder – it’s down to you.

Finally, enjoy the process. Set strength goals and celebrate when you achieve them. If you finished all four rounds of push-ups easy maybe try 12 next time. But on the other hand, if you found going from the knees more comfortable, work toward that perfect push-up as your own unique goal instead.

Good luck on the gym floor, girl. As always, drop a comment below if you have any questions.

Your sister in the squat rack,


More bodyweight strength training to smash your goals: 

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Chest and Arms Workout for Women Fri, 12 Apr 2019 10:00:21 +0000 Transform your upper body and tone up with this chest and arms workout for women.

Chest and arms are the staple of so many workouts for men. Unfortunately, it seems like for every guy who loves to hit the bench, there’s a woman who undertrains her upper body.

Luckily, this chest and arms workout for women is about to change all that.

If you’ve made the decision to transform your upper body, this workout will help you do it.

Chest and arms workout for women:  

Exercise Sets X Reps
Bench Press4 x 6
a. Lateral Raises
b. Front Raises
2 x 8 of each
Skull Crushers3 x 10
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press4 x 8
Military Press3 x 12
Triceps Cable Pushdown4 x 10
Dumbbell Flyes4 x 8

Note: a. and b. refers to a superset. This means do 8 lateral raises, immediately followed by 8 front raises. Then rest for a couple of minutes to recharge before starting again.

Chest and arm exercises

Before you start your chest and arms workout, find out how to perform each exercise to perfect your technique. We’ll also cover exactly which muscles each movement works so you know how you’re challenging your body.

Bench press

woman doing a bench press as part of the best shoulder workout

  1. Lie on the bench with the bar directly above your face
  2. Grip the bar with your hands at around shoulder-width apart
  3. Press it out of the rack and hold it directly above your chest so your arms are straight up above you
  4. In a controlled motion, bring the bar down to touch your chest
  5. From there, push directly upwards back to the start position

What muscles does the bench press work?

As a compound lift, this movement recruits a number of upper body muscles. A large amount of the strain is taken on by the pectoral (chest) muscles, but you’re also using your anterior deltoids (the front of your shoulders), triceps and latissimus dorsi (upper back).

Lateral raises

woman doing a lateral raise

  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand
  2. Let them hang at the side of your body
  3. Bend slightly at the elbow
  4. Leading with the elbow, raise both arms simultaneously out to the side
  5. Stop when your elbows are around level with your shoulders, then return to them back down to the bottom position

What muscles do lateral raises work?

This movement primarily works the three deltoid heads which make up your shoulder muscles. These are the anterior (front), medial (side) and posterior (back) heads. The majority of the load goes through the anterior and medial head during a lateral raise.

[Related Article: Best Shoulder Workouts for Strength]

Front raises

  1. Take a dumbbell in each hand
  2. Allow your arms to hang in a neutral position at your sides
  3. With a slight bend at the elbow, raise both arms up directly in front of you
  4. When they’re aligned with your shoulders stop and lower them again in a controlled motion
  5. Once back in the start position, begin the movement again

What muscles do front raises work?

The front raise isolates the deltoid heads as it creates flexion within the shoulder. This movement primarily works the anterior (front) head of the three. It also recruits the biceps, along with stabilizing muscles around the clavicle and pectorals.

Skull crushers

woman performing skull crushers

  1. Lie on a bench and hold a light barbell directly above your chest with straight arms and a narrow grip
  2. Keeping your upper arms completely still, hinge at the elbow bringing the weight down toward your forehead in a smooth arching motion
  3. Stop just above your forehead and reverse the movement to return to the start position

What muscles do skull crushers work?

Also known as lying triceps extensions, this is a strength training exercise that primarily focusses in on the triceps muscles in your upper arm.

Incline dumbbell bench press

  1. Raise your bench so it’s at around 30-45 degree angle
  2. Take a dumbbell in each hand and sit on the bench
  3. Raise the weights to your shoulders and sit back
  4. When the dumbbells are sitting just outside your shoulders, push directly upwards until both arms are straight and directly above your upper chest
  5. Slowly bring the weights back down to the start position

What muscles do incline dumbbell bench press work?

Much like the traditional bench press, the incline works the pectoralis major (chest) muscles. However, the incline moves the focus on to the clavicular (upper) head of the group, to challenge these higher muscles rather than the sternocostal (lower) head.


[Related Article: Dynamic Stretching Vs Static Stretching]

Military press

Woman performing an overhead press

  1. Rack a bar on the front of your shoulders
  2. Lower your elbows so you have a strong grip on the bar
  3. Lock your whole body out
  4. Moving your chin out of the way, push hard directly upward until your arms are completely straight and the bar is above your head
  5. Carefully lower the bar back to the front of your shoulders

Tip: Don’t bend the knees as you press up as this will take some of the strain off your shoulders and generate power through your legs. Instead keep your whole body tight throughout to get the maximum benefit.

What muscles does the military press work?

This movement targets the three heads of the deltoid muscles, along with the triceps. As it’s based around pushing from a solid foundation, it also works stabilizing muscles throughout the core, upper back and legs too.

Triceps cable pushdown

  1. Set the cable to the top height
  2. Fix a double-ended rope attachment to it
  3. Grip each end of the rope and bring it down so your elbows are tucked into your side and your elbow creates a 90-degree angle. This is your start position
  4. Keeping your upper arms tight to your body, pull down and out so your arms are completely straight
  5. Squeeze your triceps at the bottom, before bending your arms again and bringing the rope up to the start position

What muscles do triceps cable pushdowns work?

This is used as a strength training exercise to build muscle in the back of the arm. By pushing down against resistance and extending at the elbow, it isolates the triceps muscles by working their primary function – straightening the arm.

[Related Article: 10-Minute Triceps Workout for Women]

Dumbbell flyes

woman doing chest and arms workout with dumbbell flye exercise

  1. Take a dumbbell in each hand
  2. Lie down on a flat bench, holding the dumbbells directly above your chest with straight arms
  3. Bend the arms slightly at the elbow
  4. Maintaining this bend, slowly move both arms outwards and down like wings until your hands are aligned with our shoulders
  5. From here, move your arms back up in a smooth arcing motion until you’re holding the weights above your chest again in the start position

What muscles do dumbbell flyes work?

This movement primarily works the pectoralis major (chest). However, it also pulls in the deltoid muscles in your shoulders, particularly the anterior (front) head of the group, if you rotate your wrists inward so palms are facing down.

The Final Rep

This arms and chest workout for women should help you create a stronger, more toned upper body.  It’s the key to crafting a well-rounded, full-body physique and it shouldn’t be neglected.

Head to the gym and try this workout today.

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Bodyweight Chest Workout for Women Mon, 18 Mar 2019 14:51:49 +0000 Grow strength and tone up your torso with this easy-to-use but intensely-effective bodyweight chest workout for women.

Bodyweight training is the new revolution of fat burning, muscle strengthening training for busy working women who don’t have the time to hit the gym. All you need is a free space, some loud music and a bit of motivation.

In this short guide we’ll be giving you our very best chest-based training tips. If your goal is to tighten your upper body and sculpt some athletic, shapely arms, you’re in the right place.

This is our bodyweight chest workout for women…

The benefits of bodyweight workouts

When it comes to easy, accessible and intensely effective workouts, bodyweight is where it’s at.

Getting fit doesn’t have to take up your whole day.

It shouldn’t leave you in a crumpled, sweaty mess on the floor or unable to move for days and days after.

Bodyweight training can help you strengthen your muscles, improve flexibility, increase health and completely transform your body composition. It helps you achieve not just a sexy silhouette, but one that means business too.

Research shows that daily bodyweight training at high intensity can do more for your body than hours and hours of boring cardio ever could.

HIIT workout plans for weight loss for example, are one of the most effective fat burning systems ever designed.

If you’re still not convinced, check out these key benefits to bodyweight training, and why they can form a fundamental part of your overall health and fitness journey…

Anywhere workouts designed to be fast and efficient

Life is hectic.

If it’s not your busy work schedule it’s a school play or a family get together. There’s just no time for you to grab your gym bag, drive across town, get a decent workout and carry on with your day.

Bodyweight training is like the ninja of strength training. It allows you get in, do what you need to do, and leave before anyone ever knew you were there.

Fast, efficient, effective.

You can combine fat burning with muscle toning

When you hit the gym for a workout, you often find yourself performing a cardio session followed by a series of strengthening exercises.

The process works; but its long and drawn out.

Bodyweight circuits combine both high calorie burning and strength because each exercise can be easily placed into a circuit.

Performing a bodyweight workout at a fast pace with minimal rest between sets ramps up fat loss while still building strong and functional curves.

Bodyweight training is fun and highly adaptable

The same machines in the gym, week in, week out, gets boring very fast.

Bodyweight training can be adapted to suit your ever-improving fitness levels with ease.

If you fancy changing up your exercises, you can modify them with simple changes. You can completely rewrite your routine or even make small changes such as adding more reps, performing each exercise more ballistically, or grouping same muscle exercises together for a more intense burn.

With thousands of variations you can find a routine that not only works for you, but one that’s fun too.

Perfect if you fancy a quickie

There’s no excuse for skipping a bodyweight workout.

We’ve already told you that they’re fast and time-efficient, perfect if you’re short on time.

But they also help you build motivation, resilience and positive habits too.

For many women, finding that inner strength to actually get to the gym can be enough of a challenge… especially on a dark, grey night when you just want to snuggle under a blanket and cocoon yourself with a movie.

Half the battle is fighting off the excuses not to train.

But with convenient and short body blasting workouts such as bodyweight ones, you can completely transform how you think about workouts.

Hey, it’s free

This one’s simple.

You don’t need expensive equipment, top-of-the-line gym clothing or the best footwear.

Hell, you don’t even need a gym membership.

One of the reasons bodyweight training is so popular according to experts is that it costs nothing at all.

The workout

Okay, so now you’re excited at the prospect of dicing up fat while targeting muscle tone, it’s time to look at the bodyweight chest workout for women.

This workout plan has been designed to activate every fiber of your upper, mid and lower chest muscles. It uses a variety of loading and rep ranges to spice up your workout, and even involves your arms and core too.

It’s a full upper body blast, with special emphasis on your pecs.

Complete this workout twice per week, with at least 3 days rest between workouts. That way you give your muscles enough time to heal.

Because you’re targeting a specific muscle group, you don’t really need a load of different exercises. You just need a small number that do the job.

The workout should take you no longer than 20-30 minutes to perform, based on your own individual recovery needs between sets.

All you need to do is complete 3 rounds of each circuit. Try your best to limit rest between sets – around 1-3 minutes if you can but take a breather between rounds too if you need to.

Here’s the workout.

#1. Decline push-ups using a step

4 sets of 8-15 reps


Th push-up is the squat of the upper body – it’s a must have exercise. If you can perform full push-ups that’s great. But for many women, it’s a step too far.

Performing push-ups on the knees isn’t challenging enough for most people, so a great variation that matches the intensity of full-push-ups are decline push-ups using a step.

  1. Find a step that is around 12 inches in height. The higher the step, the easier the exercise will be.
  2. Place your hands just wider than shoulder-width and walk your legs back until your legs, torso and head are completely in a straight line.
  3. Brace your core to stop your lower back from arching.
  4. Bend at your elbows and lower your chest to the step until you are around 3-4 inches above it.
  5. Pause briefly and push yourself away, making sure you don’t lock your elbows out at the top of the movement.
  6. Breathe in as you lower your body and out as you push yourself away from the step.

#2. Plank holds

3 sets of 30-45 seconds

Bodyweight plank hold

The plank is a great exercise for your abs and core. It helps you transfer force from your strong lower body to your arms, shoulders and chest.

The reason why it’s included in this bodyweight chest workout for women isn’t so much for its effect on your pecs (although it does involve them), but rather it teaches you to hold position when doing push-up variations.

  1. Place your forearms and the ground, around shoulder-width apart. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders.
  2. Walk your feet back until your body is completely straight. Imagine drawing a line through your body – the line would pass through your heels, knees, hips, shoulders and ears.
  3. Tighten your core and booty and hold that position.
  4. Make sure you control your breathing and relax as much as possible. Holding your breath can be dangerous.

#3. Chair dips

3 sets of 15-20 reps

Bodyweight dips

Dips are a fantastic exercise for toning the underside of your arms and hitting your lower and outer chest muscles. When it comes to an effective bodyweight chest workout for women, this is a must-do muscle strengthener.

  1. Position your hands on a bench or chair at shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slide your booty off the step and straighten your legs out in front of your body. Bending your knees makes the exercise easier.
  3. Keeping your elbows high, bend your elbows and lower your booty to the floor. Keep your back close to the step.
  4. Once you’re hovering just above the ground, extend your arms and bring yourself to the start position.

The bottom line

Bodyweight workouts are flexible, adaptable and fun. And with this bodyweight chest workout for women, you’ve got the best chance yet to tone your upper body and build a strong, athletic figure.

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Core Strengthening Exercises for Women Wed, 13 Feb 2019 10:09:46 +0000 Reinforce every lift, bolster your body and build rock-hard power in your mid-section with these core strengthening exercises.

The benefits of working your core are endless. They have the power to improve your posture, make each of your big lifts more stable, reduce the risk of back injury and craft a head-turning midriff. From running to lifting weights, perfecting these powerful stabilizing muscles is essential to creating a functional physique.

When we say core, we’re not just talking about abs. A lot of people thing working your core is all about achieving rippling abdominals, which is part of core strengthening exercises, but it’s so much more than that. It’s actually about creating a strong, well-rounded physique by working on those key muscles that help you stabilize every exercise you do.

Check out this article to find out which core strengthening exercises you should be doing and how they’ll impact your body.

What is the core?

Despite what you might think, girl it’s so much more than just abs. Your core is actually a huge selection of major and minor muscles, all working in perfect harmony to give you a steady, powerful body.

The core muscles are always working for you, without them you wouldn’t be able to stand, sit or do pretty much anything. To give you an idea of how sophisticated and essential this collection of muscles are, you gotta think about the way they work.

At any one time, 29 pairs of muscles are working across three planes of motion just to keep us upright and balanced. Pretty important.


the anatomy of the main core muscles

What muscles are in your core?

As we’ve said, it’s not just about the abs, girl. In fact, by just working abs and nothing else, you could end up compromising your core strength by overworking some areas, which may make others weaker. To get all the benefits of a powerful mid-section, you need to find the right core strengthening exercises that are designed to put all the right muscles to work.

Getting all those muscles working hard and growing stronger is no easy feat. You need to know exactly what they are and where they are to target them. Here’s a list of all the big ones in your core.

Major core muscles

  • Transverse Abdominis – This is the deepest of your abdominal muscles and sits beneath your obliques. It wraps around your spine to bring stability to your lower back, much like your weightlifting belt.
  • Internal and external obliques – These muscles layer each other on the side and front of the abdomen.
  • Multifidus – The multifidus sits deep in your spine and works to stabilize the joints. It’s thin, yet very stiff, which helps every vertebra work properly.
  • Rectus abdominis – You’ll recognize this as the ‘six-pack’ muscle. It’s a long muscle that extends down the front of your abdominals.
  • Erector spinae – These are collections of core muscles that run down the side of your spine from the neck to the lower back. They work to keep your spine in place and you standing up straight.
  • Pelvic floor and diaphragm – These two muscles sit deep within your core and are essential for stabilization and even for helping regulate your internal functions.

These are just the major muscles that play a part in your core strength, there’s also plenty more, smaller, deeper muscles that are essential to rounding out your core power.


Why you need core strengthening exercises

Each of the muscles in your core works in a highly sophisticated way to allow your body to move in a range of different planes. When you strengthen them, you improve a number of the functions they perform.

  • Improved balance

By strengthening up these stabilizing muscles, you’re improving your ability to balance. Gravity, weights and a whole load of other forces are constantly pulling our body in different ways. Our core muscles are always making tiny adjustments to account for this. By making these muscles stronger you’re improving their ability to resist these forces, boosting your balance under a variety of different strains.

 A before and after of a woman with bad posture, then corrected posture

  • Better posture

Girl, whether you’re slaying in the gym or heading out in a hot new outfit, body language is everything and nothing says confident sass-queen like good posture.

Supporting the spine, shoring up your abs and strengthening the mid-section of your body is key to achieving a proud, upright body that’s ready to take on the strain of heavy lifts or day-to-day life. Working on every aspect of your core can help iron out imbalances and make you stand up taller.

  • Reduced risk of injury

The lower back is a constant source of pain for the lifting community. The truth is, a lot of people try to pick up heavy weights without developing their core first.

If you have a weak spot, your body compensates by pulling in other, less well-placed muscles to take over. They’re not optimized to do the job and you’ll start to feel the strain with a sore, stiff back and balled up, painful sections of muscle.

Woman with a strong core on a running track

  • Athletic performance

The core is the link between your upper and lower body. Without it we’d basically just crumple. With this in mind, it’s becomes clearer how essential this area of your body is to creating a powerful, athletic physique.

Overall, a strong, hard-working core can transform your body’s ability to move with ease. From running, to squatting a new PB, there’s never a moment when your core isn’t engaged, so don’t neglect it.

  • Core strengthening exercises

Target your whole mid-section and incorporate these core strengthening exercises into your workout routine to get the powerful results you’re looking for. To help you hit all of those essential core muscles, we’ve split our workout into abdominal and lower back movements. That way you can alter your workout to suit your physical needs and address your weak spots by picking and choosing the exercises you perform.

We’d say pick two exercises from the abdominal list and two from the lower back list and you should have a well-rounded core workout.


Perform these exercises together to target all the abdominal muscles listed above, including your obliques.

Cable crunch

Target a range of abdominal muscles and benefit from the challenge of constant cable resistance in this core strengthening exercise.

  1. Set a high cable with a rope attachment
  2. Kneel in front, facing the cable and reach up to pull it down until your hands are on either side of your face
  3. Extend at the hip until you’re about 45 degrees from sitting up vertically and ensure your back is strong and flat
  4. Keeping the hips in the same position, bend at the hips by contracting the abdominal muscles until your face is just a couple of inches off the floor
  5. Hold this position for a second before slowly returning to your start position

Tip: Keep your hips in the same position and don’t use your body weight to pull down on the cable. The power should all come from your abdominals.

Dumbbell side bend

woman doing a dumbbell side bend

Home in on your obliques and improve stability with the barbell side bend.

  1. Stand in a neutral position with a dumbbell in one hand
  2. Engage your core and stand up straight
  3. Keeping your shoulders aligned and a firm grip on the dumbbell, bend sideways at the waist, dipping the dumbbell until you can’t go any further. It should go down to about your knee
  4. Stand up straight again complete your reps on that side. Swap the dumbbell to the other hand and do the same on the other side

Tip: Start light with this one and avoid putting large weights on the bar as you they could tip you over if you’re not a seasoned pro.

Swiss ball leg pull-in

This one will put those deep stabilizing muscles to the test and help you boost your core stability.

  1. Place an exercise ball on the floor and lay with your shins next to it
  2. Straighten your arms so you’re holding your weight on them, then move both legs so your shins are resting on the ball
  3. Keeping your back completely straight and your arms in the same position, bend your knees in towards your chest and contract your abs so the ball rolls towards you
  4. Hold that position for a second before returning to the start

Tip: Don’t worry if this feels shaky to start with. The more your practice this kind of movement, the stronger your core will become when it comes to keeping you stable.

Ab roller

woman doing a ab wheel roll out to strengthen her core


This is one of the best exercises you can do to get your core working together in harmony, growing strength and boosting those stabilizing muscles. Pick up an ab wheel or a bar with plates on the end and give it a go.

  1. Set up a mat and kneel on it, holding an ab roller between your hands so it’s resting on the floor in front of you. This is your start position
  2. Lock down your core by taking a deep breath and holding it in. Then tense your core and glutes
  3. Begin to roll outwards, without letting your hips dip. Maintain a strong back and think about creating a straight line from your shoulders to your hips
  4. Stop when you go as far as you can, then contract at the abs and use your lats to pull your arms in and return to the start position

Tip: If you’re new to the ab roller, roll out to a wall or heavy plate, so you have something to stop yourself. This will make the movement slightly easier, but as soon as you’re strong enough, try it without the bumper.

Lower back exercises

Strengthen up your lower back and perfect your core with these essential core strengthening exercises.

Stiff leg deadlift

Woman demonstrating the top and bottom positions of a stiff leg deadlift

Focus in on your lower back strength to support your spine in every lift with this core strengthening exercise.

  1. Stand in a neutral position holding a light bar
  2. Keep your shoulders back and tight and your back strong. Break at the knees slightly
  3. Without bending at the knees any further and maintaining a strong back, lower the bar to around mid-shin
  4. Return to the start position by extending your hips again until you’re stood again

Tip: To get the most out of this core strengthening exercise, really think about engaging your muscles by keeping your back strong.

Good mornings

Get your glutes and your core muscles working in perfect unison with this movement.

  1. Stand in a neutral position with your feet at hips-width apart and hold a light bar across the back of your shoulders like you’re going to do a back squat
  2. Break at the knees, then hinge at the hips. Your hips should be moving backwards, as you lean forward so the weight stays on your heels
  3. Keep your back straight with your scapula’s together, your head up and your lower back in a strong, flat position
  4. Stop the movement when your chest is just above parallel to the floor
  5. From there, extend the hips and raise your chest until you’re stood up straight again

Tip: Perfect form is queen on this one girl. This movement really puts the strain on your lower back so take it easy, then build it up.


woman performing a super man exercise

This movement will strengthen up your lower back muscles for a strong, powerful core.

  1. Lie face down on a mat with your arms fully extended in front of you and your legs straight behind you
  2. Raise your arms, chest and legs off the floor at the same time
  3. At the top of the movement, squeeze your lower back and hold it or a second
  4. Slowly lower your hands, chest and feet back down to the floor

Tip: Take this movement up a notch and boost the stabilizing factor by performing it over an exercise ball, with a weight held to your chest.

Final word

Add some of these core strengthening exercises to your workout routine and you’ll start to feel the difference in your physique and your overall fitness performance too. A powerful core can help you boost the strength of your squat, take your deadlift to the next level and even make you a more efficient runner.

Girl, don’t just aim for the six pack. Take your body to a new level of functional prowess and use these core strengthening exercises today.

Looking for more functional powerhouse movements? Check out these articles:



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The Christmas Workout to Prepare You For the Holidays Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:24:49 +0000 Girl if you’ve ever had to buy presents for the whole family, cook Christmas dinner and survive the grocery store, you’ll know how exhausting the festive season can be.

If only there were some kind of workout you could do that would physically prepare you for the trials and tribulations of the Yuletide season.

Well put down your mulled wine girl, because we’re about to turn you into a Christmas athlete.

We’ve created the ultimate workout to prepare your body for the demands of this year. Drill these exercises a few times before the big day and your body will be primed and ready for everything the holiday season has to throw at you.


Farmers carry

woman performing a farmers carry

Remember last year? When you were carrying about 12 bags of presents from the store, back to your car? Your shoulders were killing you, your arms were dead, and your fingers were slowly being crushed by the weight of the bags.

Well this year your fingers are safe. Train farmers carry’s and you’ll race through trips to and from the car like a pro. Aim for 20 meters, then build up the weight or the distance for a super-efficient workout.

How to farmers carry:

  1. Pick two heavy kettlebells of equal weight and place them on either side of you
  2. With a strong, flat back, bend slightly at the hips and break at the knees until you can grip the handles
  3. Pushing through your legs, safely lift both weights
  4. Walk for 20 meters
  5. Reverse the standing motion or carefully place the kettlebells back down on the floor

Dead hang

When it comes to Christmas shopping, whether it’s the food or the presents, there’s one thing that can always let you down. That even the great athletes and shoppers forget about, and that’s your grip strength.

To boost your grip and numb the pain of a plastic shopping bag full of sprouts cutting into your hand, you gotta try the dead hang.

Grip on to a pull up bar and hang down from it for as long as you can. When you drop down, get up there and try again. Repeat 3-5 times, depending on how you’re feeling to really boost that hand strength.

How to dead hang:

  1. Stand on a box under and just behind a pull up bar
  2. Grip the pull up bar and step off the box to free hang
  3. When your grip starts to give either safely drop to the floor or step back onto the box


Kettlebell clean

woman holding kettlebell half way through a festive kettlebell clean

Ok, the farmers walks and the dead hang have got you back to the car, but how are you going to get all those bags in the trunk when you can hardly bend your arm? Kettlebell cleans.

By perfecting the kettlebell clean, you can rest assured you’ve got the strength and skill to get your bags safely into your car.

How to do a kettlebell clean:

  1. Place the kettlebell on the floor with the handle at a 45-degree angle
  2. With your thumb and forefinger facing inwards, bend over, keep your back strong and break at the knees before gripping the handle of the kettlebell
  3. Begin a one-armed kettlebell swing by extending at the hips and knees, generating enough power to move the weight up.
  4. Keeping the kettlebell close to your body, raise your elbow until the weight is at around shoulder height. Then, in one fluid movement, twist your elbow under and let the kettlebell swing up and over your fist.

Tip: Ok, maybe don’t let the shopping bags fly up and over your fist, but the start of this movement should definitely help you get those presents in the trunk.

Wood chops

Baby it’s cold outside and that wood ain’t gonna chop itself. Whether we’re in for a white Christmas or not, it’s always cold at this time of year and there’s nothing better than sitting around a roaring fire on the big day. To keep the whole family warm, we’re going hunter gatherer vibes so you can brush up on your chops, girl.

How to do standing cable wood chops:

  1. Adjust the cable so it’s attached at the top of the cable machine
  2. Take a step back and stand side on to the machine. Twist around so you can grip the cable handle with both hands with both arms fully extended
  3. In one motion, keep your arms straight and rotate through the torso to bring the cable across the front of your body and down. Pivot your feet and bend your knees slightly as you move down to get a full range of motion
  4. In a slow and controlled motion, turn back and up to return to the start position



woman at the bottom of a deadlift

If the snow comes down heavy, the driveway will need clearing ASAP, especially if you’ve got family coming to stay. Shoveling away all that snow can be pretty tough on the posterior chain. To strengthen up your lower back, we’ve got you covered with some deadlifts. Work these and you’ll have all the muscle to make room for everyone.

How to deadlift:

  1. Set up a barbell on the floor
  2. Stand with your feet under the bar so you can’t see the top of your shoe laces and keep them at around hip width apart
  3. Break at the knees and bend over to grip the bar at around shoulder width apart. Your arms should be just outside your knees
  4. Gently pull on the bar without lifting it to take the tension
  5. From here, raise your chest, lower your butt slightly and ensure your shins are touching the bar by bending your knees. Your shoulders should be in front of the bar
  6. Pushing through your heels and keeping your back flat and at the same angle, straighten your legs until the bar is at your knees
  7. In the second pull, completely straighten your knees and hips to fully extend and stand up completely
  8. Return the bar to the floor in a safe and controlled manner by reversing the movement. Keep your back strong and flat throughout


Gobble gobble goblet squat

When you’re getting that turkey up and out of the oven, you’re going to need some serious strength and discipline, cos those birds are heavy AF. And dropping it is a fast track to a ruined Christmas. No pressure girl.

By drilling goblet squats, you’ll hit all the right muscles to help you move the turkey from the oven, up and onto the counter in one seamless motion. No drama, just a perfect Christmas dinner.

How to goblet squat:

  1. Take a kettlebell and hold it in both hands, resting against the top of your chest
  2. Stand with your feet at around shoulder width apart, with your toes pointing slightly outward
  3. Break at the knees and move your hips backwards and down to perform a squat
  4. Stop when your hips are just below your knees, then push up again to fully stand


HIIT sprints

woman sprinting as part of a HIIT workout

The whole Christmas period calls for agility, stamina and some incredible cardio abilities. Whether you’re rushing in to grab the last festive ham or just trying to survive the crush in the stores, having speed and power on your side is a must.

Finish off your Christmas day workout with some HIIT sprints and you’ll have the prowess to handle any situation this year. Not only will this make you the speediest person to ever grave the grocery store, it’ll also help you burn fat super efficiently. That means guilt free binging this festive season.

HIIT sprints:

  1. Warm up with a steady walk for three minutes
  2. Sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds
  3. Return to a steady walk for one minute 30 seconds
  4. Repeat the sprint/walk pattern ten times

Find out more about how HIIT can help your fitness with our complete guide on SMG. 


Optional warm down: Meditation

Woman meditating

Holyyyyyy Christmas, this time of year is exhausting, mentally and physically. To help you stay sane when you’re surrounded by family, cooking up a feast or trying to buy for those people who have everything, make sure you’re looking after your mind.

This warm down may be optional, but sometimes it is so necessary. Give it a go to help you stay grounded this festive season and recover from the holidays.

How to meditate:

  1. Lie or sit in a comfortable position
  2. Close your eyes and breathe naturally, making no effort to alter your breathing pattern
  3. Concentrate on your breath, noting the movements of your body as you inhale and exhale
  4. Try to maintain this level of focus for 2-3 minutes before attempting a longer period of meditation



The final rep

Make sure your body is a fully-functioning, carefully-conditioned, Christmas-ready machine this year. We’ve covered all of the most challenging physical elements of the festive period to help you craft the perfect physique to handle the demands and the intensity of the season.


Looking for the perfect outfit to accompany your Liftmas workout with our article on the festive fitness clothes you need this year.

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Try This 4-Week Squat Challenge to Lose Weight and Be Bootylicious Thu, 15 Nov 2018 13:38:10 +0000 The very best exercises for weight loss are those that not only burn calories and torch fat but build sexy muscle tone too. That’s where squats for weight loss come in.

Imagine an exercise that’s so versatile it allows you to target every single muscle in your legs and core, while at the same time ramping up your heart rate and incinerating belly fat.

That’s exactly what the good old squat has to offer.

Whether you’re a beginner on a mission to build a better body, or an advanced athlete looking to refine her figure, this bootylicious 4-Week Squat Challenge to Lose Weight leaves no stone unturned.

With our SMG ultra-cool exercise program, 30 days and a gritty motivational focus you’ll have a bangin’ booty and luscious legs in no time.

Let’s get this!

Why Squat, Girl?

It’s time to go ass to grass. Going low to come out on top is the name of the game here!

When it comes to bang-for-your-buck exercises, the squat comes out a clear winner every single time. It’s a key exercise and should form the cornerstone of any girl’s program where killer legs and a big, round a** is the goal.

The squat is functional and provides the basis for all lower body movements. Bodybuilders, figure athletes and sportswomen all have squat variations in their programs… and for good reason too.

Don’t let yourself down… you need squats in your life, girl.

Here’s why you should be dropping it like it’s hot…

Squats for fun

The benefits of squats for weight loss are wide and varied. You can pump out this fat-burning movement with barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells or any other heavy item laying around.

Body weight squats build eye-watering lactic acid and if you dare to try out single leg variations, you’ll feel muscles you didn’t even know existed.

Girl, as you can tell… SMG are all about that #squatlife.

Here are the main benefits of our 4-week squat challenge for weight loss:

Build strength in your legs, inner thighs and booty

The squat targets pretty much all the lower body muscles, but really emphasizes your quadriceps, inner thighs and glutes.

When it comes building a sassy boss woman figure, it’s number one on the list.

Develop shape and tone exactly where you want it the most

By altering your stance, changing the equipment you use or varying the depth of your squat technique you can spot-enhance specific muscles.

Wanna hit your booty? Go low.

Working on the inner thighs? Let’s see a wide stance

Want strength? Let’s hit some heavy weight, girl.

A powerful calorie burner that’ll ramp up energy expenditure and torch fat

In caliometry testing, squats have been found to have superiority as a fat burner.

Compared to upper body exercises such as the bench press, leg day is the best day for burning up those fat cells.

Enhance sports performance

If you’re an athlete looking to create that all-important edge, squats are the way forward. they’re closely linked to better performance in the gym and on the field.

Both jump and sprint ability are linked to squat strength.

Build balance, coordination and core strength

basic squats have a bigger ‘carry over’ effect to core strength, agility, balance and other important motor skills.

But modifying your position, working single leg or using an unstable variation of an exercise really ramps up the neural benefits of squatting.

Increase muscle building hormones

Testosterone is important for women. Not only does it help you create a toned and sexy figure, it’s also a key regulator of menstruation, libido and mood.

Studies have found that going ass to grass with a bar on your back is a killer way of getting some of those beautiful hormones flooding around your body.

Woman performing back squat with barbell

Key Point: Squats should form part of every woman’s strength circuit workout. The benefits range from intense fat burning to chiselled muscle tone, better confidence and a peachy butt.

4-Week Squat Challenge to Lose Weight

In general, 30-day challenges work well. They keep things tight, concise and along with your high levels of motivation, get great results.

Setting yourself a medium-term goal over 30 days gives you something to work for. When you’re feeling sore or tired you know you’ve got a deadline to work towards.

It’s pretty motivating!

And research shows that goal setting works well when organizing your fitness and body targets.

What makes our squat challenge different?

The problem with many 4-week squat challenges is they presume that progress is linear – that a girl like you will be able to progress day after day, with no fatigue or need to recover.

Unfortunately, your body doesn’t work like that. If you perform the same movement day after day without variety or modification, you’ll just end up burned out or overtraining.

Luckily, our team of top-notch diva sport scientists have clubbed together their collective, extensive knowledge to bring you an evidence-based squat program for weight loss – one that boosts your booty and crushes your goals… guaranteed!

Ready to smash your goals and develop a goddess physique?

Let’s go girl…

Exercise 1: Chair Squat

Chair squat

  • Stand close to a chair with your feet at around shoulder-width apart and your arms out in front of your body
  • Stick your butt back and bend from your knees as you sit back onto the chair under control
  • Aim to keep your knees and line with your big toe and avoid letting them rotate inward
  • Sit on the chair upright
  • Bend forwards slightly and push through your heels, maintaining good knee alignment, until you are stood up tall
  • The upward phase will naturally be faster than the sitting phase

Exercise 2: Prisoner Squat


  • Start with your hands clasped behind your head and your shoulder blades pulled together
  • Stand with your feet at around shoulder-width apart and your chest up tall
  • Bend at your hips and knees and squat as low as feels comfortable, aiming to keep your chest tall throughout. Sit your weight back on your heels
  • Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement before returning to the start position

Exercise 3: Lateral Squat


  • Start with your hands on your waist and your shoulder blades pulled together
  • Stand with your feet at around shoulder-width apart and your chest up tall
  • Bend your left knee, and as you do so, move your body weight to your left side as far as feels comfortable. Keep your right knee straight throughout
  • Move slowly to the start position and then transition to the opposite side
  • Complete the reps from one side to the other with no break

Exercise 4: Jump Squat

Squat jumps

  • Stand with your feet at around shoulder-width apart and your arms by your sides
  • Stick your butt back and bend from your knees as you sit back into an air squat position with your arms out in front of your body
  • At the bottom of the movement, push through your heels and swing your arms towards your body
  • As you reach full extension, jump in the air. Your arms will naturally swing behind you
  • As you land, bend your knees to move the stress from your knees and onto your muscles

Prisoner Squat with Kickback

Squat with kickback

  • Follow the technique for standard prisoner squats
  • At the top of the squat movement though, lift one leg, move it behind your body and clench your butt cheek
  • Avoid hyper-extending your lower back. All the movement during the kickback should come from your hip
  • Alternate your kickbacks with each squat

Split Squat

Split squat

  • Otherwise known as a ‘static lunge’, place your feet at shoulder-width apart in a staggered stance (roughly 3/4 of your maximum stride length)
  • Your front foot should be flat and with your rear foot you should only have the ball of your foot on the ground
  • Keeping your hands on your hips and your chest tall, bend your knees and lower your rear knee to the ground, stopping an inch or so from making contact
  • Pause briefly and return to the start, making sure your upper body only travels upward and not leaning forward
  • Once you’ve completed all reps, change lead legs and repeat

Bulgarian Split Squat

Bulgarian split squat


  • Place your rear foot on bench below knee height
  • Place your front foot at shoulder-width and flat on the ground
  • Bend both knees and descend until your back knee is just above the ground. Keep your chest tall throughout
  • If the knee of your front leg goes in front of your toes you need to stride out a little further
  • Push through the heel of your front foot and return to the start position
  • Once you’ve completed all reps, change lead legs and repeat

The Program

This program can be followed as a body weight or externally-weighted workout. If you’re new to leg training, we’d advise using just your own weight for resistance – you can always add dumbbells later down the line.

If you’re more advanced and looking for a brutal, fat-incinerating schedule, use bands, bells or bars to light up your legs and booty.

DayExercisesReps and Sets
1Chair squats4 x 15
2Chair squats 5 x 20
4Prisoner squat4 x 15
5Prisoner squat5 x 20
7Prisoner squat
Lateral squat
4 x 15 of each exercise
8Prisoner squat
Lateral squat
5 x 20 of each exercise
10Prisoner squat
Lateral squat
5 x 20 of each exercise
11Prisoner squat
Lateral squat
4 x 30 of each exercise
14Prisoner squat with kickback
Lateral squat
Split squat
4 x 15 of each exercise
15Prisoner squat with kickback
Lateral squat
Split squat
5 x 20 of each exercise
16Prisoner squat with kickback
Lateral squat
Split squat
4 x 30 of each exercise
18Bulgarian split squat
Squat jumps
4 x 15 each side
19Bulgarian split squat
Squat jumps
4 x 20 each side
22Bulgarian split squat
Squat jumps
Lateral squat
4 x 15 each side
23Bulgarian split squat
Squat jumps
Lateral squat
4 x 20 each side
24Bulgarian split squat
Squat jumps
Lateral squat
4 x 30 each side
26Bulgarian split squat
Squat jumps
Lateral squat
Prisoner squat with kickback
4 x 15 each side
27Bulgarian split squat
Squat jumps
Lateral squat
Prisoner squat with kickback
4 x 20 each side
28Bulgarian split squat
Squat jumps
Lateral squat
Prisoner squat with kickback
4 x 30 each side

Final Word

This 4-week squat challenge to lose weight is your best opportunity yet to carve out sexy, toned legs and glutes that’ll showcase your curves and athleticism.

It’ll be tough in places. But work for it girl and you’ll deliver some awesome results!

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What Is Tabata Training? and Why You Should Give It a Go Wed, 14 Nov 2018 09:29:32 +0000 Girl, you know for sure if you’ve ever taken on a Tabata workout. Your pounding lungs take the elastic in your sports bra to its absolute limit and you never knew this level of lactic acid burn existed. But you love it, and at this point, you’re all in.

You check the clock – 10 seconds left to go girl. Everything in your powerful womanly physique goes into that last blast of burpees before the timer chimes the sound of success.

You fall into a sweaty puddle having crushed another of your favorite all-or-nothing workouts. 20-minutes has passed since you hit ‘go’ and you’re finished before most girls have even started.

Sweet, who needs endless hours chained to the cardio machines? Not you, girl. Less than half the time spent pushing through a high-interval Tabata will do. In fact, it’s even better.


Article Preview:

  • A brief history of Tabata training
  • Benefits of Tabata training
  • Common mistakes
  • SpotMeGirl’s Top 3 Tabata Workouts


woman exercising with battle ropes as part of Tabata circuitA brief history of Tabata training

Ladies let’s put our hands together for Dr. Izumi Tabata. Why you ask? Well, without his research into HIIT training we’d still be stuck out there with the rest of the treadmill zombies. No. Thank. You.

Because of Professor Tabata’s groundbreaking study, we now know that high-intensity training trumps steady state cardio for bettering anaerobic fitness. Not only that, but it’s also been shown to improve aerobic fitness too – result! [1]

To prove this, Tabata took two teams of elite level cyclists separated into groups A and B. Group A were assigned five steady-state workouts for six weeks straight.

Group B, on the other hand, hit the high-intensity stuff four times over the same six-week period.


Group A spent each workout plugging away on a static exercise bike for 60 minutes at moderate intensity. Think somewhere in the mid-range of exertion where you can still chat, but you’re still a little out of breath.

However, group B performed four minutes of high-intensity bouts instead. These featured 20 seconds of all-out work immediately followed by 10 seconds rest. There’s no way these guys would have been able to talk unless they were slacking.

During the HIIT workouts, every single athlete had to maintain an intensity above 85RPM. If they didn’t it was grounds for a disqualification, meaning they had to leave the test.

Upon completing the study Dr. Tabata confirmed that both groups had improved their V02 max, which is a measure of how efficiently the body can use oxygen. But what impressed the professor most was how group B had improved their anaerobic fitness too – with a massive 28% increase on average.

Thus, the Tabata training system was born – saying ‘see ya’ to steady-state snoozefests forever.


Fit and healthy female showing benefits of Tabata trainingBenefits of Tabata training

Tabata is all about crushing the clock, so here are the benefits at a glance:

  • Time – it’s a short, sharp, shock of fitness for girls on the go
  • Intensity – an all-in approach is required for Tabata to be effective
  • Fun – pushing your body to its limits over 20 seconds is crazy fun
  • Fat burning – Tabata training is awesome for taking out stubborn fat cells
  • Muscle building – as a HIIT method, Tabata has the potential for building muscle too
  • EPOC – studies have shown high-intensity workouts like Tabata can leave you burning extra calories post-exercise through Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption
  • Effective – Professor Tabata proved his method via a scientific study
  • Perfect for women – not only will you become the fittest female in the gym, you’ll look leaner and get stronger too


Okay, we’ve got to admit we’re pretty crazy about HIT training at SpotMeGirl. We’re ladies who lift with limited time on our hands, so we like a workout that packs a punch without wiping out our day.

That’s why we love Tabata training so much. You can hit a workout almost anywhere in as little as four minutes, providing you’ve got the guts to push your limits.

All you need is a timer, a few set exercises, and a little grit to get the job done girl.

Muscle building and fat burning for females

Plus, there’s the added fat burning and muscle preserving positives of HIIT training. Whereas LISS cardio can actually negatively impact muscle mass, high-intensity workouts can even build it.

Also, because you’re only resting for 10 seconds between bursts, your body doesn’t have time to return to a normal resting state (homeostasis). This means that your heartrate stays elevated throughout the entire workout, leading to faster fatigue and the breakdown of fat cells for energy.

Yup – Tabata is definitely the way forward for us girls. If you’re wanting to get leaner, toned, and achieve a strong feminine look whilst getting fit, you’ve found your match.


Finally, let’s not forget about the Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption Known as EPOC for short. This is a process where our bodies carry on burning extra energy even after we finish working out.

Studies have shown that high-intensity training such as Tabata is awesome for triggering this process [2]. All you have to do is make sure you’re trying your darn hardest and you can continue to reap the rewards well after.

Are you sold yet, girl? Of course, you are. Who wouldn’t want to get fitter, burn fat, and tone up fast?

But before you go and crush 20 seconds of crunches let’s look at the common Tabata mistakes.


Woman performing push up as part of Tabata workoutCommon mistakes

Because we know you’re ready to go we’ll not keep you long. All SpotMeGirl asks is that you kick these common mistakes in the can well before they become a habit.

For an effective Tabata workout stay away from:

  • Plodding along at a ‘comfortable’ pace (we’re here to work, sister)
  • Not pushing yourself for the entire 20 seconds
  • Resting for longer than 10 seconds
  • Going too hard if you’re a beginner
  • Sacrificing form for speed – yup, we’re looking at you Ms. Competitive
  • Not warming up properly or cooling down


Beginner’s beware

Hopefully all the above should be pretty common knowledge to you. If not, and you’re a total beginner, our advice is to try Tabata but not to push yourself too hard.

Learn the basic movements before you start and concentrate on building a solid foundation of fitness. Doing this will give you all the tools you need to start achieving that dream bod.

Seasoned Sheila’s shouldn’t hold back

On the other hand, if you’re a seasoned Sheila on the gym floor get your Tabata game on lock-down. Set the timer and stick to it no matter what – you’ve got it in you, girl!

High-intensity training requires your heartrate to stay elevated. So, don’t overstay your rest periods. Doing so will only make the workout less effective and take away many of the HIIT benefits we love. It’s just not worth it for such a short space of time.

If you know you’re a culprit for chilling a little longer than necessary, invite a friend to join you. They’ll know if you’re taking an extra-long water break, and if they’re SpotMeGirl material, they’ll call you out on it too.

Related article: Fat Torching, Muscle Growing HIIT Leg Workouts

Stay safe sister

Finally, before you go, keep in mind that safety should be your middle name. Maybe not on all your Social Media profiles, but definitely during training.

After all, no workout is worth getting hurt over. Getting injured sucks and the only PRs crushed on the couch are cookies eaten per Netflix episode. Not exactly a great fitness goal, girl.

Warm up with a pulse-raiser and plenty of dynamic stretches to get your muscles primed for action. Then, don’t forget to stretch off and cool down once you’re done girl to help dampen those DOMS.

Foam rolling post-workout is also a great way to give your body some well-deserved love [3]. So, try to combine it alongside your regular routine to keep you injury free and back killing it day after day.

Let’s do this, girls!


SpotMeGirl’s Top 3 Tabata Workouts

woman performing air squat as part of Tabata workout

Workout 1 – The Finisher

1 round – 4 mins

  1. Pushups – 20 seconds
  2. Rest – 10 seconds
  3. Mountain climbers – 20 seconds
  4. Rest – 10 seconds
  5. Burpees – 20 seconds
  6. Rest – 10 seconds
  7. Bicycle crunches – 20 seconds
  8. Rest – End of workout

(Perform workout 2 x to complete 1 round)

Workout 2 – The Anywhere, Anytime Tabata

3 rounds – 12 mins

  1. Mountain climbers – 20 seconds
  2. Rest – 10 seconds
  3. Squat thrusts – 20 seconds
  4. Rest – 10 seconds
  5. Air squats – 20 seconds
  6. Rest – 10 seconds
  7. V situps – 20 seconds
  8. Rest – 10 seconds

(Perform workout 2 x to complete 1 round)

What Is Tabata Training? and Why You Should Give It a Go 4

Workout 3 – The Cardio Queen

Complete this workout using five rounds of paired exercises. So, hit exercise A first before resting and moving onto B. Once you’ve rested after B, you’re back to A again to repeat the process – which should be completed twice over. Example: A, B, A, B = 1 round.

5 rounds – 20 mins

Round 1

  1. A – Air squats – 20 seconds
  2. Rest – 10 seconds
  3. B – Lateral bounds – 20 seconds
  4. Rest – 10 seconds

Round 2

  1. A – Pushups – 20 seconds
  2. Rest – 10 seconds
  3. B – Box jumps – 20 seconds
  4. Rest 10 seconds

Round 3

  1. A – Mountain climbers – 20 seconds
  2. Rest – 10 seconds
  3. B – Kettlebell swings – 20 seconds
  4. Rest – 10 seconds

Round 4

  1. A – Burpees – 20 seconds
  2. Rest – 10 seconds
  3. B – Dead bugs – 20 seconds
  4. Rest – 10 seconds

Round 5

  1. On the spot sprints – 20 seconds
  2. Rest – 10 seconds
  3. B – Bicycle crunches – 20 seconds
  4. Rest – 10 seconds


Fit and healthy woman using kettlebell in Tabata training workoutFinal word – Last round on Tabata training

Tabata training is a highly effective HIIT method that’ll make you fitter, stronger and leaner in a heartbeat. Well, four minutes divided into 20-second bursts and 10 second rest periods to be precise. These short blocks are then repeated in what we call rounds, often up to a total of 20 minutes.

Used by athletes and fitness fanatics worldwide, Tabata is training perfect for anybody who’s tight for time. Hell, it’s even better for people who just love to get the job done. There’s no hanging around for two minutes between sets, it’s all-out action from the very beginning. Get in, get out, and get fit girls – no messing.

Each workout is carried out at a super high lung-bursting intensity. And whilst it might not be easy, this is where Tabata’s magic shines through by keeping the heartrate constantly elevated. This not only improves both aerobic and anaerobic fitness but forces the body to blitz body fat cells too.

There’s even an added EPOC effect bonus. Something that allows Tabata training individuals to carry on crushing calories long after their workout finishes.

Yup – blink and you’ll miss it, sister. So, what’re you waiting for?

Grab the stop clock, clear some space on the gym floor and get to work. Not only will you be fitter than ever, but you’ll have all the time in the world to enjoy afterward too. Did somebody say social life again? We’re in!



  1. Tabata I, et al. Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and VO2max.Medicine & Science in Sports &amp Exercise. 1996.
  2. Mistretta J, et al. Effect of High Versus Low Intensity Resistance Exercise on Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption.Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2006.
  3. Pearcey GE, et al. Foam rolling for delayed-onset muscle soreness and recovery of dynamic performance measures.J Athl Train. 2015


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