High Intensity Interval Training – HeySpotMeGirl.com https://heyspotmegirl.com Wed, 22 May 2019 13:12:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://heyspotmegirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/cropped-favicon-spotmegirl-alt_2-1-32x32.png High Intensity Interval Training – HeySpotMeGirl.com https://heyspotmegirl.com 32 32 Low Impact HIIT Workout https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/low-impact-hiit-workout/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/low-impact-hiit-workout/#respond Sun, 19 May 2019 08:32:28 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=34344 Check out our low impact HIIT workout to enhance fat loss, without using high impact movements.

There’s absolutely no doubt that HIIT, or high intensity interval training, is one of the best and most widely used exercise methods for losing weight.

It’s fast, efficient and damn does it melt away fat.

However, when many of us think HIIT, images of people jumping around, lifting weights and all-out sprinting come to mind. While these types of movements are a staple for many HIIT sessions, they don’t suit everyone, and they aren’t your only option.

As trainers, we often hear complaints of cramp, injury and joint soreness from these high-impact movements. To help combat this issue and ensure you still get an effective fat-loss workout in your weekly routine, we’ve created a low-impact HIIT workout.

To do this, we’ve taken some less-demanding movements, and turned them into a truly challenging interval cardio workout that you can perform at the gym.

Check it out.

[Related Article: 13 HIIT Exercises You Need in Your Weight Loss Workouts]

Why use low impact HIIT?

women doing a low impact hiit workout

There’s no denying HIIT is intense, it’s the reason it works so well for fat loss. But that doesn’t mean the movements have to take their toll on your joints.

Although high-impact movements like jumping, sprinting and weight lifting at high speeds are associated with this type of training, they aren’t your only option.

Instead, an intelligent low impact HIIT workout can help you burn fat[1], whilst minimizing joint pain and soreness.

We’ve created a more palatable workout that avoids impact-based movements and instead utilizes exercises that won’t jolt your joints or bones. While this may be a softer approach to the choice of movements, the intensity of the workout will still be high, so you can reap all the rewards of HIIT.

Check out this less demanding low impact HIIT workout below.

[Related Article: Best Pre-Workout for Women

Low impact HIIT workout

This is a challenging full body workout, designed to get your heartrate high and your muscles working hard. You’ll feel the burn across your whole physique with this one, even though it’s low impact, and won’t leave you hurting in a bad way.

We’ve used an AMRAP (as many reps as possible) structure, so you’re working hard with a few breaks too. The workout is spread out across five exercises and should only take you around ten minutes to complete. It’s short, sharp and perfectly designed for anyone, including those of us who don’t enjoy high impact movements.

Check it out.


Four rounds of the following per exercise:

  • 20 seconds work
  • 10 seconds rest

Overall 10-minute low impact HIIT workout

Low impact HIIT exercises:

  • Air squats

Strip away all the weight and take it back to basics with air squats. By swapping out weighted or jumping squats you’ll take the strain off your joints, but still achieve a good leg burn that will raise your heartrate and put you right in the anaerobic zone.

What’s more the air squat is a compound movement. This means it involves a larger group of muscle fibers and, the more your use, the more calories you burn.

  • Sit ups + twist each side

We’ve literally put a twist on your sit ups for this one.

Sit ups are another very low-impact HIIT exercise, but by adding a twist to each side at the top of every movement, you’re working a bigger selection of core muscles and upping the tempo. This should help get your heartrate high and your lungs working hard.

  • Row

Whereas running sprints put a lot of strain through your joints and every step creates a moment of impact with the floor, rowing is the opposite.

There’s no impact in rowing, yet it recruits the whole body to get your blood pumping double-time. Go for rower sprints while maintaining a tight form to challenge your body, without suffering from the aches and pains that can come with running.

  • Step ups

The box jump is a common culprit for joint pain and even muscle injury due to its high-impact nature. If you experience pain, it’s best to avoid it. Instead a step-up is a low impact alternative that will get your body working hard, without the negative side effects.

Simply step up onto a box with one leg, stand up completely on it, before stepping back down. This should not only help you to get well and truly out of breath, it’ll target your glutes, helping to develop the muscle.

Remember to alternate legs as you go to encourage equal glute development.

  • Push ups

This movement pulls in your arms and chest for a full-body low impact cardio workout. With so many muscles in the firing-line, this is another great way to burn more calories. Try to keep the tempo high as you work through your 20 seconds of exercise.

If it’s too challenging to do a full push up, place your knees off the floor and go from there instead. Maintain good form throughout and don’t let your back droop as the exercise becomes more challenging. Keep your core, back and glutes tight so you remain rock-solid through every rep.

[Related Article: 6 Best Natural Fat Burners According to Science]

The final rep

A killer HIIT session doesn’t have to ruin your joints, or put you off interval training altogether.

Instead a smart low-impact cardio workout can get your body working hard, without any of the aches and pains that certain movements can cause.

Try this one for yourself to maximize your weight loss efforts in every workout.

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13 HIIT Exercises You Need in Your Weight Loss Workouts https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/13-hiit-exercises/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/13-hiit-exercises/#comments Thu, 04 Apr 2019 10:35:27 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=33369 Dropping the pounds is all about training smart. And training smart means hitting the right kind of workouts, that are designed to home in on fat quickly. For this, you need to know your HIIT exercises.

High intensity interval training is proven to be quicker and more effective at burning fat than traditional forms of cardio. While it’s challenging, it’s probably one of the fastest workouts you’ll do – and it’ll reap the most reward too.

The trick is keeping your training fresh and stimulating so you keep pushing your body to the next level, and keep melting away the pounds. Check out our HIIT exercises list to spark some inspiration for your next weight loss workout.

[Related article: HIIT Workouts for Women]

HIIT Exercises:


woman running on a treadmill as part of a HIIT workout

One good way to push your body to the maximum is through sprints. You can run at your highest pace for a distance or for a set amount of time, on a treadmill or outside on a track. The key with this is to push yourself and ensure you’re getting enough intensity out of it.

As HIIT is based around short periods of high intensity, you need to make sure you’re pushing your body hard during the workout. Run as fast as you can, add a little incline if you can and don’t go for any more that 45 seconds. This should help you maintain a maximum effort.


This HIIT exercise is not for the faint hearted.

Think the lung-bursting effort of sprints, coupled with the high resistance that comes with rowing exercises. This makes for one hell of a HIIT workout.

Opt for a medium resistance on the rower. This way you can still maintain a high cadence that will get your heart pumping and your muscles burning.

Go hard for 30 seconds, maintaining your form, then break for 30 seconds, before starting it all again. 10 minutes should be more than enough to add to your fat loss workout.

Kettlebell swings

Add weight to your HIIT exercises with a kettlebell swing. Not only will they push you into the essential anaerobic zone, which reaps so many fat burning rewards, the addition of resistance will work your muscles too.

This is a very powerful form of conditioning that will support you and help you maintain a fitter physique too.

Stick to a medium weight kettlebell so you can move quickly, whilst still benefitting from a challenging weight. Keep your rep count somewhere between 10 and 15 accompanied by regular breaks to get your heart right into that fat burning zone.

[Related article: 20-Minute Kettlebell HIIT Workout for Fat Loss]

Box jumps

box jump as a HIIT exercises

This explosive, full body movement is one of our favorite HIIT exercises. It requires power, strength and a whole lot of energy, which makes it the staple of many hardcore workouts.

Choose a reasonable height, so you can continue to make the jumps even as you fatigue – the ability to maintain pace is key to this kind of workout.

Don’t try to rebound into your next jump as you land, this could lead to knee or Achilles injury, and no one has time for that. Step down for a safer, more controlled descent before resetting and going again.

Jumping lunges

This is a super high energy movement, that keeps your body moving, your lungs working and your heart beating hard. The added bonus of this one, which we know many girls out there will like, is that it drills into your butt muscles.

Not only will it help you burn fat, it’ll help you create that perfect pert peach.

Aim to do around eight reps per leg and keep the energy high. Drive through the butt as you jump and aim to move seamlessly into the next rep, so you’re working hard and moving fast at all times.

[Related article: Fat Torching, Muscle Growing HIIT Leg Workouts]

Mountain climbers

Pull your abs in to the workout with this movement. It’s another energetic HIIT exercise that keeps your body moving fast throughout your high intensity phase.

Be sure to keep your form tight on this one for maximum results. Don’t just bounce off your toes, ensure your butt is low, make sure your knees are really coming up under your body to work those abs and keep your heartrate sky high.

Aim for about 20 reps with this exercise and keep the tempo high. No slacking, girl!

Rope slams

woman doing rope slams as a hiit exercise

Think toned arms, burning shoulders and a whole lot of fat burning. Rope slams can be the upper-body game changer in a HIIT workout.

They’ll help you max out on your session, whilst also giving you the opportunity to build and maintain muscle through the added resistance the ropes provide.

You can go for full slams in a squat position to involve your legs and core as well as arms and shoulders, or alternating arm slams to drill in to your upper body.


Of all the HIIT exercises on this list, the burpee is one of the most loved and hated. Who would’ve thought that going from lying to jumping could be so damn hard?!

It’s one of the best exercises for boosting your heartrate, which makes it perfect for a hardcore HIIT workout. Factor anything from 10-15 of these into a workout and they will push your body right into that maximum effort zone.

The trick with burpees is too keep your form tight and don’t get lazy. When you start to shorten your jumps or step out into the movement, that’s when you lose that fat burning intensity.

[Related article: HIIT workout Plan for Weight Loss]

Hand-release pushups

Take your pushups to a new level of muscle gain with this variation on the usual movement. Simple remove your hands from the floor at the bottom of the pushup, so you’re lying on your chest. Then put them back down to start the press from a completely relaxed position.

This ensures every rep is given a full range of movement, which makes each one more challenging.

Keep the pace high with this one to ensure you’re hitting that higher heartrate range.


woman doing thrusters as hiit exercises

Grab a couple of dumbbells or a bar and get ready to feel that full body burn. This HIIT exercise pulls in your legs, core, shoulders and arms all in one go. What’s more, it really puts you right in that anaerobic zone where you’re more likely to burn fat for fuel.

Aim to work hard on this one but don’t overdo the weight. It’s very easy to let form drop as fatigue sets in, so go for a weight that’s both challenging and reasonable. Trust us, the speed at which you’re working will still help you feel that burn.

Star jumps

When it comes to boosting your heartrate, you can trust in the star jump. It may be one from the school yard, but this movement utilizes the full body and gets it moving hard and fast, earning it a place on our HIIT exercises list.

Take these seriously, jump hard and high while maintaining a fast pace. When you tick all of these boxes, you’ll never underestimate the humble star jump again.

[Related article: The Best Fat Burners for Women Review]


Boxers, CrossFitters and a whole host of other athletes turn to the skipping to keep their fitness levels high, their bodies in shape and their toes quick. When you get this right, and you’re moving fast, skipping can be a real burn.

Hop, jog or jump over the rope to keep your heartrate high throughout the movement.

If you feel like you need to take this up a notch, swap out the single skips for doubles. You’ll work harder, jump higher, have more control over your body and it’s a full body challenge.

Kettlebell clean

kettlebell clean as a hiit exercise

The humble kettlebell provides a whole host of HIIT exercises and the clean is a great way to get the body working to the max.

It combines the energy of the swing with the power needed for a clean movement. This together creates a high very energetic movement that challenges your body and gets you into that fat burning sweet spot.

The final rep

With these HIIT exercises at your disposal you can create some truly effective weight loss workouts. Whether you opt for an AMRAP or a circuit, select a few of these movements and get to work. You can thank us later… when you catch your breath again.

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HIIT vs LISS – Which is Better for Weight Loss? https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/hiit-vs-liss/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/hiit-vs-liss/#respond Thu, 28 Mar 2019 10:00:46 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=33267 If you’ve been searching for a weight loss workout, it’s likely you’ve come across HIIT vs LISS on your travels.

Both are often referred to when it comes to a fat burning workout. However, there’s often disparity between which is best.

But what makes one weight loss workout the ‘best’?

To find out which will suit you and your goals, we’ve pitted the two against each other in a HIIT vs LISS battle of the workouts.

Read on and find out which one you should be hitting to lose weight.

The benefits of HIIT workouts 

woman athlete with strong legs running

This form of working out is a highly intense and based around short periods of maximum effort, alternated with brief rests – hence the name High Intensity Interval Training.

When it comes to HIIT benefits, we’re spoilt for choice.

Science has shown this form of training is one of the best ways to home in on fat burning. Studies have found it can burn around 25-30% more calories compared to lower intensity training [1].

By working HIIT four times a week for just 20 minutes, participants in a study showed a nine percent increase in fat oxidation after five weeks [2]. This is the equivalent of cycling consistently for 40 minutes four times a week.

Not only does HIIT trigger some powerful fat burning processes, it also increases power output and enhances athletic performance too [3].

One thing that makes this a favorite among those looking to lose weight is that fact that it induces a state called EPOC [4]. This means after a HIIT workout, you can continue to burn calories for up to 24 hours later.

While HIIT clearly does some incredible things within your body, it’s also easy to fit into your workout routine.

Because HIIT training is so short and sharp, it won’t cut into your time as much as steady state cardio will. In a study that compared the two, participants preferred HIIT training as they found it more time efficient and enjoyable [2].

HIIT cons

While HIIT workouts can be a really effective way of targeting fat, it’s not perfect, and there are definitely some negatives to take into account.

  • Let’s face it, HIIT is hardcore. When you’re working to the max there’s risk of injury and, if you go too hard, it could lead to over training. In extreme cases, it can even lead to rhabdomyolysis [5].
  • For some people, pushing yourself to the max might not be something you want to do regularly. It’s hard and it often leaves you gasping for breath and that’s just not for everyone.
  • Due to the intensity, HIIT workouts that utilize resistance can take you a while to recover from. While it might only be a 20-minute workout, the repercussions on your body can be intense, so you may have to factor that into your weekly routine to avoid over training.

The benefits of LISS cardio workouts

woman running during an LISS workout

This means low-intensity steady-state cardio and is a form of training where you maintain a low-intensity aerobic activity for a prolonged time period.

That activity can be anything from walking to cycling, as long as you can maintain a slightly elevated heartrate throughout. This should be around 50-60% of your maximum.

It should also last for anything between 30-60 minutes to get any kind of weight loss results.

With LISS, there are very different benefits to consider.

Steady-state cardio, by its very nature is a lot more relaxed than HIIT, which has its upsides. For example, if you’re new to fitness, it’s less dangerous for you to perform a longer, less energetic session than it would be to do a high intensity workout [6].

Perhaps due to its less intense nature, it also has a higher adherence rate in older people, compared to HIIT [7].

LISS gets results too. By raising your heartrate just slightly to around 60% you’ll reach the “fat-burning zone”. In this sweet spot your body will turn to fat to produce a higher percentage of its energy during exercise. While you won’t burn more calories, you will be using more fat than you normally would.

LISS cons

While steady state cardio will give you benefits, you need to find the balance between the good and the bad sides of using this as your weight loss tool.

  • It’s easy to plateau with LISS. If you’re not pushing yourself, which is fundamentally the format of steady state cardio, then you’ll adapt quickly to it [8]. This means you’ll only feel the benefits up to a certain point in terms of physical performance.
  • With LISS workouts, you don’t push your body into a state of EPOC, which can continue to burn fat for 24 hours after you’ve finished a HIIT workout.
  • While LISS is good for your cardiovascular system, it doesn’t require power and can therefore lead to a deterioration in muscle. With less muscle on your frame, your resting metabolism is actually lower, making it harder for you to burn additional calories in the long run [9].
  • Due to the low-key nature of this form of training, it doesn’t actually help to improve your athletic performance. So, if you’re looking to improve your strength, power or speed, LISS isn’t the exercise for you.

HIIT vs LISS for fat loss – which one should you choose?

hiit vs liss people working out

There’s no doubt that both have their pros and cons when it comes to fat burning. Making a decision on HIIT vs LISS should be based on your own personal needs.

For example, if you don’t have the time to spend an hour plugging away on the treadmill then HIIT should be the fat loss workout for you.

Similarly, if you’re worried about the intensity of HIIT, then go for a steady state cardio workout instead.

It’s also worth thinking about the effects both have on your body. There’s a high risk of plateau and lowering metabolism with LISS, whereas HIIT can take longer to recover from. On the flip side, they both offer fat burning qualities that make them very useful to someone looking to drop a few pounds.

Key Point: Take your personal needs into account when choosing between HIIT vs LISS workouts 

Final word

These two weight loss workouts are almost polar opposites and, at the end of the day, you need to weigh up your personal needs against both styles of training.

Whichever one you choose, you can complement it with weight training to increase the amount of muscle you hold and therefore boost your metabolism.

Finally, if you do decide to opt for LISS, remember it can deteriorate your muscle stores, so think about adding a HIIT workout in there occasionally too.

Good luck, girl.


[1] Falcone PH, et al. Caloric expenditure of aerobic, resistance, or combined high-intensity interval training using a hydraulic resistance system in healthy men. (2015).

[2] Kong Z et al. Comparison of High-Intensity Interval Training and Moderate-to-Vigorous Continuous Training for Cardiometabolic Health and Exercise Enjoyment in Obese Young Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. 2016, July

[3] Herbert, P et al. “HIIT produces increases in muscle power and free testosterone in male masters athletes” Endocrine connections vol. 6,7 (2017): 430-436.

[4] LaForgia J, e. (2006). Effects of exercise intensity and duration on the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. – PubMed – NCBI.

[5] Tania C. Spada et al. High intensity resistance training causes muscle damage and increases biomarkers of acute kidney injury in healthy individuals. Plos One. November 6, 2018

[6] Walking: Your steps to health. Harvard Health Publishing, August 2009

[7] Tse, Andy C Y et al. Effect of Low-intensity Exercise on Physical and Cognitive Health in Older Adults: a Systematic Review Sports medicine – open vol. 1,1 (2015): 37.

[8] Kavanaugh, A. The Role of Progressive Overload in Sports Conditioning. NSCA’s Performance Training Journal, Vol. 6 No.1 page 15-17

[9] Uwe HW Schütz et al. Characteristics, changes and influence of body composition during a 4486 km transcontinental ultramarathon: results from the Transeurope Footrace mobile whole body MRI-project. BMC Medicine 2013 11:122
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20-Minute Kettlebell HIIT Workout for Fat Loss https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/20-min-kettlebell-hiit/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/20-min-kettlebell-hiit/#respond Sun, 10 Mar 2019 10:00:35 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=33128 It’s time to slim down and power up your fitness with this kettlebell HIIT workout.

Kettlebell training is an awesome way to develop athletic curves and a strong figure. Not only does it help to accentuate different areas of your body by providing a strong toning effect, it also burns a huge amount of fat.

Throw in some high-intensity interval training with those bells and you’ll turbocharge your gains and melt fat.

Now it’s your time to get serious with this fast-paced 20-minute kettlebell HIIT workout…

High Intensity Interval Training

Use high intensity interval training to boost fat loss, ramp up fitness and sculpt a leaner, more athletic body.

You’re here because you want to make changes to your body in the shortest time possible.

Luckily, you’re in the right place. We’re here to give you the lowdown on the most effective 20-minute kettlebell HITT workout on the planet.

It promises:

  • Firmer, more toned muscle
  • Next level fat burn
  • Athlete levels of endurance
  • Greater strength, skill and power
  • A time-efficient way of working out around your hectic lifestyle

What is HIIT and why should you care?

High-intensity interval training (known as HIIT) is a training method used by everyone from athletes to housewives to get lean, toned and fitter… fast.

Unlike traditional cardio that takes up hours and hours of your day, HIIT compacts your workout into multiple high-intensity bursts known as intervals.

By adding in recovery periods between intervals, you can work harder than ever, accelerating calorie burn and fat loss. The impact on your cardio system builds endurance, stamina and real fitness too.

There are lots of ways to perform HIIT training.

You can adapt both work interval and rest interval length to suit your current abilities.

When you’re not at your fittest, make the work durations 10-30 seconds long and make sure you get plenty of recovery between reps so you’re feeling sharp.

If your fitness is looking good, test yourself by either longer work reps or shorter duration rest periods. Even add in more reps if you can.

Why use kettlebell HIIT?

HIIT is a concept not a program. It’s fluid, dynamic and adaptable to your goal. If you want all-out fat loss you can perform your workout on a bike or a running track.

But if you want to build some sexy curves while shredding fat you need to think about throwing some resistance in there too… and that’s where kettlebells come in.

woman with abs stretching

Kettlebell HIIT workout

In just 20-minutes 3 times per week you’ll develop a completely new physique and mindset… and a whole lotta sass.

This 20-minute kettlebell HIIT workout is as simple as it gets. You just need a kettlebell and a little grit and determination.

Get ready to challenge yourself, girl. We want you to go as heavy as you can without sacrificing form. Women were meant to lift heavy, and now’s your time to grip, rip and teach those kettlebells what it’s all about.

The great thing about kettlebells is they’re portable.

You can do this kettlebell HIIT workout in the gym, your front room, in your garden and even on the beach in full bikini.

Here’s a breakdown of the workout:

  • 5 exercises
  • 30 seconds work
  • 30 seconds rest
  • 2 rounds

Here are your exercises:

Kettlebell swing

Woman kettlebell swing

  1. Grab your kettlebell by the horns with both hands and stand up. Make sure you’ve got a strong grip as that baby will be swinging at some speed.
  2. Start with your feet at shoulder-width apart and the kettlebell resting between your legs (there needs be enough space for it to travel between your legs without bashing your knees).
  3. With your knees slightly bent, stick your butt back and let the kettlebell move backwards slightly. Keep your back straight as you ‘hinge’ your hips.
  4. As powerfully as you can, snap your hips forward by pushing forward with your glutes. Your knees should still be slightly bent throughout.
  5. As you extend your hips, the kettlebell will naturally travel in front of your body, maybe to around eye level.
  6. When the kettlebell begins to fall, bend at the hip again and use the momentum to swing back and into the next rep.

Alternate kettlebell clean and press


  1. Take hold of a kettlebell with a firm grip with your left hand and start with it sat on your left thigh. You should be stood with your feet at shoulder-width apart.
  2. Start by swinging the weight up into a rack position. This is where the kettlebell rests on the outside of your forearm and your elbow points to the floor.
  3. Bend your knees slightly to gain some momentum and drive the kettlebell upward as you press it overhead. Don’t lock your elbow out but do make sure you extend it.
  4. Reverse the actions to return to the start position and change grip during the following movement to train your right side.

Goblet squat

Goblet squat kettlebell

  1. This one’s simple. Grip the kettlebell horns with two hands so that the bell of the weight is below the horns. This is called a goblet position.
  2. With the weight close to your chest, squat down making sure you push your knees out and avoid leaning forward excessively.
  3. Try to get your butt just below the height of your knees if you can.
  4. Drive upwards until your legs are fully extended.

Plank with kettlebell drag

  1. Get in a full plank position with your kettlebell resting just behind your right palm.
  2. With your left hand, drag the weight by the handle until it sits just below where your left palm was. Make sure you keep your body still as you move the weight.
  3. Place your left hand back on the ground and repeat with your right hand.
  4. Carry on alternating sides until the timer goes off.

Goblet rear lunge

  1. Get the kettlebell into a goblet position, again with the weight resting close to your chest.
  2. With your feet at shoulder-width apart, take one long step back with your right foot, bend your left knee and sink into a lunge.
  3. At the bottom of the movement, both knees should be bent at 90 degrees and your right knee shouldn’t be touching the ground.
  4. Keep your upper body still and don’t lean forward.
  5. Push through your left foot and return to the start position.
  6. Alternate sides.

Here’s how the 20-minute kettlebell HIIT program works…

Start with exercise one and push for as many good quality reps as you can for that first 30-second period.

The workout is classed as an AMRAP which stands for ‘as many reps as possible’. Think power and speed.

Once the timer goes off, rest for 30 seconds and move onto exercise number two.

Carry on like this until you finish exercise number 5. This completed round 1.

Once the 30-second timer goes off again, start back at exercise 1 and repeat the same exercises with even more power, speed and enthusiasm.

You need to do a total of four rounds to hit your 20-minutes.

That’s it.

20-minutes will be over before you know it.

[Related article: Best Fat Burners for Women]

The bottom line

This brutally-effective 20-minute kettlebell HITT workout has been designed by the pros to shake off the cobwebs and help you develop a fitter, leaner figure in a matter of weeks.

Build up the intensity gradually and when you’re ready just add in another round or two for maximum effect. It’ll take a little longer than 20 minutes, but at some point your new fitness levels will need an extra boost.

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HIIT Workout Plan for Weight Loss https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/hiit-workout-plan/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/hiit-workout-plan/#respond Fri, 22 Feb 2019 10:03:54 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=33067 If your fitness goal is to lose fat, you need to train smart with an intelligent HIIT workout plan for weight loss.

Luckily for you, we’ve got exactly that.

These HIIT workouts are quick, challenging and will help you torch through excess fat reserves. Give them your all and watch the results materialize for yourself.

We’ve got you covered with sprints, resistance methods and even a killer AMRAP session that all offer hardcore, fat-burning intensity in under 20 minutes.

Read on to find out more.

What is a HIIT workout?

woman doing a weighted lunge in a HIIT workout plan

A HIIT workout plan is based around intervals of high effort, followed by short periods of complete or active rest. This is then repeated several times.

HIIT workouts are usually a short, sharp and intense version of cardio. The brevity of this type of training, along with its excellent fat burning properties make it a very popular choice for those looking to lose weight.

For example, you could sprint on an incline for around 30 seconds, then rest for a minute. This type of HIIT workout is usually repeated between 8-10 times and lasts for around 15-20 minutes. It’s easy to add this type of training to your existing workouts to up the intensity on your weight loss plans.

Not only is HIIT a quick and convenient way to add cardio to your sessions, it’s also one of the most effective methods of training for fat loss and muscle maintenance.

Studies show that this type of training can burn between 25-30% more calories than other lower intensity workouts [1].

The highly intense nature of the exercise forces your body into an anaerobic state, which then triggers the release of a hormone that increases fat oxidization [2]. This allows your body to release fat stores more readily, so you use it as energy.

The more you use it as energy, the less fat you’ll have on your frame.

Because you’re working so hard during the high intensity periods, you’re utilizing muscle to maintain a powerful performance. Just as in resistance training, by putting your muscles in the firing line, you’re telling your body to adapt and maintain the strength you already have.

One study found HIIT workouts not only help to burn fat, but also increase power output too [3].

Related article: HIIT Workouts for Women

Why do you need a HIIT workout plan?

woman standing next to kettlebell ahead of a HIIT workout plan

Having a HIIT workout plan is a good way to ensure you stay on track with your weight loss goals. Going into the gym without a plan often leads to a lackluster workout and procrastination.

If you want results the best way to achieve them is to have a plan of action. It can help you hit the gym the optimal amount of times, improve adherence to your training goals and ensure every session is worthwhile.

By using tried and testing methods you can also optimize your results. A well informed HIIT workout plan can challenge your body in a way that burns fat, improves body composition and creates a strong, powerful physique.

We’ve created a HIIT workout plan for weight loss that will help your body target unwanted fat cells. Our plan is based around three different workouts, as science shows four 20-minute sessions a week can dramatically increase oxygen consumption and reduce body fat [4].

Check out our HIIT workout plan below.


HIIT workout plan for weight loss

woman stood infront of a barbell about to deadlift

Follow these four HIIT workouts every week for a month. For the best results you should be consistent and always challenge your body by running faster, lifting heavier and continually pushing yourself. This is the key to success with HIIT workouts.

Perform these four sessions throughout the week alongside resistance training and a calorie restricted diet for the best fat loss results. Remember to include at least two rest days in your weekly plan to give your body time to recover from the workouts.

Related article: Fat Torching, Muscle Growing HIIT Leg Workouts

Day 1 – HIIT sprints:

We’ll keep it simple to start with and kick off your week with a sprint HIIT session. It may look straightforward but trust us, this is a lung-bursting, fat-burning workout that will push your body to the max.

3-minute steady incline walk to warm up

10 rounds of:

  • 30-second incline sprint
  • 90-seconds incline slow walk

3-minute steady incline walk to cool down

Related article: Quick HIIT Treadmill Workouts to Help You Shed Fat

Day 2 – High Intensity Resistance Training

For your second HIIT workout, we’re going to introduce some resistance. This goes back to maintaining and building muscle, which is essential to keeping your metabolism high, and your body burning through fat hours after you’ve finished training.

Complete 8 rounds of:

  • 10 Kettlebell swings
  • 10 Deadlifts
  • 16 Reverse lunges
  • 10 Medicine ball slams
  • 30-seconds rest

Day 3 – AMRAP HIIT Workout

Woman about to do a jumping squat ina HIIT workout plan

This is one of the best ways to push your body to the max. Here the challenge is to fit as many rounds as possible (that’s where the name AMRAP comes from) into a certain time period. This keeps you working hard and fast for the allocated period, so you can quickly reach that anaerobic state and start burning fat for fuel.

Here, we’ve alternated between two bodyweight AMRAP workouts that will test you in a full body session. You repeat each one twice, with a minute rest between each AMRAP. Good luck…

1. AMRAP 3 minutes:

  • 10 Jumping squats
  • 10 Jumping lunges
  • 10 Burpees

Rest for one minute once AMRAP 3 is complete

2. AMRAP 3 minutes:

  • 10 Press ups
  • 10 Sit ups
  • 10 Burpees

Rest for one minute once AMRAP 3 is complete

3. AMRAP 3 minutes:

  • 10 Jumping squats
  • 10 Jumping lunges
  • 10 Burpees

Rest for one minute once AMRAP 3 is complete

4. AMRAP 3 minutes:

  • 10 Press ups
  • 10 Sit ups
  • 10 Burpees

Rest for one minute once AMRAP 3 is complete

Day 4 – High Intensity Resistance Training

To finish, we’ve got another resistance session. Once more, you’ll find it pushes your body to the maximum, without taking hours in the gym.

6 rounds of:

  • 100-meter sprint on rower
  • 10 Kettlebell swings
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Sit ups
  • 1-minute rest

The final rep

Add these to your normal gym routine and you’ll up the heat on your fat burning efforts. Not only are they time efficient, they’re proven to work too.

Just remember to keep pushing yourself to the max and these HIIT workouts for weight loss will help you transform both your fitness and your physique.

Try them out for yourself today.


  1. Falcone PH, e. (2015). Caloric expenditure of aerobic, resistance, or combined high-intensity interval training using a hydraulic resistance system in healthy men. – PubMed – NCBI.
  2. Boutcher, Stephen H. “High-intensity intermittent exercise and fat loss” Journal of obesity 2011 (2010): 868305.
  3. Herbert, P et al. “HIIT produces increases in muscle power and free testosterone in male masters athletes” Endocrine connections vol. 6,7 (2017): 430-436.
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27368057
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Quick HIIT Treadmill Workouts to Help You Shed Fat https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/hiit-treadmill-workouts/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/hiit-treadmill-workouts/#respond Thu, 14 Feb 2019 12:33:43 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=32922 Shorten your workouts and torch fat when you check out our 20-minute HIIT Treadmill Workouts.

If you’re spending hours on the treadmill trying to drop the pounds, but you feel like you’re getting nowhere it’s time to mix it up.

Sure enough, if you put in the time and work, you’ll burn calories. And, when paired with a calorie restricted diet, you will lose weight. It’s science.

But let’s be honest, trudging away on the running machine all day long isn’t exactly the most fun thing you’ve ever done. Although you might be able tick off another three episodes of your favorite series, you’ve got places to be and things to do – long treadmill sessions are just too time consuming.

Luckily, we’ve got a time-saving, fat-burning hack that will turn up the heat on your weight loss plans.

Check out HIIT treadmill workouts to reap next-level fat loss results, in just a 20-minute session.

What is HIIT?

woman running on treadmill

HIIT, or ‘high intensity interval training’ is a form of training based around short periods of intense exercise, followed by a brief rest time before repeating the process.

On a treadmill, your HIIT workouts will most likely take the form of interval sprints. This means maxing out at top speed for any time between 20-60 seconds. You’ll then slow to a walk or stop completely to recover for 30-90 seconds. This is usually repeated around 10 times and takes about 20 minutes to complete.

This type of training allows you to exert maximum effort, which creates a powerful fat burning reaction within your body.

By pushing yourself as hard as you can, your body moves into an anaerobic zone for a short period of time. When your body is working this hard, it releases certain hormones that triggers higher fat oxidization levels [1].

This basically means your body can recruit fat as fuel more easily, which results in targeting the cells you really want to get rid of.

On top of that you’ll also continue to burn fat for around 24 hours after you finish the workout. This is called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC [2]. Achieving this state keeps your body burning extra calories, way after you’re done working out.

Research has also shown that exercising in this way three times a week for 12 weeks resulted in a weight loss of 1.5kg and a total fat loss of 2kg [3], which shows HIIT can help to support muscle development, whilst cutting down on fat.

To round it all up, HIIT is one of the most effective ways to turn the heat up on your fat loss. It targets fat specifically, keeps you burning calories for hours after you finish your session and even helps to maintain muscle, which is key to creating a higher metabolism.

Related article: The Benefit of HIIT Workouts for Women

HIIT Treadmill Workouts

woman running on a treadmill as part of a HIIT workout

Bust boredom, burn fat and take your fitness to new level with our selection of HIIT treadmill workouts.

#1 Time saving HIIT workout

If your biggest problem with cardio is the amount if time it takes, then you’re not alone. More often than not social plans take precedent over long session on the treadmill, we’re only human after all. Luckily, this time-saving HIIT treadmill workout is the perfect way to get your fat burn on, without taking up hours of your time. Check it out.

The workout:

3-minute walk at around 2.5-3.5 mph

Eight rounds of:

  1. 30 seconds sprint
  2. 30 seconds complete rest

3-minute warm down walk at around 2.5-3.5 mph

There you have it, a complete fat burning HIIT treadmill workout that you can complete in under 15 minutes. Not only does it get results, it’s a breeze to fit into your daily schedule or add to the end of your weight training workout.

#2 Boredom-busting HIIT workout

If you’re finding it hard to work up the motivation to smash your cardio, you need to mix it up a little bit. HIIT is a great way to combat gym boredom. The constantly changing pace combined with the shorter duration makes this an excellent choice if you’re looking to spice up your routine. This treadmill-based workout uses a pyramid style approach to speed and incline that will keep you on your toes and push your body to the max for optimal fat burn.

The workout

Warm up: 3-minute incline walk at around 2.5-3.5 mph

Two rounds of:

  1. 30 seconds sprint at a challenging speed
  2. 60 seconds incline walk

Two rounds of:

  1. 30 seconds incline sprint at same speed
  2. 60 seconds incline walk

Two rounds of:

  1. 30 seconds sprint at 1mph higher than previous speed
  2. 60 seconds incline walk

Two rounds of:

  1. 30 seconds incline sprint at new speed
  2. 60 seconds incline walk

Two rounds of:

  1. 30 seconds sprint at original speed
  2. 60 seconds incline walk

This one will challenge your body in a different way with every round, whilst pushing you to achieve more. The final two rounds take into account the fatigue you’ll feel toward the end of the session, but still keep the heat on to really get the most out of your body.

Related article: Fat Torching, Muscle Growing HIIT Leg Workouts

#3 Hill training HIIT workout

Nothing turns up the intensity quite like sprinting up a hill. Not only will this make your sprints more challenging, you’ll be working your muscles harder to push yourself up the hill. By utilizing these muscles, you’re telling your body you need them working hard for you, so you maintain and even grow strength.

The workout:

3-minute slight incline walk at around 3-4 mph

Eight rounds of:

  1. 30 second sprint at medium-high incline
  2. 1 minute 30 seconds walk at medium-high incline

3-minute slight incline walk at around 3-4 mph

#4 Increasing intensity HIIT workout

Progress is all about constantly pushing yourself. In weightlifting we call it progressive overload and with HIIT training you should use the same approach. Your body will adapt to this type of training pretty quickly, so you need to keep challenging it to continue improving your fitness levels and help burn away the fat.

Part of the challenge is getting past the mental barriers of how hard you can push yourself. This HIIT treadmill workout gradually increases as you go, so you can keep challenging your body and test the boundaries.

The workout

3-minute warm up walk

Three rounds of:

  1. 30 seconds sprint at challenging speed
  2. 90 seconds moderate walk

Now up your spring speed by 1 mph and complete three rounds of:

  1. 30 seconds sprint
  2. 90 seconds moderate walk

Up your speed by another half a mph and complete two rounds of:

  1. 30 seconds sprint
  2. 90 seconds moderate walk

3-minute warm down walk

By increasing the intensity throughout the workout, you’re pushing your body to achieve maximal power output, which is exactly where you want to be to burn fat and improve your athletic performance.

The final rep

woman tired in the gym after a HIIT cardio workout

Include any one of these HIIT treadmill workouts in your fitness program and you can focus in on burning fat and cut your time in the gym right down.

By working these into your regular routine, you’ll be training more efficiently, and you’ll put yourself on the fast track to results.

Swap out a long slog on the treadmill and for something shorter, sharper and smarter when you try these HIIT treadmill workouts.


  1. Boutcher, Stephen H. “High-intensity intermittent exercise and fat loss” Journal of obesity 2011 (2010): 868305.
  2. LaForgia J, e. (2006). Effects of exercise intensity and duration on the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. – PubMed – NCBI.
  3. Heydari, Mehrdad & Freund, Judith & Boutcher, Steve. (2012). The Effect of High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise on Body Composition of Overweight Young Males. Journal of obesity. 2012. 480467
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HIIT Cardio Home Workout to Keep You Trim This Christmas https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/hiit-cardio-home-workout/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/hiit-cardio-home-workout/#respond Wed, 12 Dec 2018 15:15:05 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=32491 We’ve all been there girl.  You need to fit in a fat burning session, but it’s Christmas and you just don’t have time to hit the gym. Fear not fitness fiend, we’ve got a HIIT cardio home workout that will help you melt fat at home this festive season.

You’ve just single-handedly devoured a full box of cookies and you’re in need of a fat melting workout, but you’re not going to make it to the gym. You’re stuck for time, you need to visit the grocery store and you’re still missing half your presents for those awkward distant aunts. Either that or your iron home-from-home has closed their doors for the festive season. Where you gonna sleigh a workout?!

Say hello to HIIT cardio for your Christmas workout.

Baby it’s cold outside. Don’t spend hours pounding the pavement in the snow, trying to stay in shape over the holidays. First, ew. Running is hard. Second, we’ve got a much smarter way to tackle it girl.

HIIT cardio training is proven to target fat and help you lose weight in a more efficient way. Plus, it’s quick and you don’t need loads of equipment to really feel that festive muscle burn. It’s the perfect Christmas home workout to keep you trim this year.

Deck the halls, cos you ain’t stepping foot outside for this workout. To help you drop the pounds without leaving the comfort of your own tinsel-covered home, we’ve designed the perfect no-equipment HIIT cardio workout.

Need a seasonal outfit for your Christmas workout? Of course you do. Check out our favorite festive fitness outfits here.

What is HIIT cardio?

woman tired in the gym after a HIIT cardio workout

HIIT, or high intensity interval training, is a form of cardio workout that’s based around short bursts of explosive activity, followed by a short rest period. This pattern is then repeated several times.

For example, a simple sprint HIIT cardio workout might consist of 30 seconds sprinting, followed by one minute of walking at a steady rate. This will be repeated 8-10 times for a hard core, lung-bursting workout.

The magic of a HIIT workout is that it only needs to last between 15-20 minutes to have some seriously effective fat targeting results. This makes them just about the most efficient workout you can do when you’re rushed off your feet this Christmas season.

By working as hard as you can for a short period of time, you’re maximizing your energy output, which actually helps you burn 25-30% more calories per minute than endurance sports [1].

So, find a quiet spot away from the festive madness and take just 20 minutes away from wrapping presents or shopping to fit in a super effective workout.

Learn everything there is to know about HIIT with our complete article on the benefits, complete with more workouts.

How does HIIT help you lose weight?

One of the main benefits of HIIT cardio is that it targets right in on the fat in your body, leaving your hard-earned muscle so you can improve your body composition, without sacrificing your gains [2].

Because of the power needed for a HIIT workout, this form of cardio actually helps to maintain the muscle you already have. Because you’re hitting them hard and fast, it stimulates fast twitch fibers which boosts power and tells your body to keep hold of that precious muscle. We all know the more muscle you have on your frame, the more calories you burn. Bonus.

On top of that, you’re pushing your body to the max and using up the energy reserves you have stored away within it. This boosts your metabolism for up to 24 hours after you finish your workout ends, so you’ll continue to burn calories into the next day.

Full body HIIT cardio home workout

Woman peforming a burpee as part of a HIIT cardio workout

You don’t need a gym to benefit from the amazing results of a HIIT workout. With this no-equipment workout, you’ll raise your heartrate, push your body to the max and burn fat all in less than 20 minutes.

Keep moving quickly, maintain a good form and get ready to sweat girl. It may not seem like a lot compared to your usual lifting routine, but this workout will get your whole body pushing to the max and burning fat.

Remember the key to burning fat with HIIT is to keep the intensity high when you’re working, so no taking it easy girl. We’re working off those mince pies here, so you’re gonna need to give it your all.

Perform four sets of each movement before moving on to the next:

  • Jumping Squats: 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest
  • Burpees: 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest
  • Sit ups: 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest
  • Jumping lunges: 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest

Looking for a hardcore leg only variation? Check out this article, girl.

The final rep

Christmas might be a difficult time to hit the gym, you’ve got 101 things to do and about 50 family members to entertain. But that doesn’t mean you can’t fit in a hardcore workout and maintain your gains too.

You might be going stir crazy, you could be worried about maintaining your physique, or you might just need a sweet sweet endorphin hit after spending so much time with family. We’ve all been there.

With this fast AF workout in your back pocket, you’ll have everything you need to stay trim and keep your gains intact this festive season, whilst still eating a full turkey leg to yourself on the big day. Hey, it’s lean meat and a fit chick needs her protein. Even at Christmas.

https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/hiit-cardio-home-workout/feed/ 0
Fat Torching, Muscle Growing HIIT Leg Workouts https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/hiit-leg-workouts/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/hiit-leg-workouts/#respond Sat, 15 Sep 2018 11:54:55 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=29335 Girls have we got a treat for you. Fat-burning, muscle building, booty growing HIIT leg workouts are coming your way.

It may sound too good to be true, but we wouldn’t do that to you – this is the real deal.

With a carefully planned HIIT workout, you can reap some serious, muscle growing rewards.

To help you get there and create a trim, toned physique, we’ve created the ultimate guide to HIIT leg workouts for women. We’ll talk through the benefits of this training method and provide you with some super effective workouts.

Article preview:

  • What is HIIT
  • The benefits of HIIT
  • HIIT leg workouts

What is HIIT?

High-intensity interval training, or HIIT workouts are one of the most effective fat-burning workouts you can do. They’re comprised of, sharp bursts of exercise, followed by a small recovery period. This process is then repeated several times.

During a HIIT workout, you’re pushing your body to it’s maximum, before allowing it to recover and start all over again. An effective, lung-bursting workout can be completed in less than 20 minutes –perfect if you’re not one of those girls who spend hours running on the treadmill. Yeah, us neither.


The benefits of HIIT

This type of anaerobic interval training forces your body to maximize its output and uses up the reserves of energy you have stored away. Because of this, your metabolism is raised for up to 24 hours after you finish your workout, which means it’s torching more cals, for longer.

Due to the highly intense nature of the workout, your body turns to fat rather than carbs for fuel[1]. That’s right girls, it’s literally burning through fat for energy.

It can also help your body to go through between 25 and 30 percent[2] more calories than other aerobic activities like running or cycling.

What’s more, HIIT can even encourage your muscle gains. It stimulates your fast twitch muscle fibers, which can increase your muscle power. Plus, HIIT has also been shown to Improve testosterone levels[3], helping to to support muscle volume in men and women.


Fat Torching, Muscle Growing HIIT Leg Workouts 2

HIIT legs workouts

You might see some cardio fiends doing HIIT as interval sprints on the treadmill, which is a great way to tackle the training style. However, you can adapt the workout to suit your fitness needs – in this case, we’re talking about strengthening your legs.

To really hone in on those leg muscle groups, we’ve added leg specific movements, designed to help you feel the burn, grow muscle, and reduce fat.

We recommend performing one of these workouts at the end of your gym session as a finisher. Before you start, you might also want to download a fitness timer app. With these handy devices you can set up your own workout pattern to follow, so you know you’re working out for the right amount of time.

[infobox]Tip: Before we get started, we just want to remind you girls to keep your form tight and strong. We know you’ve got this down, but just because you want to smash out as many reps as possible, doesn’t mean you can let that form go. The last thing you need is an injury.[/infobox]


Legs Tabata

The Tabata workout method is a very effective HIIT workout and we’ve added in a few leg-centric exercises to really help you target the lower body. The Tabata format means you work flat out, as hard as you can for 20 seconds, then rest for 40. Repeat that five times consecutively on each exercise, before moving on to the next. Ouchy.

  • Jumping squats – To add extra power into your usual squat, we want you to push harder on the way up, forcing yourself into a small jump at the top. This one works the leg muscles and adds an extra element of cardio.
  • Jumping lunges – feeeeeel that booty burn girl. With the same concept as the jumping squat, you’ll be adding more power and explosive speed to your workout by leaving the ground. Alternate legs with each jump and you’ll soon feel your butt working.
  • Kettlebell swings – This movement will really get the heart rate raised. The driving force for your swing should also come from a powerful thrust in your glutes. It’ll get the muscles firing and leave you gasping for breath.
  • High knees – To up the cardio element and really hone in on those fat burning qualities, we’ve added in some high knees. Put your hands out in front of you and jog on the spot, touching your knee to your hands with every step. Don’t let your hands drop, this is designed to get you breathing hard.


Woman performing at the top of a kettlebell swing during a HIIT leg workout


Every minute on the minute. Simply set your timer and every time you hit a full minute, perform the reps in this workout. Sounds easy right? Well get ready for a surprise girl, this is a real burner. Repeat one of these workouts over the course of 12 minutes.

  • 8 squats
  • 10 jumping lunges


  • 8 pulse squats
  • 8 box jumps


These are very quick workouts, but don’t worry, you’ll feel it. As your body becomes fatigued you’ll start to struggle more and more with the movements. It’s an effective one because the faster you work the more rest time you have, however, that means more lactic acid will flood your muscles. You’ll thank us when it’s over.


30 seconds on, 1 minute off

This simple format gives you a little more rest, which isn’t a bad thing. There’s no shame in taking a moment, in fact, it’ll help you work harder in your next high-intensity period. By resting a little longer, it gives your body a chance to recover so you can max out again for the next set. You’ll just have to make sure you give that 30 seconds of work your absolute all girls.

The best way to do this is to pick one exercise and go all guns blazing for that 30 seconds. Here are a few ways you could break this kind of workout down.

  • 6 mins of 30 second squats, 1 minute rest.
  • 6 mins of 30 second jumping lunges, 1 minute rest.
  • 6 mins of 30 seconds kettlebell swing, 1 minute rest

Add these together for knee-shake-inducing, 18 minute killer workout.

Or, if you’re a real glutton for punishment, head to the stair master and go hard for 30 seconds, before resting or stepping at a slower rate for a minute. It might sound simple but this is a super effective way to get your glutes working and your heart working.


With these workouts in your HIIT routine, not only will you be targeting your leg muscles for a fiyah workout, you’ll also be burning fat. Make sure when you’re tearing through those work periods to get your metabolism firing on all cylinders for the very best results.

What are you waiting for girl? HIIT it up! Try these out and see the results for yourself.


Want more killer workouts from your favorite girls at SMG? Try these on for size:


[1] Wingfield HL, e. (2015). The acute effect of exercise modality and nutrition manipulations on post-exercise resting energy expenditure and respiratory exchange ratio in wom… – PubMed – NCBI. [online] [2] Falcone PH, e. (2015). Caloric expenditure of aerobic, resistance, or combined high-intensity interval training using a hydraulic resistance system in healthy men. – PubMed – NCBI. [online] [3] Herbert P, e. (2017). HIIT produces increases in muscle power and free testosterone in male masters athletes – PubMed – NCBI. [online] ]]>
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The Benefit of HIIT Workouts for Women https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/hiit-workouts-for-women/ https://heyspotmegirl.com/training/hiit/hiit-workouts-for-women/#respond Tue, 04 Sep 2018 14:54:03 +0000 https://heyspotmegirl.com/?p=29139 If you spend any time near a gym you will have heard of HIIT workouts. People rave about it, from your weekend warriors to your shredded sisters, everyone’s given it a go and the results speak for themselves.

But what is it? And why are HIIT workouts for women so popular? Well look no further ladies, we’ve got all the answers right here.

A short sharp workout that burns fat for a day after you finish exercising – sounds like the stuff of dreams. Luckily you’re wide awake and HIIT workouts for women really are as effective as the rumors.

To help you find out whether it’ll work for you and your training, we delve into all the benefits of HIIT and why it works. After all that, if you really want to get to grips with this style of training, we’ve even created a couple of HIIT workouts for women.

Read on to discover everything you need to know about HIIT workouts and how they can transform your physique.

Article Preview:

  • What is HIIT?
  • The benefits of HIIT workouts for women
  • HIIT workouts for women


Woman sprinting on a running course

What is HIIT?

An acronym for high-intensity interval training, HIIT (pronounced hit) is essentially bursts of highly intense exercise, followed by a short break.

For example, sprint for 30 seconds, then rest for a minute. These types of workouts push your body very hard for a short period of time, then allows you to recover for a while, before doing it all over again.

By doing this, you can maximize your output for a short period of time, rather than plugging away at the treadmill for hours at a time. If you’re short on time or you just don’t have the willpower to slog away at one thing, this could be perfect for you.


The benefits of HIIT workouts for women

From fat burning qualities to convenience for the time poor, there are plenty of benefits from HIIT. With this type of training in your regular routine, you can transform your physique, improve your overall health and even cut down on your time at the gym.

Still not convinced on HIIT benefits? Read on for more…

They’re short

You’re already spending hours in the weights room working on that toned physique, so you don’t want your cardio to take up too much time. Luckily for you, HIIT workouts for women are the perfect alternative. It takes between 10 and 20 minutes to get in an extremely effective lung-bursting, fat-burning workout. Who really wants to spend hours plugging away at the running machine when you can work hard for a fraction of the time and achieve incredible results. Not us.

You don’t need any equipment

If you really don’t have time to head to the gym for a weights session, but don’t want to miss out your cardio, you can do your HIIT training session at home. Whether you’re doing 30-second sprints or a Tabata squat session, you don’t need any kit to turn out an extremely powerful workout.

They burn more calories

Despite their brevity, a HIIT workout can burn 25 to 30 percent more calories than running on a treadmill, cycling or resistance training. You’re working at a higher intensity and pushing your body to the max, which means you’re burning more calories to get it done.

The Benefit of HIIT Workouts for Women 4

HIIT burns fat

Studies have shown that you can burn more fat by using a HIIT workout, despite it taking less time. Research published in the Sports Medicine Open shows that, rather than burning carbs for energy it turns to fat, making it the perfect addition to your shredding season routine.

Your metabolism will be raised

HIIT workouts seriously torches calories – more than you might think for such a short workout. A 20 minute, highly intense interval session not only burns fat while you’re working out, it can keep your metabolism raised for up to 24 hours later. That means your body will burn more calories than normal for a day after you complete the workout.

It doesn’t waste away your muscle

You’ve heard all the warnings. Extended periods of anaerobic exercises can make your body cannibalise your own muscle gains instead of burning through fat like you want – potentially putting your shredded physique at risk. But not HIIT. Rather than decreasing muscle mass like long sessions of cardio may do, it actually helps you maintain mass by stimulating your fast twitch muscle fibers. These guys help us with our short and strong bursts of energy. Studies have also shown that by adding HIIT to your workout routine, it’ll also help you build up your endurance.

Improves overall health

HIIT can be super beneficial to your overall health, including your cardiovascular strength. Your heart is a muscle, just like everything else you work in the gym and you shouldn’t neglect it. HIIT training is the perfect way to put it to the test.

To put it simply, it’s harder for your heart to change heartrate than it is to maintain a steady beat – even if that’s a raised rate. By working your hardest, then resting, then working again, you’re asking your heart to constantly raise and lower its BPM. By doing this you’re giving your heart it’s own little workout, improving it’s muscular function and making it more effective in general.

It increases oxygen consumption

A recent study found that by including just 20 minutes of HIIT training into your normal activity levels four times a week, you can improve your oxygen consumption by up to nine per cent over a five week period. That’s the equivalent of cycling for 40 minutes four times a week according to the study.

This means you’re improving your bodies ability to process oxygen. So when you decide to give CrossFit a try, sign up for a 5k run in a moment of madness, or even have to chase down a bus, your body will be better prepared to go.


HIIT workouts for women

Whether you’re looking for a short, but not so sweet sprint session or want a fat-burning finisher for your legs day, we’ve got you covered with these HIIT workouts for women.


Women running up stairs

Sprint HIIT workout for women

This is an easy one to perform on the treadmill or even out on the street. Up the ante a little and perform your sprints on an incline to really get your body working to the max. A hill or even a set of stairs is a great way to turn up the heat. Set a timer on your watch or your phone to make sure you’re working for long enough and have an appropriate rest.

Perform the following 10 times through:

  • 30 second sprint
  • 1 minute 30 second slow walking

HIIT legs workout for women

Work your muscles and cut through fat in this all-encompassing HIIT legs workout. This is the perfect way to finish off a legs day, and will help to support the muscles you’ve been working on the weights room. We’re focussing in on building your booty, upping your heartrate and burning away that fat all in under 20 minutes.

Download an interval training app to your phone and set up the timer to follow a 20 second/40 second pattern for five rounds. Include a couple of minutes rest when you’ve completed all the sets on one exercise.

Perform one movement for five sets, before moving on to the next exercise:

  • Squats: 20 seconds of squats, 40 seconds rest
  • Jumping lunges: 20 seconds of alternating leg jumping lunges, 40 seconds of rest
  • Burpees: 20 seconds of burpees, 40 seconds rest


Woman performing a press-up

At home HIIT workouts for women

Despite it’s incredible results, you don’t need a gym setting to complete an effective HIIT workout. Whether you’re running out of time after a busy day at work, or want to lose weight but you’re not ready to face the gym yet, this could be the answer to all your problems. A HIIT workout can very comfortably be performed in your own home.

To help you squeeze in 25 minutes of fat-burning brilliance in your home, we’ve got a full body workout that is sure to reap rewards. No equipment needed.

Perform five sets of each exercise, rest for a minute before moving on to the next movement:

  • Sit-ups: 20 seconds work, 40 seconds rest
  • Squats: 20 seconds work, 40 seconds rest
  • Press-ups: 20 seconds work, 40 seconds rest
  • Walking lunges: 20 seconds work, 40 seconds rest


A HIIT workout for women can be a game-changer when it comes to helping you create that trim, toned figure you’ve been dreaming of. Say goodbye to spending hours on the treadmill and hello to some serious results.

Give your shred a helping hand with an all-natural fat burning supplement. It’ll alongside with your HIIT workouts to improve your metabolic rate, reduce pesky hunger cravings and increase your energy levels to help melt away fat.


Discover more workouts for women and myth-busters with these other helpful articles from SpotMeGirl.com:

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